The Crow and The Dog

Discussion in 'Wheel Of Forked Runes' started by Zin, Sep 17, 2016.

  1. Mutt

    Mutt Active Member

    Mutt grins and pokes at the rock. "That's a good wish. I don't think this one's a dwarf, though."
  2. Corvie Munin

    Corvie Munin The present is already past

    "Me either." She decides, poking it again, then giving a mighty hop and scrambling to the top of it. "Awcaw~!" She gloats, spreading her arm-wings wide.
  3. Mutt

    Mutt Active Member

    "Hey! Wait for me!" They try to make their way up after her, but it's not as easy for them. "Can you see any dwarfs?"
  4. Corvie Munin

    Corvie Munin The present is already past

    She braces her feet and reaches down to give them a hand. "C'mon! I didn't see any, but it's not as easy to see stuff down here."
  5. Mutt

    Mutt Active Member

    Mutt takes her hand and manages to get on top of the rock. They take in the view, but don't let go of Munin's hand.
  6. Corvie Munin

    Corvie Munin The present is already past

    She looks out with them, and doesn't pull away. After a while, she points, across the grassy slope, to a twisty bush. "That one looks like a horse."
  7. Mutt

    Mutt Active Member

    "More like a cow," Mutt says. "That one looks like a horse. And that one over there looks like a weird hat."
  8. Corvie Munin

    Corvie Munin The present is already past

    "It does look like a hat!" She bounces on her long toes. "With a feather on it."
  9. Mutt

    Mutt Active Member

    Mutt grins. "A feather - like yours? Do they ever fall out? What do you do with them?"
  10. Corvie Munin

    Corvie Munin The present is already past

    "Uh huh, all the time. We gotta clean them up so it doesn't make a mess. Sometimes Odin keeps one for a little, though!" She holds her arm out, peering at it, then roots through the feathers with her beak, coming out with a small one clutched in the tip. "Fee?"
  11. Mutt

    Mutt Active Member

    Mutt reaches out to touch it, fascinated.
  12. Corvie Munin

    Corvie Munin The present is already past

    She lets it go, poking it off her lower beak with her dry black tongue, so it sticks to their finger instead.
  13. Mutt

    Mutt Active Member

    It's so small. They almost drop it before they can get a good look at it, but it stays just long enough. They glance over at Munin, and then blow it off their finger and watch it float towards the ground.
  14. Corvie Munin

    Corvie Munin The present is already past

    She laughs, watching it with them, then slips her vest off and gives herself a mighty ruffling shake, feathers thrumming in the air. Several more feathers shake free, scattering around them. She looks proud and fluffy.
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  15. Mutt

    Mutt Active Member

    Mutt bounces and spins, trying to catch the feathers. They're not paying too much attention to staying on the rock, but it's big enough that they don't really need to.
  16. Corvie Munin

    Corvie Munin The present is already past

    Munin hops back, giving them space and crouching on the rock, eyes bright as she watches them and shrugs her vest back on. "Don't fall! You don't glide!"
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2016
  17. Mutt

    Mutt Active Member

    "I won't fall," Mutt promises. "I'm okay." They slow down, and then sit down next to Munin.
  18. Corvie Munin

    Corvie Munin The present is already past

    She gives her beaky grin again. "More exploring?"
  19. Mutt

    Mutt Active Member

    "Mhmm. We still haven't found a dwarf."
  20. Ryncoon

    Ryncoon Well-Known Member

    "Yeah!" She stands and spreads her arms, leaping off the rock. She doesn't really glide, as she claimed, but she lands lightly on the ground with a tiny thump. "C'mon, let's look in the forest!"
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