The Crafts: Wixes, Spells, and the Weaponized Placebo Effect

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by ADigitalMagician, Mar 10, 2015.

  1. ADigitalMagician

    ADigitalMagician The Ranty Tranny

    Wow, I want the silhouette tarot. That is pretty.
  2. Morven

    Morven In darkness be the sound and light

    My partner's favorite, and the one she uses for divination, is the Fergus Hall "Tarot of the Witches" which has rather powerful and surreal imagery.
  3. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    It's GORGEOUS. I discovered it through a tumblr reader who uses the cards, so I got to see a pretty good variety of them, and just. Gosh. Wow.

    If they sell out before now and friday I will slaughter something.

    Aside: For other folks with multiple tarot decks, do you feel that the decks have individual personalities? I feel like my Homestuck deck, in particular, likes snarking at me and restating the obvious.
  4. ADigitalMagician

    ADigitalMagician The Ranty Tranny

    Email me at piperthunstrom at gmail and if you're comfortable sharing shipping info, we can avoid that possibility.
  5. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

  6. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I use the Homestuck tarot deck for divination. Though I have a Zelda themed one that I might start using too. Basically it has the easiest to grasp and put together set of imagery for me. I can just look at Dirk in the Knight of Swords card and just piece together what this card's themes are on the fly.

    I AM A NERD.
  7. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    No, that's pretty much the mark of a good tarot, IMO, though fandom tarot has an edge in that as a rule. It's why I get sperg-bothered by fandom decks that are like "every major arcana must be a different character!!!" because then a lot of the cards will wind up forced into symbology that doesn't really fit. A fandom gives you a common set of symbols to pull from, so it makes the concepts of tarot stuff easier to understand, which, I assume, is why a lot of older tarot decks use symbology from the Largest Western Fandom.

    #that's Christianity for those who don't know #just so we're clear and etc
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  8. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Yes. That is what I like about it. A few characters and even scenes get reused in the Homestuck tarot but that's ok. Because for the most part I feel that the cards all neatly match up in a sensible fashion. The Eight of Swords and The Tower are my favorite in the deck for that. That and just how they look? They're pretty cards, dammit. Especially the Eight of Swords.
  9. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    You guys are making me want to work on my mermaid tarot concepts again, gdi
  10. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Oh? That sounds interesting.
  11. ADigitalMagician

    ADigitalMagician The Ranty Tranny

    I don't usually dig fannish tarots because they so rarely match up well.

    But I kind of clicked with the Thoth and it's hard to imagine another deck getting it as right for me.
  12. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    Yeah, it's one of those "sits in the back of my mind" projects that I work on once in a blue moon, mostly because I Don't Have The Motivation To Do Anything. I've got a couple of major arcana concepts down, I should finish the rest.
    Yeah, I'm only really interested in ones where there's actually thought put into them.

    Though the fact that you like Thoth is interesting; I've seen a good amount of variation in minor arcana card meanings (not to mention the whole "REVERSED MEANINGS OR NO?" debate), but as far as major Arcana goes, Thoth seems to be the only real "common" variation. My celtic dragon deck uses somewhat altered major arcana, but the basic meanings are similar; it's just that the creator refused to use a lot of the more christian traditional cards (eg the Devil), which is Not Surprising, Because Llewellyn Press.
  13. ADigitalMagician

    ADigitalMagician The Ranty Tranny

    My issue is the art more than the specific names. The art is mostly collected eclectic magic (Because Crowley was like that) and I recognize or know enough of the symbols to just get it.
  14. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    Which is basically the same reason I like a good fandom tarot myself, so. Familiar symbols: Good For Everyone.

    did you get my email
  15. ADigitalMagician

    ADigitalMagician The Ranty Tranny

    I did, but I'm fighting with their poorly managed paypal button. I will probably email them sometime today.
  16. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    haha, just making sure. Best of luck
  17. Vacuum Energy

    Vacuum Energy waterwheel on the stream of entropy

    The local metaphysical store has a cat.

    Let me repeat that: the local metaphysical store. It has a cat.

    I may or may not be finding excuses to go there more often as we speak.
    • Like x 5
  18. Morven

    Morven In darkness be the sound and light

    Most of the stores I've known like that -- the really independent, eccentric ones -- have had cats. Strange cats, sometimes. They may have once been employees.
    • Like x 1
  19. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    Aw guys stop making me want to buy the Homestuck tarot deck, the shipping from WhatPumpkin to the UK is absolutely ridiculous.

    I might as well put my hand up to being Ratatoskr, if you remember that sub showing up earlier this thread and like a couple months ago.
    I can't actually read tarot (though I have a few books on how to do so) but I have two decks and a fictional setting based on it because it fascinates me.
    I once derailed an entire A-level Chemistry lesson into telling shitty teenage tarot fortunes, lol.
  20. lvkz

    lvkz Well-Known Karkat

    I do some Tarot, I'm really better at sigils though cause i love creating logos and things like that and i don't have to think about it too much. honestly, you can't study graphic design and not believe in the power of symbols. symbols are kinda the basic unit of which we conceive reality. right now we are all processing so many symbols not even consciously.
    I kinda am like, if I'm not gonna believe in it, it's not gonna work. So I mostly read and study about it because my mind is not the type to accept that sort of thing. Acknowledging that it's "placebo effect" kinda cancels out the placebo effect and besides it seems disrespectful. i try to believe in any lucky charms i set out, like my lucky cat that was given to me by my grammie (rip)

    I definitely had a huge mythology phase in HS and still think about gods and stuff a lot, my favorite god is probably Cernunnos because i'm a gay deer furry and he was rumored to be Lucifer who was rumored to be Satan which pisses off Wiccans which is pretty punk. Discordianism is much more fun as a modern knock-off religion and Eris is a cool god. I wouldn't get into any stuff with gods unless i was 100% well researched and dedicated to it and had some personal connection with it... just seems more respectful. I'm not really sure what "my" people's old religion would be since i'm a white/mexican american and uhhh... america. land of colonialism. I like the idea of egregores and archetypes
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