Has anyone ever bought from Bath Sabbath? I love the idea of having a heavy metal-themed bar of soap. (They also do perfumes, oils and beard wax.)
Referring to Lush again, they seem to do the latter, like Karma is way cheaper than Imogen Rose (which is bugfuck-expensive but contains a load of pricey rose oil), so that route makes the most sense to me. As for calculating price, it'd probably be more profitable to calculate each price independently, but much less hassle to use set pricing levels.
Okay, yeah, I was just thinking because most of the indies use a flat rate. I'm definitely going to use a flat rate for the sample bottles because nobody buys just one and it'll even out.
Good idea, a price difference of several £ between samples is a lot more glaring than a price difference between full size bottles with different mixes. And as you say, it's rare that someone buys just one sample.
Having to adjust the concentrations of some of them. Citrus-heavy one doesn't last an hour at the concentration I was using, while a different one lasted all day. Gotta adjust to make sure they last long enough to be worth applying.
Getting close to ready! But now I have to wait for a set of scales to arrive because the chemist needs the formulae in grams instead of ml.
Need to get some last bits of paperwork so I can finish and send off formulae for legal assessment, then once I've got the info I need to put on the labels I need to finish designing them and get them printed, then make the stuff and take photos and list the things. Gah, so many things relying on other things being done first, it's so frustrating!
Almost got my formulae touched up, can send them off by tomorrow. Now need to pick colours for labels. Does anyone have a better eye for colour than me?
@ChelG Your labels look nice. The only thing is that it bugs me a little that the SCP circle is off centre for the rest of the logo.
Unrelated to the logos/labels which I think are perfectly fine aside from the centering issue @Marimo mentioned, can I just say how hyped I am to try The Sculpture (I assume that's the cinnamon/leather/raspberry one)? It sounds awesome.
The Sleep Well label may be better off with a darker background, or darker text. The white text doesn't seem like it stands out too well against the background, at least on my laptop screen. Everything else looks awesome, though.
(review bomb) (are these still welcome) AGH haus of gloi's fucking summer release LOOK AT THESE BATH BOMB SCENTS I WANT THEM ALL would it really be so bad to buy one of each ... they're seasonal, limited edition ... im gonna cry
The sculpture, Cassy, cola bottles, no more monsters and sleep well all look ! To me. I get more money in on Monday so I think I may be buying myself a sample set. I always like the idea of perfume but have a hard time picking out stuff to buy. Stuff that smells eatable is always very appealing though.