Spoiler: grumble grumble I have locked myself in a dark warm room with water and soft blanket But the floor is too thin to block out the conversation downstairs and my noise-deadening earbuds are AWOL fuck this overload thing
lil adhd things: hear ambulance going to a part of the city you last saw a work acquaintance in brain almost immediately throws down a series of hypotheticals: that its for him and that he's dead and that youre going to find out tomorrow and youre going to be told at work suddenly you're almost tearing up and imagining yourself crying in the bathroom about your hypothetically-dead acquaintance what the fuck, brain
Tfw you thought you slept off the anxiety attack but surprise it just turned into "lowkey niggling Something Is Wrong" instead of "obvious distress is obvious" I dunno if I wanna go to work like this but being away from the house usually helps so??? jfc I've been in here a lot recently
The clock. ALWAYS. TICKING. (I may be just a bit overloaded from getting blood taken for my bloodwork stuff at 8AM this morning *twitch*). Edit: *screams loudly and wildly lunges at the cat fountain in order to unplug the damn thing* The cats'll be fine. Really. I'll just put out bowls of water.
I fucked up on a quest and permanently lost all my items and because of how I saved I can't go back to get them so it is physically impossible for me to finish the current quest OTL
I hate it when perfumes I was looking forward to wearing... actually end up not doing anything at all for me. I just got my Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab's dragoncon order and Peach I does absolutely nothing for me. It's good, but for the first hour I smell like fruit fondue because I'm an idiot that never remembers that tobacco morphs into chocolate on my skin, and after that it's just... rose and fruit infused water. just there. not offensive, but just blah.
I ate something super spicy and now my tummy is upset. I'm drinking a glass of milk to counteract it, but I don't like milk. :(
Trying to work on lining a sketch, lying on bed with the tablet in front of me cos it's the most comfy position and my boyfriend's cat has decided her favorite place to be right now is on top of it, regardless of where it's moved to, that IS her spot!! FffffftTT but then again she's curled up right under my chin and letting me cuddle her for the first time in the 9 months since I invaded her domain, so..kind of a lose/win
Just gonna be whiney for a sec. I want to draw i want to draw i want to draw and i cant and i want to i just wanna draw why did the dog hafta chew up my charger cable i want my laptop back and i WANT TO DRAW!
neither antihistamines nor expectorants nor phenylephrine has done jack shit for the sinus congestion that's had me a sad snorking mess all day, and my fiancee is three thousand miles away and can't come nurse me back to health ):<
Family friend: can you babysit on [insert certain date] Me: sure! Certain date is pretty far, so i have plenty of advanced warning! ~time passes~ Mom: certain date is tommorow, remember you have to be there early. Should i make sure you get up? Me, remembering i have a poor concept of time passing and forgot about babysitting: fuck
Me: its midnight and i have to get up stupid early. Time for sleep. Bro: *turns on brightest light in room, eats food so spicy its burning MY nose, turns up volume on show* Me, feeling unreasonably guilty even thinking of telling him to stop b/c tommorow morning and tonight is one of his only breaks from long shift fast food hell and hes not doing it on purpose: fuck
I have probably been annoyed by this before, but. Why is there not an easy solution for every bioinformatic issue I have that I can find with a quick Google search!! Why can't tools just work! Why does my dumb laptop only have 8GB RAM! Why was the lab's computer not working today! Why do people spend a bunch of time making a cool tool and then give little to no direction on using it! Also, as usual, why did I think grad school was a good idea!!!!!
I got superglue on my fingertip. Just a tiny little spot. Just enough for the dead zone to feel Wrong :[
soda is one of my favorite things in the world. It's one of my few reliably high calorie foods for bad days. it's delicious. It's fizzy. It helps when my throat is sore. I fucking love the unpopular flavors of fanta with all my heart and like discovering the new ones when they roll out international or limited time only flavors. Dr. Pepper is like my third favorite food. Soda turns me into pizza face.
Parents gave dog to many scraps as a treat. She proceeded keep me up all night needing to run outside. Between her and the ham-ham being a butt I got no sleep