I'm getting a wave of creepy porn bots following my Tumblr with words like "cougar" and "milf" in the URL. As far as I can tell this is because I said the phrase "adult woman" in a post. >_<
I think I'll have to leave a philosophical discussion group which has helped ease my anxiety over a couple of years because of enraging right-wing-ness. I'm not going to hang out with people who call the accessible healthcare system which has repeatedly prevented my suicide a "conspiracy". Why can't I find any left-wing groups which discuss similar things without either consisting of "God doesn't exist because I say so nyer nyer nyer" or obviously making shit up as they go along?
People who make rule 63 characters by tacking the letter "a" onto the end of the original dude's name YOU CAN DO BETTER
Spoiler: Trump assaulting women is funny/sarcasm I want to punch my father in the face! I guess he thinks sexual assault is funny because he just sent me this.
I sat between two people making terrible mouth and throat noises during seminar (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) and now I just don't... feel good and I have to call the clinic and see if I can get a sooner appointment. Ugh.
Tfw you touch something that's such a textural nope that it lingers like some horrible sensory ghost and makes everything feel awful
People acting as if certain bright shades of color can't be triggers. Triggers for what? Triggers for anything. Including migraines, because apparently those never have triggers ever, and people who have chronic issues with migraines should just idk suck it up like good little whiners. :|
My students are like "yeah, we totally get DNA synthesis" and then I'm grading their homework and. No, about half of you don't get it at all. @cassikat uuuugggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh. ETA: And the rampant copying. Oh my god. It's obvious that a bunch of them are just using the old textbook edition solution manual to answer questions and losing a ton of points because the questions are FUCKING DIFFERENT BETWEEN EDITIONS.
Got stuck in the bus right near a guy wearing Axe and a heavy smoker. Had to pull my jacket up so it covered my nose to breathe.
my life is TERRIBLE, AWFUL honestly pretty fine but i'm so stressed out about this paper that i can't deal :|
You know when you accidentally bite the inside of your lip and it hurts like hell and then the inside of your lip swells up and because it's swollen, you bite it again, so it hurts more and swells more, so you bite it again? Yeah.
Someone criticizing Twilight Sparkle from MLP with "She can't be the main character, she's got mental issues!" And then everyone replies with "No she doesn't"