Things that are currently annoying you

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Emma, Mar 9, 2015.

  1. The Mutant

    The Mutant ' w '

    I scraped a fair amount of skin off a few of my fingers at work today and they sting like good god almighty :I

    also I let myself get suckered in to making tomorrow even more difficult than it already was going to be. Originally I was going to go to work for a short shift, then leave and go to a doctor's appointment a long drive away, then drive back to my parents' house to let the dog out, then immediately go BACK to work at my boss's insistence for another shift since she was oh so magnanimous by letting me go to my doctor's appointment, and now I'm going to make ANOTHER long drive after this second shift to go up to my aunt and uncle's ranch to feed the horses since my cousin had something come up.

    also did I mention that driving is an EXTREMELY PHYSICALLY PAINFUL experience for me? cause it fuckin' is. :I
  2. sicklyprince

    sicklyprince giant androgynous glam monster

    my boss changed my work schedule this morning, from a 4-hour shift tomorrow to a 9-hour. no phone call, no nothing, just changed it less than 24 hours before the shift itself and left me to find out. technically against the rules of my job (48-hour notice is required) and something i could totally get the union involved in, and i just. said i'd do it anyway, because i need the money.

    this job has screwed me over and flat-out cheated me in so many ways and i let it keep happening because i'm excellent at being a doormat.
  3. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    my brother ate some of my favourite ice cream (which is one of the few foods i eat [and the only kind of ice cream i eat], 'cause sensory sensitives), and i'm really upset about it. and upset with myself for being upset 'cause it's not like i'm the only person who can eat it, it's not like i have any reason to stop him from doing it. he has as much as a right to it as i do
    i'm just really upset that he did and upset that he might do it again. and there's nothing i can or should do about it.
    and i've a feeling that i only find this so upsetting 'cause of, well, brainweird. not sure which brainweird exactly, but yeah... brainweird.
  4. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    So, I had an argument with an acquintance on Facebook.
    It started with me posting "i can't believe it's 2015 and i read stuff like that", and a link to a manners course which was also teaching girls that the highest point of their lives would be marriage and they should learn how to be perfect princesses for their princes by learning how to run the house and stuff like that, targeted to girls ages 4 to 15. Standard sexist stuff.

    she asked what was wrong with a princess themed manners course and I pointed the marriage stuff. Cue shitstorm. I tried to present my arguments, but it somehow ended up with her rambling about "a video of a little boy in lipstick and high heels twerking in front of a bunch of grown men is ok because they're gay and you can't criticize the gays", "i know a lot of unhappy sluts that never married and keep being used" (when i had written specifically that a culture that centers a woman's value around her relationships with men is prone to make her unhappy, and that we should be teaching women to find value and happiness within themselves), "political correctness gone mad", and a bunch of racist religion stuff that frankly came out of nowhere, and she called me a bunch of stuff because i offended her by suggesting she had some internalized misogyny, sexism and homophobia she could examine and that keeping those things uncheked wasn't good either for her or for society. i was frustrated and pretty pissed and i don't like having shitstorms on public facebook posts comments, so i deleted the comment thread and unfriended her, but now i'm like... i should have tried to contact her and explain? it's very basic feminism 101 stuff, but there's no use arguing with twenty-something conservatives, but like...
    now i wanna?? write something about it??? i'm still annoyed and pissed and. idk. she called me intolerant and biased and frankly i was so frustrated that she was so aggressively missing the point? but i kind of regret it??? i shouldn't have done that??? but then... what's the use arguing... with someone who doesn't want to listen... and i have the right to make my social media a space i can use... without anxiety....
  5. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    The Tvtropes page for "Wimpification" is full of "he's basically a woman" kinda stuff. "Sensitive and emotional, might as well plant a baby in his belly and call him your wife", fuck. "Would the village really approve if they knew their leader was weak enough to be molested." Gross.
  6. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    My new job is to Find Shit in the store and change the prices/signs denoting that price. Sounds simple, right?

    Especially when this week I only had 300 items!

    • Oh, sorry, uh, Minion2 quit suddenly.
    • And we were wrong, you need to find 1700 more items. Almost all of them are fishing lures. We'll tell you this right as you finish your initial list of 300, thinking you've actually made percentage for once, AND EARLY! GO YOU!
    • No, go fuck yourself.
    • Minion1 has said "Fuck This, I am never doing this again."
    • Crying jag, in private.
    • Scanned every fucking lure in the store, where the fuck are the last 500 saltwater lures?! We don't even HAVE 500 saltwater lures!!
    • Oh, they were supposed to be shipped to another store THREE WEEKS AGO. They might be in boxes.
    • SEVEN 2'x3'x2' boxes full of tangles. Only about 10% is actually useful.
    • I have now gotten more fishhooks stuck in my fingers in one day than in an entire childhood spent ON A BOAT, MOTHERFUCKER.
    • Stave off three separate public crying jags
    • Competitor for position notices my Bad Day and says, quote, "~Ha-ha~ You hate your job now~~~ :^)"
    • Why the titty-fucking christ are 75+ fishing t-shirts STILL on my list I made Minion1 scan every shirt even remotely related to fishing.
    • Oh. She only scanned one or two items per shelf/rack and called it done. Fuck.
    • Still can't find 150+ FUCKING LURES
    • Crying jag. In public. "Public" meaning my BOSS.
    • "Oh, actually, we did lose a big shipment of lures a while ago, and I've never seen these shirts either. We never received it but it showed up in inventory anyway that happens a lot."
    • "Don't be so hard on yourself"

    *crabdad screeching*
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2015
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  7. The J

    The J 16-layer Fightme Dip

    I accidentally stabbed myself with a fork in the hand last night. Just at the base joint of my index finger. nbd. Bled like hell, but didn't hurt.

    And now I can't move it. Period.

    Also food issues. So many food issues because GOBLIN CHILDREN KEEP STEALING MY FUCKING FOOD.
  8. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    a radio commercial was talking about how if you don't give blood, your blood gets thick 'cause it has too much iron in it, and hearing it caused me to feel as though my blood had thickened in my wrist in sympathy-pain. ugh.
  9. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    What the absolute fuck. Did we go back to the Elixabethian era when everyone required bleeding by leeches?!

    Citation needed?!

    Edit: The WTF?!?! Is not at you, unknown, it's at the radio.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2015
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  10. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    @Aviari haha well, it was basically an ad to encourage people to give blood, which is something canadian radio ads often say that people don't do enough, so i figure they might've had an ulterior motive.
    no idea about citations, honestly.
    and the most ridiculous thing is that i'm on my period right now. like, my blood is currently leaving by itself. why the hell would i even consider it enough to feel sympathy pain?
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  11. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    tried to print something
    turns out my printer is likely almost out of ink and it can't print it correctly
  12. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    i checked the supply levels and they look alright
    maybe something's wrong with the file
    i dunno
  13. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    tried again with a converted file
    conclusion: my printer's fucked, in a way that has nothing to do with the amount of ink or the specific file being printed
  14. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    printed in best mode and while it didn't work perfectly, it worked for my purposes
  15. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.


    I just replaced an ink cartridge in my printer (after using it up printing ~700 pages on Friday) and now there's some weird discolouration that doesn't seem to be going away.
  16. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    Radiology day 1: here, read this book. Have fun!

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  17. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    my brain's gotten stuck trying to figure out what to eat. so i'm still lying in bed, shortly after noon, and I just want... something, idk. nothing seems appealing because my mouth is so dry. aaaand i'm diabetic so my dad is gonna be like "you need to eat on a Schedule! how much protein have you had today? yes you should be keeping track of that, why don't you just write everything down? Manage Your Diabetes bluh bluh"

    i mean, he's right, i do need to have a meal plan or something so I spend less spoons on figuring thing out, but it's still annoying. anyway i guess i gotta go drink some water at least.
  18. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    *snarly noises* hatehatehatehatehaaaaaate.
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  19. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    there is a dude outside, audible from my window, talking far too factually about how he has manipulated women into having sex with him - not because he really wanted to have sex with them, but just to see if he could. from his tone of voice, the conversation could have continued into "and now I realize that was a dumb thing to do" but, well, i kinda doubt it. also i ollied out p damn fast 'cause nooooo thanks.
  20. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    People suffering isn't annoying me so much as it is painfully crushing my will to do anything. There are so many beings that hurt and I can't even really help the ones that I know.
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