Things that are currently annoying you

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Emma, Mar 9, 2015.

  1. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    my home internet doesn't work right now so i have to use my phone internet instead
  2. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    Today I have: cried about Alan Turing, attempted to go hiking and gotten filthy muddy dogs and icy soaked socks for my trouble, thought about lunch and realized that everything I have to make for lunch takes effort, failed to respond to emails, failed to fill out paperwork, failed to make a grocery store run, and eventually flopped back into bed still hungry and wearing my muddy hiking clothes because everything outside bed was too hard. Mostly annoyed at myself right now - I know exactly what is causing this anxiety spiral and what steps I'd need to take to cut it short and I'm just. Not doing that.
  3. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    I keep running into blogs which have themes without nesting, so it is literally impossible to tell where one reblog comment ends and another begins

    it's fucking infuriating
  4. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    Mom, you really don't need to slutshame Beyonce, that's not a thing any of us need or want to hear
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  5. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    My mum managed to ruin perfectly good risotto :( It was crunchy! It's NEVER supposed to be crunchy :(
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  6. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    "Oh no, someone did something creative with an already-damaged secondhand mass produced inanimate object! I must throw a screaming fit about this on the Internets and then tell everyone who disagrees with me that they're being unreasonable and judgmental and they're why the Internet can't have nice things!"
    • Like x 1
  7. oph

    oph There was a user here, but it's gone now

    Blackout poetry?
  8. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    The book fairy costume.
  9. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    The current French media narrative of "Corsican people are racist, xenophobic, and parasites that steal all of your taxpayer money."
  10. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    The meeting that I have dialled into. They are currently talking about one of the meeting members who isn't there, and I think it sucks a bit to do that behind someones back.
  11. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Pulled intercostal muscle(s) + lingering cough = NOT FUN
  12. oph

    oph There was a user here, but it's gone now

    I was looking at this violin instructor on TakeLessons and decided that I would try to book lessons with her when I had the money for it. I have since gotten an email and two phone calls from TakeLessons asking me why I haven't booked those lessons yet.

    My inclination is to nope the hell away from the website, but I know it's not the teacher's fault the website is seriously encroaching on my boundaries right now.
  13. EulersBidentity

    EulersBidentity e^i*[bi] + 1

    Can you contact the teacher saying "hi I want lessons at some time in the future but can't now because reasons, could I have your direct contact details so the website stops spamming me"?
  14. oph

    oph There was a user here, but it's gone now

    If it keeps up I'll probably contact the website themselves and tell them they're driving customers away with their current down-your-throat tactics, actually. Maybe I'll ask her if she's on any other websites when I do have the funds, but I don't think I'll drop her any lines until then
  15. EulersBidentity

    EulersBidentity e^i*[bi] + 1

  16. oph

    oph There was a user here, but it's gone now

    They sent me another email, so I replied with a request that they stop contacting me, and an explanation for that request
  17. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    not so much "annoying" as "thinking about it makes me bummed out" is that I can't share a lot of the cool things I learn in school with my mom, since she beccame a born again christian and I'm a bio major. Usually out conversations go something like:

    Me: today I learned that fungi use chitin in their cell walls, and insects use chitin in their exoskeletons. They're not related though, they share that trait because of convergent evolution.
    Mom: I don't believe in evolution.
    Me: ok but... I am stating facts....?

    Me: Humans are animals
    Mom: I'm not an animal
    Me: Yes you are.
    Mom: No, I'm a human.
    Me: Do you sit in the sun and use choloroplasts to make your food?*
    Mom: No.
    Me: Then you are an animal.
    Mom: No, I have a spirit and consciousness.
    (something something, basically saying "animals" don't have thoughts or feelings)
    Me: That's... a bleak view of the world
    Mom: No it isn't!

    *I know this is super elementary school science here and not really accurate but I just... how can I talk about the nuances of animals and stuff if we aren't even on the same page of what an animal is???

    While I get that various species have their own umwelt, and it would be really weird if other species thought and felt the exact same way that humans do but... really? Implying all animals are just little machines that only care about getting food and making babies is depressing. Even if they don't think and feel like you it doesn't mean they aren't aware of and processing the world around them.

    What about social animals? What about other social intelligent animals? How can you think humans are super special and are the only animals capable of consciousness when you have videos like Koko crying over the loss of her kitten or Alex the talking parrot and say other animals don't have thoughts or feelings? Who can own a pet, believe in souls/spirits... and think their pets don't have one?
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2016
    • Like x 5
  18. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    It is the fifth day since a character in a show i like flirtatiously talked about how he exclusively obeys his lady love, and i have yet to see fic of him getting dommed. >:[ Fer fuck's sake, the guy is an unthinkingly obedient and devoted dorkus who dresses in a skintight leather catsuit, plays sidekick to a badass lady who he adores for her competence and strength, and he gets tied up uncomfortably often. The hell do i see more subby portrayals of his love interest than of him??
    • Like x 2
  19. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    My fucking tooth. Something about the veneer is wonky today and when I drank some water I could feel it against the broken part. Hurts like hell.
  20. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    Ofcourse I get sick on bloody Sunday afternoon. When I kind of HAVE to go to the hospital tomorrow to participate (as a doctor-in-training) in the outpatient clinic that is the only one of it's kind in this hospital for the entire fucking week!
    I feel like crap, and I hope that I get better when I have had a decent night's sleep, because I sure feel godawful right now.
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