@Kaylotta So I'm basing this off memory, but if I remember correctly from our splurge on the IRC you are an IB person like I am, and that already creates a HUGE bond for me. Seriously, that programme was insane (didn't help that I also did way too many extra-curricular activities) and anybody that survived that gets a little bit of extra punch. If you're not, I DO remember that you love art as much as I do, and that I promised to drag you to a museum if you were ever near me (and you did not seem to be horrified by the prospect). So impression: intellectual, engaged, analytical, really nice and friendly, would absolutely love to have tea with you.
@Fish butt oh, were you an ib kid too? that program was crazy, and it didn't help that my year was the guinea pigs at our school.
@budgie oh god, that sucks being guinea pigs! That happened to me in Colombia and in Venezuela - both schools were transitioning to IB and it was a complete chaos. And yes I was! :D My last school had already implemented the programme for years, so that went a lot smoother than in those other two countries.
@Kaylotta your vibe: you're one of those people i get the impression is older than they actually are. like, i think i read that you were, like, 22 and was shocked 'cause i thought you were in your thirties, at least. and you're pegged for me as the Music and Welcome to Kintsugi person. also, fellow canadian, yay!
Bumping this again, for a slightly different purpose. I don't really expect to get many answers, cause this'll be my 119th post and it'd be difficult for anyone to get a solid read on me from posting so little in so long a span of time, but it feels kind of important right now? Sorry. Uh, anyways, I was wondering if anyone reads me as a particular gender, and if so, which?
No idea! You ping me with negative amounts of gender. Soooo in my head it is "other/nonbinary till proven otherwise" I don't categorize anyone until they really say what they are.
i said i was gonna do it so here it is! everyone who's posted in here so far gets a vibe. @tinyhydra - hmm ... you ping me as feminine, personally - in the gentle sort of way: you seem caring and kind. Serene, maybe. You seem quiet, but friendly, and I always like reading what you have to contribute. @TwoBrokenMirrors - my impression of you is that you are eternally curious and enthusiastic about life in a very in-your-face way. You have a lot of energy and you want to use it to engage with other people. You seem outgoing and friendly. @Fish butt - augh i love you you're so great. we seem to have similar taste in art, but with little variations that are just SO INTERESTING. the random bits of art you post in the Kintsugi-twitter are always spot on and make me think, and like i've said before I love your personal style too. you seem very down-to-earth, but always up for a good time. very outgoing and ready to talk to anyone. very friendly. @Elaienar - i don't have a very solid impression of you, hm. you seem kind and friendly. you also seem mature and level-headed. @Lissiel - you are the Do Not Mess With Me mama. you're very sensible. you have no time for drama. you're protective and you will smack people over the head if they're being stupid. also I love your wit! @Void - CUDDLE MONSTER AHOY-- ahem. you strike me as being very friendly and open to chat with anyone. you seem pretty logical and rational, but you also like spontaneity. @Bel Capricorn - i want to wrap you up in a blanket and get you cookies. *hugs* my impression of you is of someone who wants to give so much to the world but is feeling way too tired to do it. you are frustrated with the bullshit you have to put up with, because you want to be able to do your own thing and not feel so bogged down by life. @unknownanonymous - you are energetic and enthusiastic! you want to share with everyone and you are eager to have other people share with you. you love talking to people and you get really excited about everyone's ideas. @Emma - hm, another person I don't know too well. you seem calm and determined to get the most out of your life. you seem generally content, and you are always ready to lend someone your ear or your shoulder. you seem happy to help others, and you also seem like you've got a good handle on your own life. @BPD anon - you are very intense, all around. you're not afraid to have serious conversations about important stuff, even though it can be hard for you with the BPD and all. you're very concerned about other people's mental health and you want the best for everyone. you want to be the best person you can be. @Deresto - you seem like a really chill person. like, the kind of person you'd go for hot dogs with and then hang out on a bridge and talk about life à la Linus and Charlie Brown. you're just... you're so chill. @boyacrossthestreet - tall friendly Erika! i gotta say that meeting you in Fargo, even though it was a super brief meeting, really solidified my feeling of community with Kintsugi. before that, i really liked hanging out here, but I didn't really feel like I knew anybody or that anybody knew me. so thanks for that. :D but you, actually you, you seem really earnest about life and about doing something worthwhile with yours. you want to help other people but you care about yourself too and you've learned how to take care of yourself first. @a tiny mushroom - you are a very small mushroom. :3 no joke though, I literally thought you were my sister when I read your first posts. it was the strangest thing. you like your default state to be relaxed about life, but when you get stressed you get kinda strung out, I think. you want to hug everyone and make everything better. you're really friendly, and you want to defend your friends. @(Not) Literally A Bird - you seem very logical and pragmatic, rational and analytical. you approach life, examine it from many directions, and then choose to enjoy your chosen path as much as you possibly can. @albedo - you also strike me as a pragmatic, logical kind of person. you are also friendly, and very curious about the way the world works, and the way humanity works, and the way everything works. also, you have a good sense of humour. @budgie - you seem friendly, and you seem like you put a lot of perseverance into making life work for you. but you also seem pretty chill and you like chatting with people. @KathyGaele - i swear you are covered in cinnamon and sugar. you are so sweet and kind, and you want to be friends with everyone. i think you truly believe there is good in everyone and you want to help people see that if they can't, and celebrate it if they can. if you care about something or someone, you care about it/them very, VERY deeply. @Mentarnes - another person in the logical set :D you seem very level-headed and thoughtful. i always enjoy reading your posts because they are well thought-out and often witty. replies to impressions of me: @Void - awwwwww thanks! I am happy to know that I inspired you to do the Kintsugi RPG. I played through it the other day, btw, and it's looking awesome. I love all the flavour text; it makes me smile. @Fish butt - woo! I would also totally have tea with you and I will go to ALL the museums and I won't even complain once, because I'll be too busy going "SOPHIE LOOK AT THIS COOL ART" and we'll flip out about it all day and it will be AWESOME. and yes, I did the IB - got my bilingual diploma in 2010. :D @unknownanonymous - lol, everyone seems to think I'm way older than I am, so don't kick yourself too hard. :P like, I literally got asked what university I was going to when I was 13. XD *waves at fellow Canadian*
@Kaylotta thanks! :D that's really flattering. and definitely explains how i'm one of kintsugi's most frequent posters. :D and i think it is influenced by the nature of kintsugi, as well. like, i'm nowhere near this outgoing on tumblr, though i think i might've been back when i just started. sometimes i wonder if i compensate for how i behave on tumblr (mostly reblogging stuff, not stating my opinions on stuff much and generally trying to stay out of the way of tumblr's sjw contigent) with my increased openness on here. balance it out, you know... *waves back*
@Kaylotta If I'm ever in your area, or you are in mine, that's a promise. Thanks! You are really amazing too. ;) (also 2010? I feel old now, I got my IB in 2005) [sends you tea per fax]
@Fish butt *receives fax on non-existent fax machine and sips it happily* awesome! 'tis a (non-specified) date.
@Kaylotta ib kid and fellow canadian too? (i graduated in 2007) can i join in on the museum trip? /still coasting from the high of visiting the rom and the textiles museum on the same day @Mentarnes i keep wondering where your name comes from, actually. i want to say the illiad, but i'm pretty sure that's not it.
@budgie It actually doesn't come from anywhere afaik. Once upon a time back in middle school, I asked a friend to come up with a fantasy-ish word for a thing and that's what he gave me.
I haven't been around in ages, but I'd be curious what people think/thought of me? Ahhh impressions are hard, especially after reading everyone else's... I'll hold off on reading the rest of the thread until people tell me if they want my opinion? Yeah that sounds good. And I'll go catch up on old threads to get better feels for everyone x)
@Re Allyssa not sure what my impression of you yet and i'm gonna try to give it some thought, but... since it seems like you want me to explicitly say it, i do want your opinion. i basically figured posting in this thread meant Blanket Permission For All The Other People To Post Their Vibes Of You, like, unless anybody outright said otherwise on their's (which so far seems not to have happened yet).
Ahhh you have a point, yeah posting should be explicit permission. I guess I was just checking that people wanted my opinion because I've been gone for a while. xD That shouldn't matter though, I think? At any rate, I am gonna wait a bit so I can get a better feel for people first. Mostly because I've forgotten a lot.