Things To Do

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Kaylotta, Apr 27, 2015.

  1. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    by the power of thread necromancy, i resurrect thee

    remaining in German diction course:
    • Holzmair/Cooper listening journal (ASAP, late)
    • Mahler/Strauss listening journal (ASAP, late)
    • 2 art song IPAs, TBD (Mar 16)
    • 2 art song IPAs, TBD (Mar 21)
    • Wolf listening journal (Mar 30)
    • private diction coaching (Apr 7)
    • comparative listening self-exam (Apr 22)
    • Liebeslieder 1, 2, 18 (Apr ??)
    remaining in world religions course:
    • essay on Christianity and Judaism (Mar 14)
    • essay on Islam and Sikhism (Mar 14)
    • review of course essay (Mar 31)
    • final exam (Apr 22)
    remaining in Icelandic music course:
    • essay on music and magic (Mar 12)
    • hymn performance/teaching (Mar 17)
      • IPA three (?) hymns
      • photocopy/set music
      • make rugbrauð
      • make skúffukaka
    • final exam (Apr 18)
    remaining in applied music course:
    • learn Duke, I am so weak a thing (Mar 8)
    • coaching on Rossini, La separazione (Mar 9)
      • IPA
    • learn Haydn, Welche Labung (Mar 15)
      • IPA
    • learn Dvořak, Gypsy Song, no. 1 (Mar 22)
      • IPA
    • learn Debussy, Air de Lia (Mar 29)
      • IPA
    • choose what to do in Apr 5 lesson
    • jury (Apr ??)


    Mar 7-13:
    • learn Duke, I am so weak a thing
    • IPA Rossini, La separazione
    • complete essay on Christianity and Judaism
    • complete essay on Islam and Sikhism
    • complete essay on Icelandic music and magic
    • complete Holzmair/Cooper listening journal
    • catch up on the damned dishes again
    • sort clean/dirty laundry
      • put clean laundry away
      • do laundry on Sat
    • girls' night w/moirail on Tues
    • chiro appt on Wed?
    • rehearsal on Wed
    • choir rehearsal on Thurs
    • rehearsal on Fri
    • celebratory Master's lunch on Sat?
    Mar 14-20:
    • complete Mahler/Strauss listening journal
    • learn Haydn, Welche Labung, and IPA
    • 2 art songs IPAs, TBD 1
    • hymn performance/teaching and related
    • Festival classes Mon-Fri, possibly Sat
      • pay collab pianist
    • choir rehearsal on Thurs
    • rehearsal on Fri
    Mar 21-27:
    • learn Dvořak, Gypsy Song, no. 1, and IPA
    • 2 art song IPAs, TBD 2
    • complete review of course essay
    • Wolf listening journal
    • rehearsal on Fri
    • Holy Week (rehearsals and services Thurs-Sun)
    Mar 28-Apr 3:
    • learn Debussy, Air de Lia, and IPA
    • study for Icelandic exam
    • study for world religions exam
    • keyboard collab performance on Tues
    • choir rehearsal on Thurs
    • rehearsal on Fri
    Apr 4-10:
    • lesson on Tues
    • jury?
    • private diction coaching
    • diction recital (Liebeslieder?)
    • diction comparative listening self-exam
    • study for world religions exam
    • study for Icelandic exam
    • choir rehearsal on Thurs
    Apr 11-17:
    • study for exams
    • diction comparative listening exam if not complete
    • choir rehearsal on Thurs
    Apr 18-24
    • Icelandic exam
    • world religions exam
    • diction exam due
    • choir rehearsal on Thurs
    • Like x 1
  2. Erica

    Erica occasionally vaguely like a person

    • read through notes from last week's lectures before next lecture
    • clean my room
    • finish the fucking chapter come on just write whatever you can fix it later you can't fix what's not there
    • shower probably
    • get off my ass and start keeping regular to-do lists again
    • Like x 1
  3. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    • German class
      • need to message people about the Liebeslieder Waltzes we're supposed to sing
    • work like crazy on two overdue religion assignments
    • learn Messiaen quartet that I keep forgetting exists and that I need to perform tomorrow (whoops I am a bad musician)
    • Icelandic class
      • still need to bother people about getting notes from the classes I missed
    • continue working like crazy on religion assignments
    • vocal masterclass (read: cross-stitch for an hour and a half so as not to be bored out of my tree)
    • Maundy Thursday rehearsal/service
    • hopefully finish the religion assignments
    • Good Friday rehearsal/service
    • Easter dinner w/fam
    • chiro appt
    • continue catching up on homework (religion, listening journals...)
    • Easter Vigil rehearsal/service
    • laundry?????
    • Easter Day rehearsal/service
    • laundry?????
    • SLEEP
    • oh and also a voice lesson
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