The Night Of Swords

Discussion in 'The Queen of Cups' started by The Queen of Cups, Jul 22, 2016.

  1. Even

    Even Smoke Never Rises Without Fire

    "Well. I don't know. Your old identity is pretty null and void, kid."
  2. Nul

    Nul Who the hell is Mica?

    "That works. Null, I mean. It sounds more like a name than the rest."
  3. Mutt

    Mutt Active Member

    Mutt bounces up and down. "Yeah! That's a good name!"
  4. Legion

    Legion For I Am Many

    "...fair enough. Nul it is. So. Huh. I guess we better figure out some kind of... education program?"
  5. Nul

    Nul Who the hell is Mica?

    "That's a good idea. We should figure out what I already know. I've clearly got speech, so maybe there's something else left over, too."
  6. Legion

    Legion For I Am Many

    Legion chuckles. "Smart kid. Alright. Start with something simple - tell me a story."
  7. Nul

    Nul Who the hell is Mica?

    "Uh - there once was a dog who had a bone and she was taking it home, but on the way she passed a river. When she looked in the river, she saw a dog with an even bigger bone. She wanted the other dog's bone, so she leapt in the water and attacked it. But the dog disappeared, and her own bone got lost in the river. She went home hungry, and never realized that the other dog had only been her reflection." He looks at Legion. "I don't think I made that up, but I know what a dog is, and a river, and so on."
    • Like x 3
  8. Legion

    Legion For I Am Many

    Legion glances at Mutt, then back. "...huh. well. We know you've got some knowledge locked in there! Name a bunch of bones."
  9. Nul

    Nul Who the hell is Mica?

    "Tibia?" Nul frowns. "Phalanges, I think. And ribs. Wow, these are weird words. Do skulls count or no?"
  10. Even

    Even Smoke Never Rises Without Fire

    "They count. Anything else?"
  11. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    "I know there's little bones in ears but I forget the names. Um...fibula? Is that a bone?"
  12. Nul

    Nul Who the hell is Mica?

    "Um...fibula? Is that one? And there's little bones in ears, but I don't know what their names are."
  13. Zin

    Zin Professional Lurker

    Legion and Even exchange a grin, then look at Mutt. "Want to see if he can use a knife?"
  14. Mutt

    Mutt Active Member

    Mutt reaches for their knife, then changes their mind and pulls out a different one. They hand it hilt first to Nul.
  15. Nul

    Nul Who the hell is Mica?

    Nul takes the knife and grips it tightly. "What do you want me to do?"
  16. Legion

    Legion For I Am Many

    Legion throws a pillow at him, fastball style.
  17. Nul

    Nul Who the hell is Mica?

    The pillow hits him square in the face.
    • Like x 1
  18. Even

    Even Smoke Never Rises Without Fire

    " killer instinct, that's for sure."
  19. Mutt

    Mutt Active Member

    "That's okay, I can teach him."
  20. Legion

    Legion For I Am Many

    "Great idea," legion smiles.
    • Like x 1
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