The Worst Video Game Ever: League of Legends

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Keleviel, Aug 9, 2015.

  1. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji

    @Keleviel that makes more sense than what i thought it was, which was massive online ??????? and that is good advice, i'll keep it in mind!

    @Starcrossedsky she's a lot of fun, when she comes up on the free cycle you should do it! and oh man do i agree with you about the river king short, that was creepy as hell. the music really reminded me of bastion and then everything else most definitely was not similar at all. i also really like ekko's concept, because kid throwing self at problem until problem stops existing? sounds very familiar, tbh. (minus time travel, of course!)

    also, does anyone have any recs for ranged or support champs?
  2. ADigitalMagician

    ADigitalMagician The Ranty Tranny

    Support champs:

    Do you like casters or fighters more?

    Do you want a more traditional MMO support roles (Heals and buffs) or more crowd control?

    As for ranged, if you mean marksman: Pick the one you think looks cool. Ashe is a good starter champ for the role, but Tristana, Caitlyn, Jinx, and Draven are all super capable picks. I like Varus.
  3. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji

    casters and crowd control are what i prefer!
    those champs look interesting, i'll have to try them out when i get the chance
  4. ADigitalMagician

    ADigitalMagician The Ranty Tranny

    K, so your top pick is probably Nami. Annie plays a MEAN caster support. If you don't mind being melee, both Brom and Leona fit the bill for strong crowd control. Nunu isn't played support as often as he used to be, but he's got a strong slow, the attack speed buff, and self sustain.

    I like Sona, but she's definitely a buffs and heals kind of girl, but she's a mage you might be into. And of course you've got Banana Queen herself Soraka, who is the quintessential healer.

    I'm a huge fan of non-standard supports, too. Things like Shen and Gnar both play some hilarious support roles. Maokai is an interesting off support. He's more about zoning than anything else.
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  5. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    IF I HAVE MY MAIN COMPUTER FIXED BY THEN I MIGHT as noted I'm not even gonna try on this one, it has way less ram and is generally. well it lags and freezes on my normal usage a lot :[ can't wait to get Dane fixed tbh.
  6. Keleviel

    Keleviel Angel Fanboy

    For a tanky CC support I recommend Naut. Dude has CC for days. Leona is fun as hell too.

    In terms of marksmen, if you don't have a lot of experience, probably go with Ashe. She's damn effective and noob friendly.
  7. ADigitalMagician

    ADigitalMagician The Ranty Tranny

    How did I forget Blitzcrank in that list?
  8. Keleviel

    Keleviel Angel Fanboy

    Oh yeah Blitzcrank too. The king of setting picks. Instead of CCing a bunch of people, just grab one person and fuck them completely over!
  9. Keleviel

    Keleviel Angel Fanboy

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  10. Vierran

    Vierran small and sharp

    Oh man, I found the Lag of Lozenges thread! I have been attempting to play this game for like three months now and I don't know what is wrong with me that I haven't stopped, but I also have made my boyfriend start! I recently hit a level where it's worth having runes, so that's exciting.

    I play on EU West servers for reasons that are vague, nebulous and kind of dumb. I'd be happy to add anyone from over there, though, summoner name is Vierran.

    So far I mainly support as, in order of success rate, Leona, Morgana, Nami, or Annie. I can land bindings but not hooks, so Thresh, Naut and Blitz are outside my comfort zone, and, other than Leona, I have not had fun with melee supports. Someone suggested I try Cho'gath as an off-meta support, does anyone have an opinion on how bad of an idea that is?

    Other than the supports, I play a lot of Sion top, and am attempting to learn to Ryze. I do pretty decent at mid-lane Morgana if my preferred roles are off the table, and I've played a couple games as Sivir.

    I completely believe that Leeg is fun and cuddly as compared to other MOBAs, but I've PVPed in WoW and had less toxic experiences than summoner's rift with random people when I was still in the early learning phase... That said, I mostly queue with between 2 and 4 friends, and am, despite the negative tone of this post, having a fair amount of fun with the game. Especially when I get to be Nami in ARAM.
  11. ADigitalMagician

    ADigitalMagician The Ranty Tranny

    Cho is a hilarious support. You've got a knock up and a silence so you can stop ganks dead, set up ganks like no one's business AND you can shut down the heals. You basically just build him Gold Item > Sightstone > ROA and go to town.

    Mid game, when supports classically start falling of in importance (Unless you're someone like Leona or Sona who can start fights all on your lonesome), Cho becomes a wandering tanky badass.

    Late game you fall off again, but you still have a ton of health and an execute.

    Basically, Do Cho, it'll be fun if nothing else.

    (I just really like support)
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  12. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    I've heard a lot of good things about Cho myself, but that might be my overall Weird Critter bias.
  13. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji

    so i finally tried out a bunch of suggestions everyone gave me, and dang. good recs, thank you!

    ps weird critter bias high five
    • Like x 1
  14. Keleviel

    Keleviel Angel Fanboy

    Oh man, Cho support. That was my very first attempt at support with him!

    I sucked. A lot.

    But that's because I sucked, less because Cho does. The only real problem with him, I think, is that his passive is useless as support because you're not supposed to be killing minions, and you should be giving all gold possible to your ADC, so there goes ulting and getting big. I think he'd do best with a more passive/utility ADC, like Sivir, Ashe, or maybe Cait.

    He's also not bad mid, either! He's the only tank that can go mid (besides Galio but no one cares about Galio), meaning that burst champs which mid is rife with can't do shit, and with an AP item or two does some ridiculous damage.

    Also: Patch 5.16!

    Let me tell you, this is my favorite patch so far. I love bruisers and bruisers got some love here. Dead Man's Plate is a fantastic item. But Titanic Hydra is even better and is my favorite item now. I am going to build absolutely fucking everyone as a bruiser. Bruiser Talon is great being super mobile unlike most. New Darius is a bit trickier to land Qs with, although that might be because I was up against Riven who is hard to land like. Anything with. New Mordekaiser is pretty cool and his Q is hits like a goddamn train. If bot laning with him, get a support that make picks can lock an enemy down, like Blitz, Leona, Naut, or Thresh. Skarner, though... Ooh, Skarner. Skarner is so fucking ridiculously broken, oh my god. He needs a nerf like now. I recommend everyone to play him quickly before Riot stops him, and they will stop him. Without stopping him, the entire game is disabled due to a bug.

    @inna: Build Rek'Sai with all the new bruiser items it will be great. Cinderhulk, Titanic, Dead Man's, Merc treads, whatever else you need. It will be great.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2015
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  15. ADigitalMagician

    ADigitalMagician The Ranty Tranny

    Bruiser items. Do I smell new Leona troll builds?
  16. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    Anyone else watching the LCS finals tomorrow? EU is pretty much a foregone conclusion - it's just a matter of how badly Fnatic crush Origen - but I'm hoping for some fun games in NA.
  17. Keleviel

    Keleviel Angel Fanboy

    @ADigitalMagician Excuse me my bruiser Leona builds are not trolling they are me being awesome and smart and talented and handsome. If I feed it is because I suck not because of trolling. GOSH

    @WithAnH I really should, to be honest. When I watched a few matches of the MSI, I learned a good deal.
  18. Vierran

    Vierran small and sharp

    Based on today's NA 3rd place games, I am somewhat dubious about the whole region. Those were some of the most painfully slow LCS games I've watched. Origen vs Fnatic will at least have action before Fnatic wins. Also, it'll be really interesting to see if OG can take a game off Fnatic. It's unlikely, but not impossible.
  19. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    Yeah, those were some weird games. :/
  20. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

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