Vent that T is hot (nsfw at times)

Discussion in 'Brainbent' started by Penumbra, Feb 21, 2017.

  1. Penumbra

    Penumbra hiding under cloth

    i wonder if my datemate will remember my birthday. i'm not gonna mention it to them, i'll just see if in the next 12 hours they mention it at all
    • Witnessed x 1
  2. Penumbra

    Penumbra hiding under cloth

    they did remember after some prodding

    it...honestly doesn't really feel like a birthday today. i just feel depressed as usual.
    • Witnessed x 1
  3. hyperfuck

    hyperfuck they/them

    (happy birthday <3)
    • Agree x 1
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  4. hyperfuck

    hyperfuck they/them

    • Winner x 2
  5. Penumbra

    Penumbra hiding under cloth

    omg omg it's me thank you so much!!!
    • Winner x 1
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  6. hyperfuck

    hyperfuck they/them

    yes!!!! its you!!!! and youve come this far in life that youve managed through every single day that its thrown at you, and i'm so proud of you, and hope the years gradually get better and better

    are there nice things you can do for yourself tonight? :>
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  7. Penumbra

    Penumbra hiding under cloth

    i think i might eat a chocolate bar and then go to sleep. tomorrow i have to study for finals so i need the rest. it feels weird not being a teenager anymore.
    • Agree x 1
  8. hyperfuck

    hyperfuck they/them

    a chocolate bar is good. maybe have Two chocolate bars, and listen to some music u like or something, or watch ur favorite show or movie

    studying for finals can start after ur rested, a couple hours to relax wont hurt!

    happy 20th
    • Like x 1
  9. Penumbra

    Penumbra hiding under cloth

    mmm i'm worried about my datemate they feel Bad and i can't cuddle them
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  10. Penumbra

    Penumbra hiding under cloth

    also i ripped a hole in my jeans carrying my sculpture project up 3 flights of stairs cause the elevator was broken and now my biceps are gonna fall off
    • Like x 1
  11. Penumbra

    Penumbra hiding under cloth

    that exam could've gone better if I had had more time :/
  12. Penumbra

    Penumbra hiding under cloth

    LMAOOOO linalg was bullshit and could've gone better with twice the time
  13. Penumbra

    Penumbra hiding under cloth

    i've literally just sat around naked doing nothing all day
  14. Penumbra

    Penumbra hiding under cloth

    but fuck i'll be back home in 6 days i cannot fucking wait
  15. Penumbra

    Penumbra hiding under cloth

    It is too goddamn hot outside my tits are melting under my binder

    13 days and I won't have to deal with this bullshit anymore
    • Witnessed x 1
  16. Penumbra

    Penumbra hiding under cloth

    is it just me or does my T shot hurt more in my right leg than in my left

    also my endo wants to raise me to 50mg every 10 days instead of 25mg that's like 35mg a week but i'm just. i can't remember to do it every 10 days lol i just know i'm gonna fuck that one up. i might just ask if i can do 35 a week instead, cause my depressed ass can't remember shit. also the fact that the normal male range is 200-1000 ng/dL and i'm hovering around 300 seems. idk, like, i like not being super masculine but if i want my period to stop i've gotta go up i guess.
  17. Penumbra

    Penumbra hiding under cloth

    the worst part about hall bathrooms is you have to get dressed to walk across the hall to use them
    • Agree x 1
  18. Penumbra

    Penumbra hiding under cloth

    you know, not having air conditioning in my dorm is really only a problem on the first and last weeks of school but DAMN is it a problem
  19. Penumbra

    Penumbra hiding under cloth

    sudden intense anxiety for no reason??
  20. Penumbra

    Penumbra hiding under cloth

    there are many things i should be doing

    but i'm too busy dying of allergies to care
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