Things that are currently annoying you

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Emma, Mar 9, 2015.

  1. Nertbugs

    Nertbugs Information Leafblower

    Solicitor searches for the house me and my boyfriend are buying came back. And I've been introduced to the concept of chancel liability, which is making me so cross.

    Basically, it's a law that dates back to Tudor times. If you buy a house that's on land that the local Parish church used to own, they can bill you for repairs needed to that church. Even if you've never set foot inside. We're going to have to take insurance out. Claims aren't common, but I've read two stories of people who had to sell their houses because the church billed then upwards of £100,000 for repairs.

    What the actual fuck. Why hasn't this been outlawed yet.
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  2. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    There are people talking in the part of the train that is for travelling in silence. Annoying people. Ugh. But I already said something once and don't want to do it again.
  3. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    The weather has turned awful. The wind was so bad last night that the hotel was shaking and it's cold and raining. The plane had to divert to an airport further north and the people on the plane are stuck there until the wind dies down enough that they can land here.

    Well, I say "stuck". Where they are, it's sunny, there's barely any wind, it's 10 degrees warmer, and there are gorgeous places to hike nearby. They're having a VACATION. Meanwhile, my one colleague and I, the only ones left here, have to do all the packing by ourselves so that the plane can leave tomorrow.

    And I could have gone to a national park yesterday, but I was stuck in the hotel helping make plans for the flight that didn't happen today.

    I am a little bit salty about this.
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  4. chthonicfatigue

    chthonicfatigue Bitten by a radioactive trickster god

    I'm overworking myself and I hate it, but I can't seem to stop. It's 8pm on a Saturday night and after working my obligatory 8 hours (without a break or even a drink) I am now sitting trying to work out schedules for Christmas opening hours. I literally put them aside 10 minutes ago while saying 'what the fuck are you even doing, no-one will appreciate this' and then I just now picked them up again because how do I relax. I have forgotten how.

    And the whole dealing with numbers and time constraints and dyscalculia and impaired executive function is making my life massively stressful, but duty. I need to stop caring but have no idea how to achieve that. My self care is not secondary to everything else, you stop that right now, brain.

    Yeah I'm really irritated with the way my head works rn.
  5. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    My mother deciding to not follow a Halloween family tradition, without asking any of her kids, just telling us that it was happening. She doesn't seem to notice that the two kids who are going to be there are super uncomfortable.
  6. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    Fucking shitty ass trick-or-treating dickhead kids.

    I put a 2gal bucket of candy on my porch TEN MINUTES AGO.

    I can't do the "open the door every twelve seconds" thing. My dogs go batshit fucknuts.

    My doorbell just rang because the bucket is empty. There's not THAT many kids out. Jerks.

    Excuse me for sparing you "territorial German shepherds to the face"
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2015
  7. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    I don't even have to hand out candy (hopefully), but I'm still getting riled up, I hate the doorbell.

    it'd be a dick move, but I wish we could just hoard all of this candy and keep the lights off.
  8. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    it might be an exaggeration to say it was annoying me, per se, and it is not happening currently, but i was really frustrated a while ago when i forgot that a perpetual motion machine is, well, called a "perpetual motion machine." and i was trying to fish through my brain for the word but i just couldn't find it. and then, a while after that, i found the term in a book i was reading and was like, "oh! that's what the thing's called! i wish i'd be reading that when i actually needed to use the word!"
    (and yes, the context of me trying to think of the word was basically gravity falls, haha.)
    i don't know why i felt the need to tell kintsugi about it but i did.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2015
  9. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    I'm trying to finish this essay; it is a short essay, I know what I want to write, and yet. My attention just keeps wandering off and it's a major effort to force myself back to writing. But I want to get it done so the damn thing can be over with! Bluh.
  10. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    ALSO like 70% of the candy I got from Halloween is Snickers. WHY???
  11. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    st tried to get into the flow of writing, and y fcking keyborad is all fcked p bt fck if i' gonna by a new one so soon after the last one and fck if anyone lese in this faily ses this copter, so i gess i' actally gonna have to pt oney into this, argh.
  12. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    It's only 4 keys, too! Hate how 4 keys can fck e over this bad. Not fixing that, I' so sick of copy pasting specific letters.
  13. Alska

    Alska Well-Known Member

    Last night I found out that tonsil stones are a real thing I can have and also are horrifying
  14. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    (allegedly) intersectional feminist Facebook group I'm in is currently chock full of western women (most of them white) refusing to accept an actual Japanese woman's opinion of what is and isn't appropriation of her culture. I corrected one who made a snotty comment about the actual Japanese woman's white privilege and she threw a fit. Okay, noping the fuck out now.
  15. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    I've been excessively pissed off at the undertale fandom's oversimplified fanon characterizations of basically every character for the past week. I can't stay on tumblr too long or my ears start steaming. And even worse, my friend who I brainstorm AU ideas with is also really into undertale but she totally buys the fanon characterizations and I want to rant to her about it but i don't want to insult her aaargh
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  16. frazzled

    frazzled i'm just an alt....

    Blargh. One of my roommates got into an irritated cleaning spree this morning because someone grabbed the container she uses for heating her lunch, and looking for it while hungry ate at her chill until she was pissed off at everyone. Reminded me of my mom, with the "why can nobody put things back where they're supposed to be?" ranting to herself that was too loud to really be to herself, the way that she complained more when i was in sight than when i went to other rooms. She sorta reassured me that it wasn't directed at me, but at everybody (of whom I'm a part? how does this reassure me???).

    She's not taking into consideration that our other two roommates are now working longer, outside, scheduled jobs that they have to do life in between. She's working two or three part time jobs, but they're all things that she does from home. So their availability for being home to do the things has significantly reduced, while her at-home time hasn't. They have excuses, reasonable excuses, for why they haven't been contributing as much to cleaning, on top of the various brain weird that makes it difficult.

    I have no such excuse.

    So how can I listen to her except to go "well shit, you might think you're mad at them, but that's stupid. you should be mad at me. like my dad was mad at me. i'm not employed so i should be doing all the cleaning. never mind that it would tire me out and piss me off to the point that i then wouldn't be able to find a job."

    but i don't think there's a good way to say that.

    she was complaining, "am i gonna need to write up a list of rules of how things need to be? and even if i do, would anyone fucking pay any attention to it? probably not!"

    and that's a really valid fear for her. the two externally employed have executive function things that mess with their ability to retain plans over time. so they can say "oh, yeah, i'm gonna clean that this afternoon after X" and genuinely mean it and just forget. plus one of the externally employed roommates was complaining about how cleaning!roomie needs things to be Just So and complains if they're not. so if she were to write a list and put herself forward as the angry authority, they would both be annoyed and they wouldn't find doing the things any easier and the one might deliberately snub the demand because of feeling offended.

    this is annoying.....................
    i don't know what to do about this...
    fading and hiding in my room doesn't help anything but at least i'm not in the middle of the complaining....
    why can't she bring things up before she reaches the explodey point.........
  17. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    it seems like google has changed its format
  18. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    I was walking and listening to a podcast and I think some people in a car were looking at me and possibly catcalling me but I couldn't hear them because I had my headphones in???? Idk it was weird
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  19. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    I want to get out of my chair, but it is hard. Stupid executive dysfunction.
  20. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    oneshots (ones actually marked 1/1, btw, not merely stories which haven't had their other chapters added) on ao3 now have a thing saying "chapter 1" at the beginning of them, which is ridiculous 'cause they don't actually have any other chapters, and really terrible-looking. like, seriously, ao3, seriously?

    that is so not my aesthetic, ao3.
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