Things To Do

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Kaylotta, Apr 27, 2015.

  1. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    Resurrected this thread because it's very useful.

    Hang out with Gui until 2pm
    Pay bills
    Go home: change bags, put this one in the laundry basket, change the kitty litter.
    Make the deposit for seebs
    Change my clothes
    Psych appointment
    Dinner with dad and bro
    Talk to Gui
    Prepare the Form Thingy for the final paper

    Afternoon with Gui + Drawing Practice
    Evening Drawing Lessons
    Talk to Gui (sleep over?)
    Internship stuff

    Spend day with Gui and Will
    Collect papers to grade
    Grade papers
    Sleep over at Gui's? Sleepover at my place?
    • Like x 1
  2. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    oh yeah this is a thing

    today's list
    • email head of vocal department re: possible thesis work and getting in contact with vocal instructor
    • email registrar about registration
    • sent an extra email to vocal instructor once head of vocal department responded
    • disconnect cable box and phone box for return
    • install Lima [no can do today, need bigger external hard drive, don't have $100 to spare]
    • cook some green beans and eat them with much nom [also added two small beets and their greens and lots of butter]
    • work on transcriptions [attempted - listened to the songs for 45 minutes, added staves to the score, didn't write anything down]
    • write - either Mass Effect fanfic or Welcome to Kintsugi ep 2, or both
    • work on Duolingo stuff (German and French)
    • meditate for at least twenty minutes
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2015
    • Like x 3
  3. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    if i write things down i might legit do them?

    today (hoopefully)
    • shower
    • Laundry
      • Gather
      • wash
        • red and black
        • blues and greens
        • whites
      • dry
        • r and b
        • b and g
        • w
    • get dressed
    • hair
      • brush before shower
      • blow dry?
      • brush after shower
    • work on cosplay list
      • fandom list
        • go through each fandom pick cosplays
      • written list
      • picture list
    • Make myself look pretty (for fun) (not necessary) (probably putting this on to tommorow instead)
      • make up
      • curl hair
    • Do art? (for fun) (not necessary)
    How much of this can I accomplish in 4 1/2ish hours? Who knows! Now i need to start. urg
    • Like x 1
  4. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    side note, for fun is totally always necessary. you probably don't need to know that. but it totally is

    i'm impressed at the laundry categories, since mine are "on floor" and "clean! don't have to wash"
    • Like x 1
  5. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    thanks, kay has helped me with laundry organization. I used to be scared of fucking up my laundry, and i wouldnt touch it just in case.
    Ive always had a knack for lists, but its also a form of procrastination... :/

    also the not necessary was mostly for "if i run out of time, i can knock this off"

    • Like x 1
  6. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    I'm getting there slowly...
    • shower
    • Laundry
      • Gather
      • wash
        • red and black
        • blues and greens
        • whites washing atm
      • dry
        • r and b drying atm
        • b and g
        • w
    • get dressed
    • hair
      • brush before shower will probably do again closer to shower time
      • blow dry?
      • brush after shower
    • work on cosplay list
      • fandom list
        • go through each fandom pick cosplays
      • written list
      • picture list
    • Make myself look pretty (for fun) (not necessary) (probably putting this on to tommorow instead) (probably knocking this off because there is no point to look pretty for an hour then take it all off and sleep again)
      • make up
      • curl hair
    • Do art? (for fun) (not necessary) (started working on a thing for nickjay228)
  7. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    I'm getting there slowly...
    • shower gonna do it now!
    • Laundry
      • Gather
      • wash
        • red and black
        • blues and greens
        • whites
      • dry
        • r and b
        • b and g
        • w drying atm
    • get dressed
    • hair
      • shower will probably do again closer brush before to shower time
      • blow dry?
      • brush after shower
    • work on cosplay list
      • fandom list
        • go through each fandom pick cosplays
      • written list
      • picture list
    • Make myself look pretty (for fun) (not necessary) (probably putting this on to tommorow instead) (probably knocking this off because there is no point to look pretty for an hour then take it all off and sleep again)
      • make up
      • curl hair
    • Do art? (for fun) (not necessary) (started working on a thing for nickjay228)
  8. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    • shower
    • Laundry
      • Gather
      • wash
        • red and black
        • blues and greens
        • whites
      • dry
        • r and b
        • b and g
        • w drying atm
    • get dressed
    • hair
      • brush before shower
    General List!
    • work on cosplay list
      • fandom list
        • go through each fandom pick cosplays
      • written list
      • picture list
    • Do art? (for fun) (not necessary) (almost done working on a thing for nickjay228)
    • Possibly transfer pictures from my mom's phone to her computer
    Yay all done!
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2015
  9. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    Short term
    • Do whatever is necessary to get this stupid instrument shipped tomorrow
    • Fill out international travel paperwork
    • Jump through whatever hoops I have to jump through to get flight booked
    • Take bridesmaid dress in for alteration, Saturday a.m.
    • Haircut
    Medium term
    • Buy wedding present
    • Find white shoes
    • Email landlord, try to at least get lease extended one month so I don't have to move BEFORE the big trip. Cry if necessary.
    • Call insurance company, ask about coverage on international travel
    • Call bank
    • Figure out if I can take my phone
    • Apartment hunting (this is a list in itself)
    • Pack for the wedding
    • Go to the wedding
    • Recover from the wedding (guaranteed to be too much social)
    Long term
    • Pack for the big trip
    • Drive dogs to parents' house
    • Fly away to the land of penguins!
    (For the curious, my job is sending me to Chile in October. I don't get to go on the flights over Antarctica, but I have been promised penguins.)
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2015
    • Like x 1
  10. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    Bluh. Maybe if i write this I will actually do it tomorrow
      • stuff on floor
      • dishes
    • add extra baskets and hamper to room
    • plan school supplies (fuckmefuckmefuckme)
      • find official list
      • write it down simpler
      • maybe look at stuff online
      • think of other things I personally want/need for school
    • laundry
      • sweater load
        • find
        • wash
        • dry
        • put away
    • Regain spoons from school thinking
    • Do art?
  11. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    @Imoyram - I may have some school supplies you can use (like looseleaf etc)
    • Like x 1
  12. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    Yeah. I'll check around the house probably. @Kaylotta
    • Like x 1
  13. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    • Grade the papers due tomorrow
    • Class observation day 1 (yes it sucks, but the sooner it's over the better)
    • Read "The Call of the Wild"
    • ASAP, tell Juliana that I can't meet her on Friday because I have my moirail's graduation and just COMPLETELY FORGOT
    • Lunch with Gui 11am
    • Work - get started on the other papers
    • Class observation 2 (HEY AT LEAST IT'S THE LAST ONE)
    • Embroidery and Buffy the Vampire Slayer once I get home
    • Gym
    • American Lit class
    • Work - papers again
    • Buy A2 paper
    • Psych appointment
    • Embroidery
    • Internship Class
    • Work - make some drawings in my spare time
    • Art class
    • Sleepover at Gui's - if I can't sleep, maybe draw some more
    After that Be Dragons, since I'm not sure what Gui's plans will be for the day leading up to his graduation. If I could, I'd like to go to the gym and then to work and then to him and moirail's graduation ceremony, but we'll see.
    • Like x 1
  14. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    this week:
    • finish transcription work Monday, send everything to Dr. S
    • babysit precocious 9-yr-old Spanish girl Tuesday (8.30-6ish) - possibly including a trip to the museum, a trip to the pool, making cookies, watching a movie...
    • dinner with a friend Tuesday night for my birthday
    • meet with head of vocal dept on Thursday to talk thesis
    • drive down to the border Fri/Sat to pick up auto parts
    • schedule servicing for car
    • maybe hang out with moirail to help her with sewing project for her sister?
    • Like x 1
  15. rats

    rats 21 Bright Forge Shatters The Void

    i like this thead, getting a list out and done will probably help a lot
    • finish last of summer homework
    • clean off computer desk
    • clean off other table thing
    • go through old shoes and donate/throw out
    • organize stuff for the school year
    • practice more frequently!!!
    • learn how to fold ur clothes consistently B(
  16. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    Gah why so much things in one day

    • Brush hair
    • Laundry
    • Hand wash skirts
    • /keep enough clothes to wear to open house/
    • Wear a skirt to school, possibly see classhates (no asshats today!)
    • Go to school open house with all school supplies
    • Deposit school supplies
    • Talk to principal and/or teacher about anxiety and other stuff options within school
    • Hopefully keep my shit together
    • Go home and relax? (the methren is making zuccini spice cake and zuccini chocolate desert cake and then we are watching yogscast videos till I go to sleep)
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2015
  17. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    ***to by tomorrow
    **do before friday

    • ixl
    • **reading project
    • geography map thing
    • student profile
    • **video thing
    • show and tell

    other stuff

    • change sheets
    • duolingo
    • ***make lunch for tomorrow
    • ***get bag ready for tomorrow
  18. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    My second time raising this thread from the dead. I am the To-Do Thread Necromancer.

    • Wake up early, head to Propesq to get documents
    • Email Ana Welp, ask about 1. ISF Certificate 2. Class Observation (poor Ana...)
    • Work - Grade Papers
    • Swim


    • Wake up at 7am!
    • Quick Prayer/Spell (fite me)
    • ACE MY TEST!!
    • The rest of the day Is Cancelled
    • Although paying rent would be a good idea!


    • Swim
    • Class
    • Work
    • Rest of the day Is Cancelled


    • Work
    • Prepare review materials
    • Other than that, yeah, you guessed it
    • Like x 2
  19. Chiomi

    Chiomi Master of Disaster

    I will support your necromancer tendencies!

    • kastenbaum 11
    • write
    • knit
    • email dude about writing sample
    • work
    • write
    • knit
    • work on Hunger Games essay
    • class x 3
    • work
    • write
    • knit
    • class
    • work on hunger games essay
    • study for Eastern Religions test
    • work
    • write
    • knit
    • finish draft of hunger games essay
    • class x 2
    • test
    • cook so many things (fudge, fudge, scalloped potatoes, apple turnovers, beer and potato soup)
    • get someone to read hunger games essay
    • work more
    • write
    • knit
    • contact cousin who still has my bowl from forever ago
    • documentary analysis using new framework on D2L
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2015
  20. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    to do before Christmas:

    • lime cookies (need to be shaped/flattened and baked)
    • shortbread
    • oatmeal raisin
    • cream cheese sugar cookies (requires another can of dulce de leche)
    • meringues
    • two batches of orange-almond biscotti
    • two batches of chai biscotti
    • mandarin chocolate biscotti
    • three sewing projects
    • four cross-stitch projects which all need stitching and framing
    • one project which needs to be framed and mailed
    • one project which needs to be mailed TOMORROW
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