'Tsugi Tarot Readings

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Vacuum Energy, Jul 23, 2015.

  1. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    *puts my hand up* i said earlier that literally anyone can do a past/present/future reading for me, and that i'm okay with multiple people doing it. (two already have, btw.) so yeah...
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  2. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    When I asked for mine I didn't specify anyone so it wouldn't seem too unreasonable (I'm already asking a lot) so if you think it's ok if live a reading from you @wixbloom
  3. hoarmurath

    hoarmurath Thor's Hammer

    Mine were:

    I would like a fuller reading on "how to kickstart the uni thing and DO ALL THE THINGS FINALLY", and a smaller one on dating/relationships, mainly "how do I get people to come to me because I am awesome and I want to share it now".

    Also I have a physical pain related query, but idk if getting answers for that one is even possible.
  4. ADigitalMagician

    ADigitalMagician The Ranty Tranny

    If it can wait until this evening, I can do one for the general/uni focused thing. (Well, try. My spreads occasionally answer the question it WANTS to answer, but yeah.)
  5. peripheral

    peripheral Stacy's Dad Is Also Pretty Rad

    My deck got wet (it's just my printed one, don't worry) so I'm w/o any ability to read for a while.
    will reprint when I get home which is two weeks.
  6. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    @Lissiel Ok so I usually don't do reversals, but I have no idea how I managed to reverse my entire deck while shuffling for you so I do think the cards have something to say about that!

    Past: The Sun, reversed. In the past you may have been struggling with depression and feeling undervalued. The Sun is positive energy - validation, pride, "a day in the spotlight" - that may have been missing from your life for a while. It can also signify relationship difficulties which might be building up.

    Present: Justice, reversed. Upside down, this is a card about not getting your fair share. You may be having to compromise where you wouldn't, or taking on a larger share of chores and responsibilities than would be fair. Or, even if that objectively is not the case, you certainly feel that way and may be bottling it up. Especially given the stuff that showed up in the last card, feelings of being unnapreciated might be intensifying when they could be assuaged by your loved ones. It would be wise to take the time to think and talk about it - and also to ask to be spoiled a little bit by the people around you. You certainly need it, because you're in a turbulent time that is not quite over yet.

    Future: Eight of Wands, reversed. It's possible you'll experience some disagreements and friction with family or partners in the near future. This card is not just an omen, it's also advice on how to deal with that: it warns against making hasty decisions and escalating conflict in the heat of the moment. Take time to reflect and chill and you'll sail through this turbulence with the least amount of trouble.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2015
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  7. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    @Kaylotta a past-present-future reading for you, with a focus on being back to school

    Past: Nine of Swords. You have been cruel towards yourself in the past and spent many anxious, sleepless nights berating yourself. Anxious about every tiny problem, you may have been hindered in your progress. This had a negative impact on your efforts to pursue your education, and now you're trying to break away from it.

    Present: Knight of Wands. You stand before the world now as a hopeful, driven and ambitious person, eager to use your imagination and talent to take on new challenges. Your boldness and artistic sensibilities are your allies in this journey.

    Future: Nine of Chalices. Overcoming your anxiety and facing the future is hard work, but rest assured that you will be rewarded for your efforts. The Nine of Chalices promises peace and plenty in your future, which in your case will probably be related to emotional and creative fulfillment. You can hold on tight and work hard, and that will be the path to making your dreams come true.
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  8. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    While I may read for others, I am also quite happy to have other people read for me, since I... don't think I have ever had, before, and I am fascinated by what might pop up.
    Possible lines of enquiry include gender, relationships (how to get over my ex, how to build new ones, not even necessarily romantic ones) and future job-related shenanigans.
  9. Mala

    Mala Well-Known Member

    So I have a digital deck on my phone that I play around with sometimes. It's tired of me only turning to it when I've dug myself into a hole. It's pretty good for self reflection or starting new projects though. Also it comes with a bunch of different spreads which almost makes up for having to get creative to do custom spreads.

    So if anyone's interested @ me and I'll give this a try. And if anyone wants to do practice readings on me, go for it!
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  10. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    i requested a plain past-present-future reading, anyone who wants to do it with whichever deck is at their disposal is welcome to do it.
  11. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    @wixbloom that seems pretty darn accurate. Thank you very much!
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  12. hoarmurath

    hoarmurath Thor's Hammer


    It can totally wait! I get off interwebs at different times so I might not see it when you post, but yes! :)

    Thank you eeeeee.
  13. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    @wixbloom If you're up for it, I'd like a past-present-future reading with a little bit of a focus on romance :)
    @Mentarnes If you do past-present-future readings with your deck, I'd also like one :)

    Would be interesting to see what they both have to say :)
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  14. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    After thinking about it, I might as well practice, so if anyone wants me to read for them, I can try, though really serious topics make me a little nervous, ngl. I could probably pick up any past/present/future requests floating around since smaller spreads are more manageable

    on a different note, my deck has a bunch of unique cards added to it, and I'm not sure if I should leave them out for any of these or not? because they can't be readily googled for an alternate interpretation, so I don't know if it's weird for me to be the sole Authority on certain cards.
  15. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Given how amazingly varied divination methods get and how very do it yourself they are it might be ok for you to do that? Like everyone has to make their own method of reading ogham just about, and that's just kind of fine.
  16. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    @whimsicalobservant, a sleepy past/present/future

    Past: the Magician. you've done pretty well for yourself in the past, you succeeded at your goals but they didn't necessarily fit you. for the Magician, I think a lot of shit gets done, but that's a lot of responsibility without much room to connect to other people.

    Present: Ace of Pentacles. right now you're in a period of change where you're figuring out what you want rather than just what you should do. there are new opportunities available, and you're just on the edge of seeing them if you haven't already. could be a lot of indecision about whether you should hide these impulses from people who admired your Magician-ness in the past

    Future: King of Pentacles. whatever the Ace is ramping up to will occur, and you'll be more fulfilled and happy than you were in the past. you'll be more confident and act as a leader, maybe even a little arrogant, and people will be drawn to it. however, as with the Magician, people will view you with admiration, but that shouldn't be a substitute for deeper social connections. it might seem like the ideal, but don't expect everyone to follow the same path as you

    So it's kind of a progression of 'skilled and successful, but not necessarily happy'> 'searching for a preferable role, an in-between period'> 'you've succeeded, just don't be mean about it'

    edit: it's also a little weird that my pentacles and wands have swapped meanings, google barely helps
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2015
  17. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    I actually really love unique cards? stuffs unique cards into my face
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  18. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    Thank you for taking time to do my reading ::)

    I was a bit "wait what" about the Magician-past, because I sure as hell can't see it, and then remembered that my shrink is pretty impressed at a) that i managed to deal with school and uni decently w/o meds, and b) progress with sorting, understanding, and coming to terms with the stuff that went down in my childhood, adolescence, and the stuff going on now. I suppose it does make sense, even if it's in a blind spot for me.

    Ace of Pentacles, new opportunities. Hell yeah. Internship and the fingerlooping thing, at this junction. The what do I want to do vs what should I do is a thing that kind of drags itself through my life, but I suppose this is the point where I can (and probs will) actually do something about it. I'm working on balancing between hiding and showing the impulses, it depends. (I probably *shouldn't* break off uni when I'm like 95% done. That is an impulse I'm not gonna follow. But whether to do a master's degree... aunt Lise mentioned I'm p much boned without one, on the other hand, hell if I know if I *can* finish a master's degree.)

    King of Pentacles: Thanks for the heads-up, heh. Just do it, but keep your feet on the ground. Keep that shit balanced. I can work with that ::DD

    Another thing I really want to do: Finish plotting out the Calico storyline, write it, and draw it.
    Kinda probably biting off more than I can chew, heh. Happens.
  19. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute


    Past: Justice. You've been dedicated, in your life, to categorizing, making sense of and judging the world - concerned with where people and ideas belong, seeking fairness and accountability from yourself and those around you. You require structure from the world and consistency from your thoughts and feelings, and there may be specific aspects in your life and emotions that you've been feeling the urge to set right and organize.

    Present: Nine of Wands.
    At present, you may find yourself a little tired in your efforts. Don't give up, though - you're not quite finished yet, and while the final leg of this journey may seem particularly difficult, it is crucial. If you're feeling discouraged, make an effort to find a second wind and keep going, and you'll be rewarded for it.

    Future: The Emperor. The card of structure and authority in itself. Whatever has been lacking direction or order in your life, your personal journey is pushing you towards taking charge of it and enforcing rules.
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  20. ADigitalMagician

    ADigitalMagician The Ranty Tranny

    I crashed as soon as I got home last night. I will try to set some time aside tonight.
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