My inability to decide what I want for dinner on the day I want to eat said dinner (planning in advance is easier)
My phone's been dead for a few days. I thought the service had expired so I paid $25 to refill it. Nope, that had nothing to do with it. I just blew money and my phone still doesn't work.
a fucking RAT or some other kind of HUNGRY RODENT climbed up on the counter at work last night, chewed a hole through the bag of GOOD CHOCOLATEY RICE CAKES that I had JUST FUCKING PURCHASED, and ATE THEM I was looking forward to my chocolatey midmorning snack you little bastard
My grandmother is a bit hard of hearing, so she always talks on the phone on speaker right next to her ear.
Bonus: on speaker... discussing things you really didn't need or want to know. looking at you, lady who came in a while back talking workplace gossip about who was supposedly diddling whom on company time, on speaker, while she picked up her crap.
My new toothpaste dries out my lips really badly, so now my mouth is bleeding and the side of my mouth is cracked. Rip
If I put things on the line in a certain way, it means I want them bagged that certain way. For the love of god, please do not waste my time and yours waiting for the things at the VERY END OF THE LINE to go into bags with things at the VERY FRONT OF THE LINE. And why???? Would you deliberately put crushable things??? UNDER THE HEAVY SHIT????? JUST LET ME BAG MY OWN THINGS AUGH
"Clicks, do you mind coming in on Wednesday to cover?" "Yeah, sure." "I know you're already covering someone else right now, but do you mind closing «other department» tonight as well?" My next raise better be fucking incredible. Ten hours.
Burned apparently my whole mouth trying to eat hot chicken stew for lunch and now everything is weirdly numb and uncomfortable
I'm trying to activate a credit card, but I can't. They either need a reference number, which I didn't receive, or a cell phone number, which I don't own (it's legally my parents' phone). You let me sign up for this card. Why can't I activate it with the information you needed to sign me up?
I don't know what I pressed, but I pressed some button and have fucked up the view settings on my word processor. Nothing looks right. Changing the zoom doesn't fix it. Changing the view type from normal to web view and vice versa doesn't work. I hate my life.