Things that are currently annoying you

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Emma, Mar 9, 2015.

  1. Arxon

    Arxon Well-Known Member

    Why can I not draw Nepeta. All I want to do rn is draw Nepeta. Why can this not happen even a little.
  2. rainbowbarnacle

    rainbowbarnacle Cat Aggrandizer

    mnnggghhh I have the worst case of the monthly monster I've had in ages and i'm all queasy and everything is pain X(

    and also a downside of having long haired cats is that sometimes their fluffy back ends need a little maintenance after they use the litterbox, and beatrix, who is usually very cooperative with such things, decided this morning to bite and maul the everloving crap out of my foot and arms and hands instead, bluh.
  3. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    mother in law messaged me today. she's organizing a 'red carpet event' for the movie my cousin-in-law filmed in their little town. i am in it (i sing). except rather than asking if J and I might be interested in coming and when we might be available, the message assumed we would both be interested and told me to inform her when we were available so she can schedule it.
    problem 1: J gives less than one shit. he does not like horror movies and had nothing to do with the filming. but his mother is an overbearing, domineering woman and assumes that her children will do everything she says they will.
    problem 2: J works evenings. we have one vehicle. the movie event would be 2.5 hours away. either i'm driving there and back in one night, or we're finding another way for me to get there or for J to get home. (this of course does not cross mother in law's mind, i'm sure.)

  4. littlepinkbeast

    littlepinkbeast Imperator Fluttershy

    wtf apartment people, come up with a better excuse for snooping through my place and stressing me out than "counting the doors". At least check my smoke alarms or something while you're at it.
  5. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    can't you just be like "not gonna work mom, j works evenings and needs the car, do it without us"?
  6. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    that's pretty much what i said, though i did say i might be able to make it work. i would actually kind of like to go, i haven't seen the movie yet and it doesn't exist in North American DVD format yet either. but honestly if it's too much of a spoon-drain to figure out it's just gonna be a no.
  7. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    I am binge watching a lot of stuff at the moment because I am on break, and that is the time that I binge watch. Therefore I am catching on to patterns of how TV-shows do things, and it's really annoying me. Like there's this situation, and you look at it, and then look at how long the episode is going, and be like: this is not going to end well.
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  8. smyxolotl

    smyxolotl a person.

    I have baked four different kinds of cake/cookies in the last two days and all of them are complete disasters! I want to bring something nice because it's the last day of my internship tomorrow, but apparently I have lost all baking skills I ever had. It is not like riding a bike!
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
  9. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    I have no problem with bugs outside the house, because the outside is their house

    but when they come into my house and try to trip me I have virtually no compunctions about beating them to death with a tissue box and then dropping them in the sink.

    in other news, my toe hurts like a motherfucker but at least I'm not allergic to wasps.
  10. smyxolotl

    smyxolotl a person.

    I am having a great time imagining the size of that wasp right now.
  11. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    luckily I don't live in australia
    the wasps of wisconsin are regulation size, but ours like crawling on the floor and lazily stinging anyone who happens to walk past them
    I thought I stepped on a carpet tack for the first few seconds, honestly
  12. Alska

    Alska Well-Known Member

    Itchy elbow thing has returned, and my whole leg hurts :(
  13. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

  14. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Wiccan spotted putting Bodhisattas and Buddhas on a list of Wiccan/Pagan gods. No. Do they love you? Oh certainly. They love all living beings and wish for them to be well, happy, and peaceful. But they're not Wiccan and in fact are basically opposed to certain aspects of the various Wiccan traditions I've seen.

    And they're not pagan.

    They are Buddhist gods and Buddhism is an Indic/Dhammic faith. Not pagan.

    Like it is nice that people want to learn about Buddhism or are interested in it. And I think it is good for even non-Buddhists to learn our stuff and even make use of bits of it. Sure they might not end up Buddhist in this life but hopefully it can help them with their lives.

    As is this sort of thing crops up far too often and just feels like stuff is being lazily hacked out of Buddhism with no real concern for or knowledge of the religion.
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  15. Morven

    Morven In darkness be the sound and light

    Yeah; respect things in their context. Which doesn't mean "this isn't for you" but rather "don't just cut them out with scissors and paste them into your thing", because that's kinda rude. Wiccans and similar neopagans ('cause technically Wicca is only the closed, initiation-required tradition, not the wider eclectic paganism) do this a lot. Kinda like the Romans did what with stealing other peoples' Gods, really; rather imperialist of them.

    Like, you can love Freyja too but don't just use her to swap into your Goddess or Love Goddess role. She's not the same, she comes with a context, you have to know her. She's just not another replaceable name for deity.
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  16. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    I have that same reaction to claims that certain goddesses are/have always been Triple Goddesses. No. No no no. Don't even get me started about Irish Celtic doubling/tripling and the Mórrígan. -screams incoherently at bad wixen-
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  17. Morven

    Morven In darkness be the sound and light

    A lot of bad scholarship prior to recent times encouraged that, alas.

    Are there any goddesses that wholly match that neopagan template?
  18. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    Not that I can think of. Hecate is their main standby example, but most classical art of her where she's tripled doesn't fit the maiden/mother/crone. I honestly have no idea what the origin of that is. I can't even ask my mom 'cause she's Lillan and has the duality thing instead of the Triple Goddess thing.
  19. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    been a horrible mood the entire day, basically
    probs 'cause i'm sick
    i dunno
    and it's really annoying
  20. Lib

    Lib Well-Known Member

    everything hurts forever. :/
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