Things that are currently annoying you

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Emma, Mar 9, 2015.

  1. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Caught in the northeast US snowstorm. Still have that cold.

    Gotta go to work, and it's too late to call out. This'll be {fun}.

    Gotta love retail.
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  2. rats

    rats 21 Bright Forge Shatters The Void

    Yo @Anon19 idk where in the northeast you are but it is seriously dangerous in most of the NE right now and unless ur in like......New England type northeast I would be very concerned
  3. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    @rats I'm in Pennsylvania. I really shouldn't be out, and yet...
  4. rats

    rats 21 Bright Forge Shatters The Void

    @Anon19 YEAH YOU REALLY SHOULDN'T WTF I am shocked that your workplace is even open??? There is very little of PA that isn't being totally hammered by snow, jesus christ, it's not like anyone's going to be out shopping today

    Stay safe friend, drive as slow as needed....!
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  5. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    @rats I assume your thing got canceled? it's still Hella Snowing here.
  6. rats

    rats 21 Bright Forge Shatters The Void

    @blue oh yeah all my Things got cancelled today - fencing thing, wtnv thing, alllll the things
  7. EulersBidentity

    EulersBidentity e^i*[bi] + 1

    Sop is ill so she won't be at work tomorrow. Currently without a permanent tenor, remains to be seen if DoM can find a dep. It has been so. Freaking. Long. Since we had a full quartet on a Sunday and I am 100% sick of plainsong and unison masses ARGH
  8. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    My e-cig is horribly clogged and I think the tank isn't replaceable (it's a cheapo one). :(

    I have a nicer one on my bday wishlist but still, uggggghhhhhhh.
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  9. EulersBidentity

    EulersBidentity e^i*[bi] + 1

    WELL the tenor is doing his best, but this is a scary-ass gig to step into. We're still doing the damn plainsong mass. I have to find a better job.
  10. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    Oh so you want an iced drink/Frappuccino? Great! I love iced drinks! But could you maybe say you want it iced? Forgive me, but it's January and below freezing, so when I get an order for, say, a mocha, my first thought is not to grab a blender.
  11. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    I want to run, but all the snow that melted yesterday re-froze overnight and even the few sidewalks and streets that were shoveled and plowed are slippery death traps. I'm going to have to go to the gym and do my long run on the treadmill. Fuck the treadmill.
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  12. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    Dear insurance company, when the hell aren't you experiencing higher than usual call volume?
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  13. chthonicfatigue

    chthonicfatigue Bitten by a radioactive trickster god

    I broke a molar at dinner tonight and it's cutting up my tongue, plus I get the pleasure of an emergency dental treatment. Joy.
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  14. Willowanderer

    Willowanderer Does her best

    when doctors want you to show up ten minutes before your appointment then keep you waiting a half an hour after your appointment time...
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  15. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    Insurance company: Sorry, but it's impossible to tell if testosterone would be covered under your workplace insurance policy until you're actually insured.

    @hellfirelover Errrrgh breaking a tooth is something I literally have nightmares over, I hope repairs go smoothly.
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  16. Secret Squirrel

    Secret Squirrel certainly something

    I Have Pet Peeves and I Must Scream

    1) We seriously need a grid organization in Zumba, I do not want to smack someone or be smacked.

    2) Gettin real tired of people assuming I'm working out and eating better to "look good". No. I want to spend less money on clothes, and also not be so weak. Stahpit.

    3a) (admittedly an old one) I'm all for body positivity but can people please stop pretending Rose Quartz from SU was pregnant all the time? The first time we saw her was a with a big belly, a big PREGNANT belly. Every other time we've seen her, her belly is relatively flat. She's not skinny but she's also not perpetually pregnant.

    3b) Skinny people can cosplay fat characters, fucking fight me. There's a problem with slender cosplays getting more attention/approval because of fatphobia, yes, BUT THAT IS NOT THE INDIVIDUAL COSPLAYERS FAULTS.

    4) General irritation with people misusing the phrase "deus ex machina".

    5) Why is there so much salt in canned soup. There is no reason for that much salt.
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  17. flea-riddled

    flea-riddled totally secret sub account

    Bad dream about being the person others smile and nod at.

    The 'That Friend' no one really likes... and no one wants to be the jerk who first ostrasizes them.

    We played a game of MtG to decide whether to sell the diamond necklace and use the money to buy more food for the coming blizzard, or to just punish those who wasted food and refuse to feed them, so we would have enough.

    Because it was so serious, me and the other player were outright cheating, and winking at each other while we did. The third person, being a gm/referee/bank/??? role that doesn't exist in MtG, was shuffling or something and at least seemed not to see what we were doing.

    It was a whole bunch of bullshit out of a Willy Wonka movie. Misfortunes happening to people after they do bad things, framed as if it were deserved consequences.

    I did terribly. It was like there was no land in the deck, and I irritably asked how many lands she had shuffled into the (strange, joint use deck).

    She smiled enigmatically and did not answer. I felt embarrassed for directing my irritation at her and angry with her for not answering the question I'd asked.

    Remembered seeing a guy in a video/music store chatting at the woman at the register. At, not with. She made empty apprecitive noises in the openings so he felt pleased with her customer service demeanor emphasis service emphasis not-quite-cornering a minimum wage employee to sup delicious validation from their instructions to be pleasant and helpful. Smile and nod. Smile so they think you like them, nod so they think you agree, and leave when you get a chance.

    My performance did not improve. I... She...

    I demanded she at least tell me what rules we were using, how much health we had, etc etc etc.

    She smiled at me and did not say, you should have asked when we started. If you were winning, would you be asking this question? I think not. So, you ask to deflect from your loss, to blame your loss on me, to pressure me into giving you a replay. I will not comply. Whoever do you think you are...?

    She smiled and continued packing up. I wanted to cry and blame her, I wanted to not blame myself, I wanted to not be sick with selfblame and regret and shame. Everything was tilting and slick and awful so I couldn't balance couldn't hold steady couldn't ground. SoI didn't know how, Soor maybe I just believed I couldn't, there. So I fled.

    I fled out the mouth of the cave we were playing in, as it began losing its form once she redirected her attention to putting the cards right.

    I couldn't stand steadily on the floor, I had to keep moving around just to stay roughly in place, and I couldn't keep my composure. So I dropped my cards and fled outside, climbing the edge of the mountain to find a cave of my own to rest in its mouth.

    She smiled at me as I left, and did not say, you are leaving so soon? But you have not done your share to clean up. I see, I see, you are ill-tempered with your loss, and flouncing so you do not need to listen to your criticism or shame in tue curves of our unspeaking mouths. You think you can find composure in seclusion. You think you can go regather yourself, then come back to do what you feel you must.

    But the world moves on, regardless of what you want. That is why we could not play another game, and why the cleaning will happen whether you contribute or not. The world will continue whether you are ready or not. The compsure you find in your still, stolen moments in another cave mouth will not give you the strength of will to stay next time, nor the time after that. It's a trick, an addiction, an escape. You know that the strength to keep going when it's hard is the strength story protagonists need. You're fooling yourself, if you really think running to this forum to play easy, kindly characters will make you any better at emotional complexities. Look how childlike he is. Look how others would never think to involve him in some kinds of things.

    Smile and nod, child. That's the way to get by in this world. Smile to satisfy others, so they feel gratified and pleased that you like them. Nod to reassure them, so they feel the validation of agreement from someone without a horse in the raace. Smile and nod so they thin you are on their side, and then they will direct their frustrations and fury at others. Smile and nod to protect yourself.

    If you don't smile and nod...? If you don't try to silently, 'naturally' fit what others want...?

    If you show frustration and ask questions, it's too late. Not even if you regret aftwerwards. Not even if you ask questions to try to troubleshoot and make it better. It's too late. You attacked instead of being on their side. You disrespected by blaming and questioning. Now you deserve what's coming to you.

    Do not look to me for aid. I will not risk anything to help you, person who did not appreciate my aid when things were going well.
  18. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    this is silly but... i'm annoyed about Plans meaning i'll have to be away from kintsugi for several hours
    Plans that are supposed to be fun and probably will be and that i can't just cancel 'cause "sorry, i'd rather be weirdmageddon tangoing. stuff is going down in gravity falls and norm should really be involved."
  19. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident


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  20. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Wanna listen to music but get overloaded after just a short time.
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