That one rude manager who is clearly playing favorites. I'm in training to be a head cashier, and I asked a certain manager if we had any callouts so I could cross them off the schedule. He said it wasn't his job and to ask the head cashier. He answered so angrily that it threw me off. When I asked the head cashier if we had any callouts, she said it was the managers job to tell me. Couple of days later I hear the woman who's training me ask him if there were any callouts, and he answered no callouts today without the rude and angry tone he used with me. I had a clip board I was using to keep track of my pens and paperwork. Was told by the woman who's training me that the manager had told her I wasn't allowed to have it. So not only will he not speak to me face to face while I'm working, when he is forced to speak to me (like when I ask him a question) he becomes incredibly rude and aggressive. Asking clarifying questions shouldn't be met with "It's your job, figure it out! Learn by observing that's all you have to do! Just learn by observing! It's not my job!"
Seven or eight kilos feels a lot heavier than it should when you have to carry it half a mile in a box with no handles.
There are entirely too many cockroaches around, and I am going to start impaling their heads on toothpicks as a warning to the others if they don't fuck off. Just kidding, I'm way too spooked.
Failed the accuracy cart today because someone put the wrong damn blocks on it. And when I went to get the right blocks the head cashier told me I wasn't allowed to switch them. I hate my job.
Just had a man at aldi's threaten to punch me in the mouth after he roughly pushed past me with his cart, and I said excuse me please be careful. I hate this town I hate this town I hate this town I hate this town I hate this town I hate this town
The fact that no one involved in making the show discussed here seemed to notice that donuts are supposed to have holes.
Gave up planting flowers in my window box because my father would put birdseed in it no matter how many times I told him not to. He asked me this morning what I was going to put in it and got annoyed when I told him I wouldn't put anything in it because his birds would just trample it. Everytime we have this discussion I say the same thing and he always says he'll remember but he never does. I'm getting sick of him getting annoyed at me because he forgets what I tell him. He's been like this for the past 9 years. Maybe it's time to get my own place.
Note to self, don't buy ferrets tripe again. They won't eat it and it makes the entire living room smell like bad cheese.
It's very very frustrating not to be able to gush about fic exchange assignments with other people who have joined up for it until after it's done.
Some redditor just left a comment on a poem I posted asking if I was too lazy to type. Well maybe if reddit didn't fuck up the formatting everytime I did type, I'd stop posting pictures and type it instead. :)) ((: So annoying
The old joke about "sending lesbian daughter to all-girls school as '''punishment'''". Being non-cishet/non-gender-conforming/non-generally-conforming in a girls' school was miserable for me.
Just thinking about how Amos Slade and George Newton, among other movie antagonists, were entirely in the right. It's common courtesy not to let a pet carnivore run wild on someone else's chicken farm and it's actively dangerous to let a dog the size of a St Bernard jump up on people.
the website i usually buy my cat litter because it's the only place where it's cheap: 1) suddenly missing one brand of the type I buy 2) declaring the two others not available for delivery 3) putting one of them back available for delivery but only after i'd ordered a more expensive bag from somewhere else 4) when i actually tried to purchase another couple of bags of the usual stuff from them, that despite the product page allowing me to add to basket, when i look at my basket it says it's out of stock 5) keeping the other brand not available for delivery 6) putting the price up by a pound also, which is kind of just the cherry on top really
A sudden uptick of randos in my sphere of the internet using "in lieu of" when they clearly mean "apropos of".