someone said something to me (online) and i can't tell whether they're being sarcastic or sincere about it
Trying to remember to stay off my foot while the painkillers keep it from yelling at me. Trying to stay off my foot while cashiering :Y
unable to get in contact about time sensitive, long planned for shit in any sense of a timely manner. seriously, like. getting a no or a raincheck is better than waiting and hoping and hoping and praying and then having nothing in the end except a much belated "sorry" or "whoops i forgot". about the thing that was planned ahead for and discussed many many times very recently. with you. it shouldn't affect me this bad but it does every single time. <:l
Fixing a bug that's making the obsolete office computer run at the speed of molasses in January requires running Windows Update, which triggers the bug, causing it to run Windows Update at the speed of molasses going uphill in January. I just want to print a thing.
Just had to shell out an exorbitant amount of $$ for parking because I didn't realize there was a goddamn baseball game tonight and partner had a doctor's appointment. $24. For 3.5 hours. That comes out to basically $7/hr when it's usually maybe $2/hr. Ah, Boston.
Can someone explain the point of car alarms to me, since it's evidently not to alert the owner since the same alarm has been going off for the past twenty minutes and it's incredibly shrill and annoying and I'm beginning to feel personally fucking offended by the damn thing
Mom and I are doing an antique show this weekend to clear some stuff out. This morning we have sold one table... and bought a desk, two end tables, a crate and a bookshelf.
I ordered food and it's not here yet. It's not late or anything. I am just really hungry. Hungry, hungry, hungry.
Binding my ankle makes the more distal injuries sore. Binding the front part of my foot means my ankle takes more stress and gets worse. The bandage is not long enough for both. I think I need another one. Or maybe just another leg.
Politics. Don't trust the government. Don't trust your neighbors. Don't trust your family. You can only trust yourself to do the right thing, so please do right.