Things that are currently annoying you

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Emma, Mar 9, 2015.

  1. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    I took a shower, but there wasn't any soap left, only citrus shampoo.


    That shit feels like something is setting your scalp on fire and dumping salt on it. Why is it the only one my parents buy?
  2. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    Posted a fanfic for an obscure fandom. Romanceless to boot, so I dunno what I was expecting, but dammit, I wanna hear about how I did! Really sucks posting something I put that much effort into and not getting any eyes on it. Bluh. Whatever. I'll do better next time.
  3. shelter people labelling literally every bully breed/bully breed mix dog 'pitbull'
    shelter people saying 'pibble' instead of pitbull exclusively
    shelter people bragging about knowing bunches about pitbulls even as they misidentify a staffie
    their heads are literal squares?? staffordshire terriers are built like brick shithouses, how the fuck can you get that confused with the wiry build of a fucking apbt

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2015
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  4. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    A quick google search says that "pit bull" is a common name for a couple of different breeds, including the steffie and the apbt. Dunno how correct that is, but could be that they're working off that kinda dealio.
  5. rats

    rats 21 Bright Forge Shatters The Void

    fukken physics teacher assigns a time-consuming busy work video project to do. . .now. In the fall. When we're working on college apps and SHOULD be learning actual curriculum stuff.
    Then he has the gall to wonder "gee, why are we a whole chapter behind the other high school?" I WONDER.
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  6. @tinyhydra pitbull's used a lot but the actual catch all term for pits and staffies and such is bully breed. it'd be one thing if people used pitbull as a general term with the understanding that it's inaccurate but the dog breeds are conflated more often than not. hell, most people can't even tell an american bulldog from a staffordshire from an apbt from a fucking cane corso, which can be a problem because all these breeds have different care needs and breed characteristics that need to be taken into account! a purebred american pitbull terrier should never be allowed to play unsupervised with other dogs, while some of the aforementioned breeds are totally fine! if you get a breed that's not especially dog aggressive under the assumption that it's a pitbull and base your conclusions off if it's behavior, someone's dog could very well get their face tore off when you get your hands on an actual pit. every pit has fighting dogs in it's background, often fairly recently, and you can really fuck your pet over by not understanding what that means, and a lot of people don't know what that means! because the terminology used is inaccurate and leads to dangerous and widespread misunderstandings!

    this probably came off sounding rlly aggressive but i swear it's not directed towards you, this is just a thing that really really bothers me and i tend to get fired up
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  7. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    Oh, okay, that makes sense. And you didn't come across mean or nothing. It's really cool that you care so much about this.

    Also, bully breed is a really cute term, goddamn.
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  8. The Mutant

    The Mutant ' w '

    I am currently transcribing an audio interview for a friend of my mom's- every so often she interviews someone and needs someone to transcribe it and pays me a little for it (yay money!)

    but christ, these last few, and especially the one I'm working on now- see, I prefer the interviews I've done for her in the past that are just like 'tell me your life history :V' but all the ones in the last half a year or so have been ones where she's interviewing people for little self-published books about wisdom and spirituality (very tied into Christianity in particular, my mom knows this friend from her church). Bit more tedious, since I am cynical, nonspiritual/nonfaithful, depressed and anxious to boot so it all falls super flat to me as I'm listening to it again and again to get it all down right.

    And just now, the thing that pushed me to track down this thread and post my annoyance- well, two things. Earlier on, the interview-ee was waxing poetic about ~forgiveness~ and how anyone who ever hurts you or yours isn't ~really~ hurting you and yours and they have nothing against you, they're always just ~insecure~ and you have to forgive them and then ignore them because you can't be hurt if you don't ~take their problems upon yourself~ (I really just wanted to grab something like The Ray Thing From The Drama Forum and rub it in her face through my audio transcriber. try telling any of the particular victims of this nonsense THAT.)

    The thing that REALLY pushed me over the edge was just now, when she rhapsodized about the godforsaken 'there's always someone out there who has it worse than you so fuck you for ever being sad/feeling sorry for yourself because someone else having it worse invalidates any/all bad things you may go through' sentiment, which is a thing that particularly curdles my cream- she even stated firmly that it's a 'first world problem!'. =___= (The things I mentioned were obviously not worded quite so ferociously in the interview. :P)

    I mean, I don't want to be a jerk about it, since all this stuff helps some people and I'm not gonna harsh on it for that, so it's staying at the level of mild annoyance- but ugh, it's just so much nonstop, often high-handed glurge to me. bluh. I'll be glad when I'm done with this one. (but then she said she's got more interviews upcoming. sob. wish I didn't need the money so desperately '__')
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
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  9. oph

    oph There was a user here, but it's gone now

    My minecraft server is doing something stupid and I can't figure out what or why, and the issue is frustratingly incompatible with Google
  10. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    Realizing that half the friends you wanted to be closer with and felt you were already close with are actually drifting further and further away.. and in some cases aren't drifting away fast enough because there's nothing left in common anymore and being reminded of that makes everything awkward and uncomfortable. I don't get friendship dynamics, but it seems like the ones I didn't feel I could be open in safely are the ones that are crashing. Surprise surprise.
  11. The J

    The J 16-layer Fightme Dip

    All I want is orange juice. How the fuck is orange juice this expensive I live in Florida, land of oranges, not Alaska.
  12. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    The author of this MMFR modern AU I'm reading has inexplicably decided that Morsov is an asshole, I can only assume to make Slit's distaste for him more palatable. I'm not super annoyed, but it is fucking baffling, especially the one scene where Capable immediately dislikes the dude for coming into her shop being all smiley and polite. Come on now, Slit's a kill-stealing, dead-mocking, violently silly jackass. Let's not pretend that Morsov being a bad dude would make all that not true. I can't tell if this is some kinda joke, or if it's foreshadowing or something, but I'm only 6 chapters in and it's already getting dull.
  13. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    I am having an allergic reaction to something - maybe the hotel soap? - and my face is all stingy like a bad sunburn. :(
  14. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    Trying to update to Windows 10 made my computer throw up all over itself (well, it overheated) so now I have to try again. There doesn't seem to be an option for not updating at all.
  15. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    A solid day later, still no clue why spontaneous hives and eye nearly swollen shut. Am itchy and annoyed.
  16. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Pimple on the inside of my calf, near my ankle. Sensitive, so it easily hurts and easily itches. But not enough for feel justified in complaining, just this persistent irritation.
  17. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    Too many people, moving around, doing stuff, in my space, urgh! Goddamn, I need to start taking steps towards getting my own apartment or something, cause having to go out into the world and interact with people is eating up my resources, and I don't got any left for dealing with that kinda stuff at home anymore.
  18. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    we forgot to bring the cottage internet back to the cottage so i have to use my iphone hotspot for the internet
    and my iphone hotspot is not very good
  19. chthonicfatigue

    chthonicfatigue Bitten by a radioactive trickster god

    Dear person I work with: Really? You really feel the need to pull this playground-level manipulative bullshit with me? Like if I'm not 'on your side' then you're going to listen at doors to private conversations and try to bully and badger me into giving you information, and when I won't give in you throw a pissy fit and threaten to take all your toys and go home? You are older than me. You have a grown up son. Own up to your faults and grow the fuck up.
  20. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Why must people be so mean and hateful to others. This isn't really annoying me so much as it is making me sad.
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