Things that are currently annoying you

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Emma, Mar 9, 2015.

  1. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    The fact that I got positive feedback today, but that my brain is still doubting myself. Shut up, brain :P
  2. oph

    oph There was a user here, but it's gone now

    One of my YouTube videos got flagged by ContentID, and the dispute on it was rejected. I'm pretty sure this is a false claim, but I'm still worried that the appeal will also be rejected, my video will be taken down, and I'll get a strike on my account -- to say nothing of the unlikely scenario that I'm sued by the claimant. It's got me very anxious.

    welp panicked and cancelled my appeal. Oh well.

    Now I just feel like shit in general.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2015
  3. oph

    oph There was a user here, but it's gone now

    "Neurotypical" and "neuroatypical" are too easy to read as each other. Should be "aneurotypical" or something.
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  4. Lib

    Lib Well-Known Member

    @oph I like 'neurodivergent' for that.
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  5. oph

    oph There was a user here, but it's gone now

  6. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    Nail polish that looks totally different on the nail than in the bottle. I got a brand new bottle with rusty gold that faded to a olivy green when the light changed, and the bottlw looks just like the borderlands between summer and autumn, i was so ridiculously excited for it. On the nail its a weird peachy coral, which is...not hideous, but distinctly bland, esp with my skin tone. V disappointing. :/
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  7. MintyJojo

    MintyJojo Well-Known Member

    I've been having a lot of bad headaches lately and Im starting to suspect this is stress related.
  8. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    Hip is out of joint. May have pinched a nerve. Walking is okay, driving's awful. Gonna ice the hell out of it tonight.
  9. Admortire

    Admortire New Member

    My roommates have left the stove on. Again. And I have to play uptight roomie and tell them. Again.

    I'm already keeping so many annoyances to myself. The fucking state of the kitchen. Seriously. If you clean the kitchen after two months of dirt, you don't just wipe the crumbs off the counter, you take everything off and scrub that shit.
    AND you clean the sink. UGH.
  10. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    The face stuff someone leaves in the front bathroom (I think it's for the baby but we have a policy of "no-one's claimed thing it's free for use" and it's a pretty huge tub compared to how much one uses at a time) makes my face very soft and smooth and clean. But it FUCKING BURNS. Mostly only before I wash it off, but even after my cheeks and the space above my lips are still warm. Not painful anymore, but when it's on AUGH.
  11. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    Everyone's getting on my nerves today. I don't want to people: I want to sleep. My hip *still hurts*.
  12. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

    I'm only three weeks into the semester and I am already so done with homework I don't want to do any more reading responses augh
    I have to analyze Lewis Carroll's "Jaberwocky"? And try to find meaning in it?? REALLY?? IT'S A GODDAMN NONSENSE POEM.
    And I have found what is hands-down my least favorite poem and is probably a dyslexic's worst nightmare:

    The roldengod and the soneyhuckle,
    the sack eyed blusan and the wistle theed
    are all tangled with the oison pivy,
    the fallen nine peedles and the wumbleteed.

    A mipchunk caught in a wobceb tried
    to hip and skide in a dandy sune
    but a stobler put up a EEP KOFF sign.
    Then the unfucky lellow met a phytoon

    and was sept out to swea. He difted for drays
    till a hassgropper flying happened to spot
    the boolish feast all debraggled and wet,
    covered with snears and tot.

    Loonmight shone through the winey poods
    where rushmooms grew among risted twoots.
    Back blats flew betreen the twees
    and orned howls hounded their soots.

    A kumkpin stood with tooked creeth
    on the sindow will of a house
    where a icked wold itch lived all alone
    except for her stoombrick, a mitten and a kouse.

    “Here we part,” said the hassgropper.
    “Pere we hart,” mipchunk, too.
    They purried away on opposite haths,
    both scared of some “Bat!” or “Scoo!”

    October was ending on a nosty fright
    with scroans and greeches and chanking clains,
    with oblins and gelfs, coaths and urses,
    skinning grulls and stoodblains.

    Will it ever be morning, Nofember virst,
    skue bly and the sanppy hun, our friend?
    With light breaves of wall by the fayside?
    I sope ho, so that this oem can pend.
    And I have to analyze that, holy shit I can barely read it adlkfhajsd
    I swear it'll be a miracle if I haven't set this book on fire by the end of this semester.
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  13. devian

    devian Well-Known Member

    I have somehow gotten a canker sore on my tongue. My tongue existing in my mouth hurts. Eating and drinking hurts massively. Everything is terrible.
  14. Lissa Lysik'an

    Lissa Lysik'an Dragon-loving Faerie

    People have been talking right under the sign that says "No Talking" ALL DAY. And each time it is pointed out they start with "I wasn't talking, I was having a conversation." These are ALL people with a minimum of a four year degree and ten years of experience in their jobs. Professional, supposedly educated people. Who think that talking on a phone does not count as talking.
    I think I shall start throwing cinnamon disks at them. Without removing them from the five pound bag first.

    Edit for context: I cannot process speech very well but my brain tries to and eventually generates a meltdown from the lack of success. There is a huge "No Talking" zone around my work area as an ADA required accommodation. Some people just cannot stop talking.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2015
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  15. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    @Lissa Lysik'an you also need some sort of "No, please shut up" sign. Or maybe a squeaky inflatable mallet.
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  16. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    My mom closed out of my Inquisition window without me saving first. :<
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  17. anonyl

    anonyl New Member

    i was almost asleep and somebody texted me. they could ahve texted me WHENEVER this evening. but noooooooooooo let's text after midnight.

    my stupid fucking cat won't stop fucking meowing for no goddamn reason.

    s.o. came home and pushed all my buttons as per fucking usual. when asked about it he gives an entirely unrelated example to counteract. when i point this out he says it isn't intentional. well no shit it isn't intentional THAT DOESN"T MEAN IT"S NOT HAPPENING

    oh my GOD today's been a rollercoaster and i thoguht it was ending well BUT THEN IT WENT TO SHIT
  18. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    The fact that I am unconsciously breathing through my mouth because my nose is so stuffed :(
  19. Piratical

    Piratical Dis-member

    I'm so tired of seeing grown damn adults throw temper tantrums for not getting their way. @_@; Oh, you didn't get what you wanted? Well OBVIOUSLY everyone competing with you is some freeloading teenager doing things for fun, not a Real Professional Adult, and thus doesn't deserve it like you do. Uuuuugh.
  20. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    my mom making weird comments about my butt. I don't wanna hear that, damn it.
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