Red and black is a fun combo Blue is mean and I personally hate playing it, because blue is about stopping other players from being able to do anything Red and black is a combo that generally is about doing as much damage as possible
"best" is subjective, I might love blue but it definitely tends to a slower playstyle that doesn't normally mesh well with red. Competitive blue, yeah, tends to be "you can't play that" and control isn't really fun imo-- on either side of the equation, playing it is pretty boring and playing against it is frustrating--, but then I don't think competitive magic is fun either :P If you still wanna play red-black in a few months, the spring set is probably going to have a black-red focus if it holds to the other Ravnica sets' patterns. (Or, if you want to chase down older cards, you can look for Rakdos guild stuff from the last set that had them :P)
Yeah, each color has a different playstyle. Blue=draw, scry, deny other players, black=kill utility and usefulness for cards that are in the graveyard, red=aggressive small creatures and enchantment kill, green=large creatures and extra mana, white=exile, smaller creatures, banding together, tokens. That's in the absolute broadest of terms.
My husband does a mean blue/white deck and delights in blocking my plans and foiling things and making creatures useless with pacify I like red/black because I enjoy the lower-cost aggression of red and some of the graveyard stuff from black, and don't have the patience for a green deck which always seems so slow to me
Weirdly, for someone who hates blue, I play an awful lot of blue red I have three blue red decks and I'm gonna have four soon
My primary is blue-white-black artifacts, and then I have blue-black mill and red-green dinos because dinosaurs, man even if red isn't usually my speed
I've got the new saheeli commander, and it turns out blue red artifacts is something I ADORE it's so fun
BIG MOOD my artifact deck technically started out waaaaay back as one of the prebuilt Archenemy decks when Alara was still fresh and new
I'm loving the way saheeli allows you to put out huge stuff almost immediately I have so many artifacts left over from kaladesh that I can finally put in something
So, uh. I don't have the faintest idea about this except what I've seen on tumblr but what I've seen makes me really wanna get into it? Could someone explain what the game itself is (I don't understand this card game - is it like top trumps or the pokemon card game or??) and also maybe point me where I can start on reading the lore (because gay kings and possibly feathered dino-dragons look right up my alley but it seems like there's a lot of other stuff I have no idea where to background with) Thankyou for being patient with my noob ass :)
It's a collectible card game kind of like Pokemon-- the basic concept is that the players are wizards in a duel or free for all, casting spells and summoning monsters to fight for them! (And, like Pokemon, it's old so there are........ So Many cards.........) If you don't know anyone irl who plays and would be willing to get you started with the physical game, department stores with a game/toy section usually have a few beginner products, and obvs most comic/game stores will know what you're talking about. (Or you can buy stuff online :P) There's also a purely digital version, but I have no idea how it works... The story itself is....... kinda fragmented the farther back you go, but here's all the stuff they have online. WotC is better at continuity now than when they started, but the trade-off is it's hard to know where to start reading... Each expansion set that gets released has a few stories to go along with it, and the last few have all built on each other. If Six Years Of Stories is a little intimidating, I'd say start in the Battle For Zendikar section and work forwards-- some backstory aside, that kicked off most of our current story threads.
Very strongly tempted to find a place that does Magic, demand a red sampler deck and go FIGHT ME at people until I have new friends
I am the proud owner of a Red/Blue deck built around Ral, Caller of Storms, which I got at Murphy's Vault CCGs The shop owner was nice and played against me with an example Black deck. Also, I raided the Free Commons bin for additional Blue spells. Have not managed to make conversation with anyone.
The following Friday I went back to the shop determined to play some card games and make some conversation. I even took part in an official Standard game thingy and got a DCI number! I lost very badly, only partly because of poor deck construction. People were very nice and friendly and I feel socially re-energized.
I am planning on looking up where my local game store is and going in to hopefully play against someone! Wish me luck!
Third Friday of making friends and losing card games! I met a new friend who's from Lithuania, enjoys Magic art and especially merfolk, and is currently running an Izzet deck (Red/Blue), just like mine, but with better cards. I lost 0-2 and later he suggested we swap decks and lost one more time. I am not good at this game!
Oh hey what's up Someone is puzzled that people love Ravnica when it's a DYSTOPIA, you guys, it's a BAD place to live