The Crafts: Wixes, Spells, and the Weaponized Placebo Effect

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by ADigitalMagician, Mar 10, 2015.

  1. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Also, learned a while back that apparently one of the uses for amethyst, according to gemstone lore, is for stability and such. Not sure if it's placebo effect or what, but since I started wearing my amethyst pendant I've been having a lot less mood trouble. *shrug*

    #on an unrelated note #i miiiiiiight have paraphrased a dril tweet while doing some cleansing stuff #"blocked, blocked, be free of sin" -acey while cleansing shit #i'm the worst at this tbh
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2015
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  2. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    Omg, I am in love with that deck bag, though. I'm assuming it's the Homestuck deck in there? XP

    And fffff on the whole "not supposed to" bit. Every not-supposed-to I've ever read in witchcraft circles has been written from a place of privilege, so. I say fuck em with a big stick.

    OKAY BUT. If you buy into the power of collective/repeated phrases and symbols having power the more they're repeated, meme magic is actually super potent?

    Meme away, Acey, meme away.
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  3. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    It is indeed! :)

    And holy shit, that's...a pretty good point?
  4. hoarmurath

    hoarmurath Thor's Hammer


    Amethyst seems to be used a lot for alcoholics as well, I assume that it might have a general property of calming and redirecting?

    Not comparing you to an alcoholic, but!

    Idk what are gems.

    I got a hematite ring and a rose quartz bead bracelet, but I need to make it into a bigger once since it kept choking my hand. Oops.
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  5. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Yeah, it's said to have calming properties, and to help stabilize you--which definitely applies to sobriety as well, but it applies to me too. :)

    Also, hematite is gorgeous.
  6. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    Going to be hitting up the local witchy shop this afternoon to pick up a focusing stone of some kind and some incense/oils.

    Suggestions? I have a fondness for smokey quartz and pine resin based incense (alas, I no longer live in a pine forest so no local made-from-scratch stuff anymore) but I'd love recommendations. Looking for anti-stress, clarity & general good will.
  7. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    I personally find sage incense to be really excellent for when I need to focus on a specific thing, so I'd say it helps with clarity. Lavender is amazing for calming, so it might be a good anti-stress one.
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  8. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    I'm feeling compelled to make bad jokes about the bracelet being murderous, but I'm not sure if it'd be in poor taste.
  9. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    They're closed Mondays :(
  10. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

  11. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    It's cool, I found a Natural Medicine store a couple blocks down the road and picked up lavender/tea tree and lemon/eucalyptus oils. :D

    Now I have a rooibos tea + oil hair rinse steeping on a windowsill and charging my hair is going to look and smell amazing
  12. ADigitalMagician

    ADigitalMagician The Ranty Tranny

    RE: Amethyst because Amethyst is My Stone:

    Amethyst is basically good for any application that needs emotional or mental fortitude. It's my healing stone, and my defensive stone, and my meditation stone and it's REALLY FLEXIBLE for use.

    (More so for me, but again, My Stone.)
  13. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    I have a thoth tarot deck that really suits me badly. Anyone want it?

    Attached Files:

  14. ADigitalMagician

    ADigitalMagician The Ranty Tranny

    I am interested depending on which printing. (I own the Thoth deck, but I think it's the small card version and would like the large card version.)
  15. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    Also all the talk in the other thread made me nostalgic so i decided to break out my old tarot deck i havent touched in a long time. It did the CUTEST THING guys.

    You know how you talk to a foriegner who's having to look stuff up in their phrasebook, all slow heavily enunciated with short words? My deck was basically doing this for me, giving me a bunch of cards like the ten of coins that are...not super nuanced, as far as tarot goes. So precious. Such a good deck<3
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  16. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    Its just over palm-sized? About the same as an iphone 6. Does that answer your question? Im not super clear on the difference in printings, sorry.
  17. ADigitalMagician

    ADigitalMagician The Ranty Tranny

    Yeah, the only thing that one has that's interesting is the alternative Magicians. Which I'm not super interested in, sorry.
  18. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

  19. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    @Lissiel I might be interested, but I'd have to look at some of the pictures first and I don't have time to do that right now.
  20. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Slightly tempted because of the alternate Magician thing, but I've never cared much for the Thoth deck, for the rather petty reason that it just isn't that aesthetically pleasing to me (though given how the decks I'm aesthetically drawn to tend to work best for me, that might actually be saying something). Hope it finds an owner soon!
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