Transformers: These Games We Play

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by spockandawe, Jul 8, 2016.

  1. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."


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  2. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity


    Asking Soundwave to bring Jazz to him (personally bring Jazz to him), not just for rape, but for what is guaranteed to be violent rape.

    Oh my god, is this going to be the final tipping point for Soundwave? Or is it just going to set a slow motion avalanche in action? The violence from Megatron towards his most loyal lieutenant is the least of the issues here. Megatron has ordered him to send his family on a suicide mission, then he's going straight from violence to questioning the loyalty of Soundwave's much smaller, much more fragile cassettes. And he's ordering Soundwave to bring Jazz to him to be raped. AND Soundwave is keeping Starscream's message from Megatron. And directly thinking about how the message almost seemed friendly.

    I know it's not so much an issue of IF Soundwave snaps as much as it's an issue of WHEN. But I am dyinggggggg to see how he reacts to all of this once he's away from Megatron and has to directly deal with how he's been commanded to make things play out.
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  3. Petra

    Petra space case

    That was an amazing update.
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  4. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    u know the drill
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  5. Petra

    Petra space case

    Thank you friend.
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  6. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

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  7. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    FFFFFFUCK im handflapping, i am making a noise of distress, i am SO EXCITE but i am also SO DREAD
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  8. Petra

    Petra space case

    Oooooh my god. Oooooh my god.
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  9. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I'm in pain but I'm so so so excited, oh my god
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  10. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    *kicks down door* HOLY FUCK YOU GUYS


    holy shit omg omg omg I DID NOT SEE THIS COMING

    ohhh my god I AM DISTRESSED, poor jazz, poor soundwave....

    NICE touch with the song jazz danced to, god poor jazz was so wrong-footed and flustered and scared, oh man.....

    POOR SOUNDWAVE..... my baby was dissociating HARDCORE during the sex, oh god.... i mean we knew megatron was possessive and unbalanced but this was FUCKED UP omg....

    this is gonna be the straw that breaks the telepath's back, it's gotta be..... like the alternative is leaving jazz there and sending his family on a suicide mission while they're all emotionally compromised and terrified.... the symbiotes are gonna help jazz escape and theyre gonna skip town together. bring hook. this is the only acceptable course of action

    I AM...... AFRAID
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2016
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  11. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    no i dont check for TGWP updates every single day, where the fuck did you get that absurd and insulting idea
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  12. Petra

    Petra space case

    I'm glad if you do tbh bc it helps me.
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  13. Petra

    Petra space case

    Christ, this update. It was worse than I expected.
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  14. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity


    Holy shit, HOLY SHIT, my throat is all closed up from how intense that was!!!! That possibility never even crossed my mind, holy fuuuuuuuuck. Soundwave's already held out way past where I would have believed him to have a breaking point, but this has to be it. Megatron took Jazz and is holding him captive until Soundwave meets near-impossible conditions, and he's commanded Soundwave to send his family on a suicide mission.

    Oh my god, WOW. I'm just. REELING. Megatron being so in """love""" with Soundwave was something I never ever predicted. And I wasn't expecting Jazz to stumble so badly, but given how erratic Megatron was acting and how suspicious he already was, I mean, I don't blame him.

    If this is Soundwave's breaking point (and how much more could he even possibly take???), then rescuing Jazz pretty much has to be the first order of business, don't you think? I know all the cassetticons will be frantic over Jazz being gone, and Soundwave isn't going to be much better. That's gotta be dangerous, getting him out of Megatron's place, but I don't know if any of them would be able to stand to leave him there.

    And after that... tracking the slave collar, that's a thing Megatron can do. Not a huge deal, I think, because they've got to either bolt to Vos or to Earth, and Earth is full of unfriendly stunticons, so it's probably gotta be Vos (a distant shot is them going to earth first, then however Starscream is procuring fuel, they get back to cybertron that way). But with the collar in place, Jazz isn't going to be fast over long distances. Soundwave has his thrusters, but that's probably got to leave him very vulnerable to anyone with a flying alt mode, especially if he's carrying Jazz (but maybe there will be a callback to how well they balanced with each other during the midvorn celebration? that would be pretty awesome). If Megatron can still shock Jazz through the collar over long distances, that could be nasty. And the only people we know of who can undo the collars are First Aid and Hook, and there isn't any sign the constructicons have been unloyal yet. And... Vortex. More on that shortly.

    And I've been thinking, but it seems like the only way forward is for Soundwave to throw himself on Starscream's mercy. Which is going to be AMAZING, I really really really hope that happens. Starscream is probably going to be pretty mercenary about it, but if Soundwave plays his cards right, he has a lot to potentially offer. ESPECIALLY if he can remotely access his surveillance cameras still in the city. And ohhhh, Megatron just had him put out a shit-ton more cameras, right? Plus depending how much damage Soundwave does if (when) he tries to rescue Jazz, it might hit Starscream in the 'haha, you wacky guys are okay by me' place.

    But okay okay. You know what plot thread we haven't seen in a while? Combaticons. Hound and Mirage too, but I have less of an idea about what they'd be up to. But if we're talking soldiers who are worried that Megatron is literally going to withhold their fuel and kick them out on their asses, maybe kill them... Combaticons, man. Given that Starscream even tried to poke at Soundwave's loyalty, he MUST have reached out to the combaticons by now. There's questions about how he's been getting fuel to Vos, and... Starscream's a scientist. Could he divert resources and tech over to Vos without anyone catching on? Especially if he's making a flashy, noisy fuss over other issues all the time always? Maybe enough tech to build a space bridge? Or, short of that, Blast Off has that spaceworthy alt mode, he could totally be making runs between Cybertron and Earth, especially if Starscream is going easier on him than Megatron did. And......... in terms of the fastest shortcut to Starscream's heart(?), if he could get Vortex to Skyfire, Vortex could get that collar off him, and Starscream could steal him away from Megatron.

    I like that. I think that the combaticons working with Starscream is a MAJORLY plausible way forward. This fic keeps building and building, and I'm SO STOKED to see what happens
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  15. Petra

    Petra space case

    I just wanted to note that Soundwave's sex with Jazz when it actually happens is described in such intense, loving detail, and even his foreplay-but-nothing-else-happens is described a lot, and then suddenly we hit this and it's just like 'it hurt. Megatron went over and over'. and man. :c
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  16. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    And as minimally-detailed as this scene was, most of the detail we do get from Soundwave revolves around Jazz's involvement. Ahhhhh, I love it
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  17. Petra

    Petra space case

    Also Jazz crying and trying to kiss Soundwave while he was being raped to give him some comfort.

    OH MAN the symbiotes. No, Soundwave surely clamped down on their connection, but they still would have felt the LACK of anything for... all night??
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  18. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    So when Megatron is talking about Soundwave's loyalty, he mentions Soundwave staying faithful even in the starving times. And oh my goddddd, just imagine Soundwave in those sorts of food-scarce situations, where it's mostly every Decepticon for themselves, and everyone is probably plenty stressed about it. But Soundwave worrying not just for himself, but for his five symbiotes, because he's their carrier and they count on him and look up to him and trust him to take care of them, and he isn't able to provide, and it must have just killed him.

    (and also imagine just how loyal he is to stay true to the guy who led them into that situation, through all that, and now consider the scale of hurt Megatron is doing to Soundwave to drive him towards treason like this :3c )

    But it does occur to me, Megatron was testing Soundwave and Jazz, and Jazz failed hard. Soundwave didn't ace the test, but he still did pretty darn well, all things considered. The whole time, Megatron was framing the entire scene in terms of how absolutely loyal Soundwave is to him, and deliberately exploiting that ever-dependable loyalty to rub it in Jazz's face how much Soundwave is his. Megatron really has no idea how far he's pushed the guy or how close he is to finally snapping.
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  19. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    I'm liveblogging before I read anything else here but oh my god oh my god oh my god


    Ohhhhhh noooo. He's asking SOundwave about loyalty and this never means anything good from Megs. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooo.


    Why do I have a bad feeling about Jazz dancing and I am totally in agreement with Soundwave about this being unlike Megs and very dangerous and seriously just grab him and run. God. Poor Jazz. Poor Soundwave.


    poor soundwave you're tearing him apart lisa

    oh my god is this going to be the thing that breaks soundwave's loyalty

    he's holding jazz as a hostage oh my god this is going to be the thing that breaks him
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  20. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Okay, but yeah, this is the thing that breaks him. The symbiotes on a suicide mission wasn't enough. Jazz taken away from him wasn't enough. But the two simultaneously? Torn between three loyalties-- Jazz, symbiotes, Megatron-- Soundwave's gonna break, and he's probably going to break in favor of two of those rather than just one.

    And... you know, I bet Megatron doesn't even realize the other two are in the running. Like Spock said, Soundwave didn't ace that test, but he did end up assuaging Megatron enough that it became a test of Jazz alone instead. And Soundwave has mentioned before that he made great effort throughout the years to keep Megatron from ever thinking of the symbiotes as an actual competition for Soundwave's loyalty. His ploy with the suicide mission is a punishment to Soundwave for not being right enough, not an actual attempt to break him from a support group. This display with trying to reinforce to both Jazz and Soundwave that Jazz is a Thing, and Megatron gets to play with and break everyone else's Things.

    He's jealous, but he doesn't actually see the symbiotes or Jazz as equal competition for Soundwave. He just sees them as toys he can use to punish an unruly child and get Soundwave to do what he wants faster.

    He just made one of the biggest errors of his career and it's not like he was ever good at any of this in the first place. The same reason why he didn't notice Starscream being about to bolt, or the city leaned towards Starscream rather than himself, is the reason why he's not even going to consider Soundwave coming back to rescue Jazz, I imagine.

    ...Is Bumblebee still in the police headquarters? I know Megatron reclaimed all the autobots, but if there was any of the slaves that would be in a position to help Soundwave break in and out again without murdering Megatron (which I think it's still too early to consider) it would be him.
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