Things that are currently annoying you

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Emma, Mar 9, 2015.

  1. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    "It's fuckin cold I should turn the heater back on"
    >ten minutes
    "Why is it so damn hot I need to turn the heater back off"
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  2. shmeed

    shmeed plant me

    My mother in law keeps opening my door without my permission "to make the A.C. work better" and it's setting off a trauma response or smth I am always on edge
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  3. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    I have a headache. :| Also, it's really nice out and I'm stuck in here summarizing Descartes' arguments for the existence of God. I've got the windows open and all, but still.
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  4. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    The ibuprofen is starting to not work
    Right when I have to go to work
    Kill me
  5. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    My vocal cords, Wednesday night at choir practice:

    "aw yeah man we're over the crud and good to go Sunday [thumbsup emoji]"

    My fucking vocal cords, this morning, first service, halfway through the second choir piece when Choir Bro #1's better ear is on my right and he's depending on me to hit the right notes because the dude to my left can't carry a tune in a bucket with a lid on it and I can tune him out but Choir Bro #1 can't, and if I'm off Choir Bro #1 is off, and if he's off the guy on the end of the row is off:

    "o wait hang on did you want to sing? haha no man we thought maybe we could cough instead. like, a lot. here let us do this godawful tickly itchy thing every time you try to sing anything above the staff"
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  6. Wearing a dress is fun, but wearing a wig is painful. My forehead still has sore marks from Saturday.
  7. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Trying to run tech support for tech-illiterate family

    >your coupons aren't printing because your antivirus is blocking the initial download. Because your "coupons" are full of viruses.

    "Are you sure? Maybe the software made a mistake"

    >....sure, okay, fine, heuristics fail sometimes, let's see if anyone else has this problem with this site. Oh, look, three pages of reviews to the tune of "these coupons are actually trojans, what the hell happened when the site changed hands in december???" and an in-depth explanation of what this now-well-known virus does from a tech dude's blog

    "But can I download the coupons without the viruses??"

    > the coupons ARE the viruses.

    "But can I get them without the viruses tho"

    >[internal screaming]
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  8. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

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  9. whyguy

    whyguy blarg

    I'm packing to move on wednesday, and for weeks I'd been told that I don't need to bring anything of my cousin's

    this afternoon, no boxes turned into six boxes I need to bring

    this evening, six boxes turned into twelve :')
  10. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    My right eye has been watery for most of the last day and a half, i have a sort of red area next to my eye from drying it so much

    Also my landladys wifi has been spotty for the last couple of weeks? So i keep switching to data because i get impatient. Which is ok for some things but even my 3gb plan isnt meant to be used to watch videos soooo
  11. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    Why is my wifi so laggy whyyyy?
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  12. Sethrial MacCoill

    Sethrial MacCoill Attempts were made

    I can't taste umami. People hand me savory things to try and all I taste is whatever they seasoned it with, usually salt and some spices. Don't get me wrong, I love salt and seasonings, but not being able to taste the food itself is kind of annoying.

    I'm mostly mad about it because I don't know what steak actually tastes like. I like the texture, and it's usually seasoned interestingly, but beef tastes like literally nothing to me. I had an unseasoned steak a while ago, beautifully cooked, and it was like chewing dirt. Chicken too. Fortunately there's no end of sauces to put on chicken and all kinds of fun marinades for beef.

    I can kind of taste fish. Sushi is my favorite food, but it's mostly the varying levels of salt and acid that give fish any flavor. I can't taste tuna at all. Crab is wonderful. Shrimp is okay if it's prepared well.

    I'm just kind of sad that I'm missing an entire flavor. I've heard good things about it and that it's an important flavor for a refined palate, but I straight up can't access it at all. I can taste tannins. I'm insensitive enough to bitterness that I can taste complexity in those flavors. Layered spicy tastes are my jam. I love good food and cooking and all of that,

    but I can't taste umami.
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  13. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    me: "I can totally finish this draft tonight! Only a few hundred words!"
    also me: *reads a bunch of fanfic, intently watches asmr videos, argues about sandwiches*

    shockingly enough, this draft isn't done yet
  14. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    Colour coding. I am in colour coding hell.
  15. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    My boss asked me to come in early to print something and forgot to send me the thing that needed printed. So now I'm here early, twiddling my thumbs and screaming internally and hoping she sees my email in time.
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  16. Wormwitch

    Wormwitch I'm building a squishmallow army!

    We have tiny black ants at work and I keep finding them crawling on me!! One was even under my shirt, I HATE THIS!!
  17. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    Thanks for trying to contact me more than once to find out if I wanted to eat something today parents! I really fucking appreciate it!

  18. Amazon is supposed to have a promotional code for $8 and change off a purchase over $50 today. I've been trying for ten minutes to get it to work, I've changed half the items in my cart, and it won't go through and I don't know why.
  19. Lissa Lysik'an

    Lissa Lysik'an Dragon-loving Faerie

    People in Kintsugi keep mentioning comics that get me addicted! Now is stuck on "The Wicked & The Divine" (fortunately the manga/anime "kobayashi-chan ..." hasn't updated to #41 yet so I gots time to catch up on this one).
    I gots more things to do than read comics, y'all!
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  20. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    No wifi reception in the bathrooms at my office
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