tumblr rp/looking for fantrolls to rp with

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by taxonomicAtrocity, Jan 3, 2016.

  1. anonymonster

    anonymonster Bellamy

    Would it be weird if I just posted a little bit about the two I'm RPing right now to see if there's anything that immediately catches someone's eye? I'm not quite done reading through profiles yet because unfortunately that sort of infodump read-through takes up a weird amount energy from me, so I can't quite offer specific RP ideas yet. orz

    Bonnie's disguised as a tealblood policeradicator and is generally known in her department as a good cop who can't ever be bothered to actually do her job. She has an alter ego of sorts - her real job is that she takes requests on commission and, for herself, pulls of some really high-profile theft heists that she signs as having been done by "the Greyhound." Works for a branch of the mob that I made up that's led by a jadeblood called the Queenpin, which mostly deal in alcohol trade and helmstech development (because I can never keep my fingers out of the helmsman pie). She gets herself into lots of trouble very easily!

    ISS Kingfisher (full ship name courtesy of tA, which is: The-moment-when-a-kingfisher-crunches-down-on-its-prey-and-the-inexorability-of-escape-becomes-known) is the helmsman of her slightly-armed but very speedy stealth ship. She's technically a real cop ship that Bonnie stole and jailbroke, and is continuously affronted by Bonnie's lawlessness and lack of decorum, but is unfortunately required to remain loyal and obedient to her captain. She's in a part-time helm rig so there are some circumstances that might find her out of the ship, and she also likes to pretend to be a blueblood on the internet because she's lonely and wants folks to talk to. She'll chatter on to anyone until someone stops her - helmstechs, criminals in the cell block, tA's terrible terrible helmsgirl Chiroh who spends her free time verbally abusing Kingfisher, etc.
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  2. Anomal(eee)

    Anomal(eee) Grumblepunk Gremlin

    I ought to clarify, Atrill is actually a character made by a third person we sometimes rp with, but we have her in the doc for ease of reference.

    Iniiph is one of my babies and I love him dearly, though, and would love a chance to play him more. He's actually one of the few trolls I can think of that might end up attending a pit fight; a lot of my weirdoes had hives kinda out in the boonies to explain why they weren't dead before they Ascended. Girzym would probably have gone when he was a wiggler too; he lived at the edge of a city, and he seems like the kind of guy that would watch, if not join in himself. @Kit and I are both of the 'rainbow drinkers = some kind of parasitic symbiosis thing' headcanon as well, btw, so your mad scientist thing works fine for our purposes.

    Your space trolls honestly all sound like fun, but it'd probably take some chatting to figure out how we were adding our off-planet trolls to the mix; the Broad's low on disciplinary staff atm, so a lot of stuff slides that normally wouldn't, but it's still very much a Fleet Standard Ship Doing Important Missions. It sounds like the other guys are on little-ish ships, though, so with the Broadside Blitz being a spacegoing city designed to bury new worlds in bodies until they give up, maybe a smaller ship could dock with it and give us some interaction time? Or we could just make up a completely different setting with selected Trolls In Space; I dunno.
  3. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    So is anyone looking to start a thread on the forum here? (Are we allowed to?)
  4. paladinkit

    paladinkit brave little paladin

    We could totally do that! Going back and revisiting your trolls, Vastar is actually an excellent candidate to meet some of our on-planet Sufferists. @Anomal(eee) doesn't have as much free time as I do, but if you want to get started I can say that one of mine is simply On A Mission through Vastar's usual wandering territory and ends up needing rescuing from??? something????
  5. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    Yeah! Her former kismesis left maiming traps all over the place that she still hasn't all found, so that's an option. Or maybe if your Sufferist has their lusus with them, if they're injured the lusus can talk to capymom. Capybara are basically universal nurturers, so it's not out of character for her to drag her troll along to find the hurt thing to help it XD
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  6. paladinkit

    paladinkit brave little paladin


    I am perhaps an excessively procedural person, so I have questions:

    1) Do we want to make a separate OOC thread for this storyline so this thread can stay "players seeking threads?" (If so, I'll save story-related questions for that)
    2) What do we want to name things?
  7. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    1) Yes definitely, and
    2) I'm not sure - Messing About on the River is the first one that comes to mind, even though it's more like bayous/the everglades - freshwater with lots of tree cover. Let Bayous be Bayous? XDD
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  8. paladinkit

    paladinkit brave little paladin

    I am so here for puns. Making OOC thread now, 'cause I am super excited for brainstorming.
  9. mek


    Is it alright if I Tumblr RP but not Homestuck? I want to dust off my RP tumblr and am hoping there are people here who will help me with that.

    The tumblr is official-timps. I do original characters but don't mind RPing with fan characters (homestuck included). It's also kind of a hub for several related characters (four of them, but two of them are animals and so don't really count), but don't mind splitting one of them off if you don't want to RP with more than one character at a time. Lastly, I'm cool with RPing in their home dimension, or sending them to another dimension to play in.

    (I'm still not used to tumblr RP conventions, so if anything needs clarification, I am all too happy to clarify.)

    (Also, hello, I am a subaccount whose purpose is to keep a user's kintsugi-profile and off-kinstugi-profile from touching. It probably isn't too difficult to figure out who I am, but I would appreciate it if people would respect my desire to keep these identities separate.)
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  10. Willowanderer

    Willowanderer Does her best

    I'd like to play but I've never fantrolled with people and I am nervous, shy and awkward.
    I have a fantroll (well two) but uhm. that's because I like making characters. But I've never really drawn them to my satisfaction so I feel awkward sharing them. I'd yatter on about them, but I'm new and still hven't figured out how to do the spoiler-cut thing.
  11. oph

    oph There was a user here, but it's gone now

    [spoiler]text to be hidden[/spoiler]
    You can also
    [spoiler=Text on the spoiler button]text to be hidden[/spoiler]
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2016
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  12. Willowanderer

    Willowanderer Does her best

    @oph Thank you, I will try to remember that.

    (oh my god I'd never written these down before this is terrible I'm going to go hide in shame and dump this on my tumblr untill I feel better about it)
    • Like x 3
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