The Worst Video Game Ever: League of Legends

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Keleviel, Aug 9, 2015.

  1. Vierran

    Vierran small and sharp

  2. Vierran

    Vierran small and sharp

    Bringing this thread back because it turns out I'm perseverating on League hard.

    Updates on me: moved to NA with the free transfer, so if anyone wants a friend, summoner name is Vierran. Have been playing a lot of ARAM. It's a good place for testing things out, but I never want to be Azir again. I'm still support main, but have gotten to the point where I can almost win lane as Ryze, and am thinking of picking up a juggernaut as my next champ to learn. It will probably be Garen if so. Demacia!

    Boyfriend is learning a lot. It's cool to watch him figure things out. NA actually seems like a better learning environment than EU--fewer smurfs, more people who are actually learning the game.

    Worlds! I am loving how chaotic they are! Also am learning a lot from them. I really like how this is a game I can have been perseverating on for like four months now and still be learning so much.
  3. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    I want to league again now that I have you guys to be forgiving of my newbieness, but this computer... SIGHS I really need to make housemate's dad fix the screen on my old one. Or just do it myself.
  4. ADigitalMagician

    ADigitalMagician The Ranty Tranny

    When I get home in two weeks, I need to start playing again.
  5. Keleviel

    Keleviel Angel Fanboy

    Yessssss join ussssssssss.

    If you see me available feel free to hit me up for a game! I will try not to feed but let's be real here there's a 50/50 chance I will anyways.
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