Undertale - Pet dogs and date a skeleton!

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Piratical, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. MintyJojo

    MintyJojo Well-Known Member

    I actually personally started calling it the "Destruction Run" myself, specifically because of the whole confusion over the "no mercy" title, haha
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  2. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    Destruction and obliteration both seem like good alternatives. (Although I think I read at one point that Toby may not have actually said anything in objection to "Genocide"? Not sure though.)
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  3. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    It ^^vst be fvckin weird to kill so^^ething that's ^^ostly ^^agic. And it'd be pretty easy to ]vst not think of it as killing, what with the^^ all vp and dissolving into dvst. A thing that's ^^ostly energy that ^^ostly goes away after yov end it. Be kind of annoying, tho. If Frisk or Chara were the kinda kids who'd take shit apart. Flies and frogs and roadkill. I think i'd be annoyed if there wasn't anything left after so^^ething got killed. Yov lose everything worth having when yov kill a ^^onster. There's not even a corpse to dissase^^ble. Yvnno, if yov're into that kinda stvff. Vrgh, what even the hell a^^ I saying?

    Yov think ]erry is the ^^ost solid ^^otherfvcker in the Vnderworld?? He's got pretty high defense, don't he? Toriel and Asgore prolly have higher... what kind of physical resistance does a ^^onster give yo when yo're hitting the^^? It's gotta be there, they ^^ove shit. Fvcking hell, I dvnno what even I'^^ saying, fvck.
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  4. Arxon

    Arxon Well-Known Member

    Killing monsters is based on murderous intent, right? That's why it's so hard to kill Jerry- even if you're killing him, you still have to be around Jerry. It's just not worth it.
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  5. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    that's probably really likely.
    but yeah i think the higher your murderous intent is the less resistance the victim monster might give to whatever weapon you use on them?
    there probably isn't even a real resistance left when you are firmly on the geno route.
    it's like sliding the blade into a premade slot
  6. Petra

    Petra space case

    This person does really good covers, but this stood out to me.
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  7. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    Agreed. My other favorite cover of theirs is this one, their cover of Death by Glamour.
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  8. Sailorbeefcake

    Sailorbeefcake Well-Known Member

    Yeah, the thing about Toby not liking the term 'Genocide run' positively reeks of 'my dad's sisters mom works for Toby and she says -' .

    I mean, look at his Twitter. He talks about watching the stream of the guy who came up with the term 'Genocide run' in the first place and having a good time watching how much fun he was having, and this is a guy who named his character 'Hitler'.

    And wouldn't he have had a word with the people behind the Undertale wiki if he had concerns with it?
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  9. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    i think someone argued that they don't like the term because 'Genocide' was technically spoilers
    but then like what would you expect to happen in a run where you do the videogame equivalent of turning over every single stone to find monsters that might have gone into hiding instead of run away and murder them?
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  10. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    There's a point at which people need to accept that talking about or seeking out talk about an aspect of a thing is going to spoil them a little about the thing. As it is, 'Genocide' hints at what needs to be done to accomplish the run, but doesn't say anything about how the characters react, the boss battles, or the end results of the run.
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  11. Sailorbeefcake

    Sailorbeefcake Well-Known Member

    Yeah, the term 'Genocide route' is as much of a spoiler as 'Pacifist route'.
  12. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    HELLO EVERYONE, THIS GAME HAS STOLEN MY SOUL. And I didn't even kill anyone. Rude.

    I have a lot of feelings about Chara/Spoopy (I named the fallen human 'Spoopy' because I played the game for Halloween.) I wrote a bunch of stuff about it on my tumblr, but I'm super excited to talk about everything here as well.

    A sort of summery of my Chara/Spoopy feelings, I don't think they hurt or killed anyone in life but themself (and maybe some non-monster spiders). It's hinted all over that Toriel and Asgore had no idea Chara would hurt anyone, but it's also massively clear that at least Toriel lived in fear of someone getting hurt. In her home the fire doesn't burn, the stove doesn't work (except by magic inaccessible to humans), the fireplace tools are blunted, there are no knives in the kitchen; there is literally no easy way for a child to hurt/kill themself. This added to the fact that Chara laughed when discovering that buttercups were toxic makes me think that they'd been looking for a reliable and secret way to kill themself for a while, having been foiled by Toriel in the past.

    Asriel outright says that the reason Chara went and climbed Suicide Mountain (tm) wasn't happy. No matter if they tripped and fell or jumped into the cavern leading to the Underground, they still chose to leave their village and go up the mountain no one ever returned from. Why? Well, again, if you want a reliable method of suicide, choose the thing that supposedly no one survives.

    I think it's also significant that stumbling across a loving family didn't just cure Chara of whatever led them to Mt. Ebott in the first place. Having people care about them just led to them wanting to kill themself in a way that helped the monsters instead, since they'd been so kind. Knowing all of that, I think it's pretty reasonable that Chara was extremely angry with Asriel. He backed out of the plan AFTER Chara had already committed suicide, proving to lack determination both ways. "Walk not the middle road." "Stay on the path." It's no wonder that Chara became disgusted with monsters' lack of determination after their death.

    Oh, also, talking about the Soulless Pacifist rout, it's not that it "taints" your game, though it is irreversible without cheating. It's the conclusion of an extended, multi-play story line. First you play a normal or Pacifist rout, getting to know the characters, eventually you do a Genocide run, freeing Chara and selling them Frisk's soul. Then, if you do a second Genocide run Chara gets irritated with you and asks you to play a "different way." WELL, there are only two "right" ways to play for someone with determination. Chara wants you to play a soulless pacifist game because destroying the monster world isn't their goal. They hate the human world, like they did in life. The only way they can escape the Underground is to trick you into selling them Frisk's soul, get Frisk out in the real word, and then they can run amok. It's a rather evil story line, one that you can easily avoid, but it's not a pointless corruption. This is also why Chara calls you their partner, they want to work together with you in order to move on to "the next world" and destroy that one as best they can.

    RE: "Genocide" discussion, I know that Toby officially asked people not to tag nsfw stuff Undertale and to use "Undertail" instead on the official tumblr for the game, but I haven't heard anything about the route names in an official capacity.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015
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  13. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    Oh! Another thing I realized after watching a lot of Genocide play through snippets (and getting called a creeper by Flowey the Motherfucker) is that Sans is aware of the timeline fuckery even when Frisk hasn't done SHIT to the timeline. Like, even if you play with zero or very few resets he accuses you of consuming timelines, and fucking with everything enough that "they" are able to pick it up with their equipment.

    BUT NO. It's Actual Bag of Dicks Flowey who's done all that. He's the one who has "played" so many times that it's starting to fuck up the fabric of space time. The sudden ending of all things is totally your fault, once you free Chara and give up control of the game to them, but in the end fight Sans is blaming YOU for the shit Flowey, Asshole in Chief, got up to. That motherfucker is the reason Sans is so depressed and has given up trying to get anything done because it just gets reset over and over again.

    Basically, what I'm saying is, fuck that guy. (I love him so much, can you tell?)
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  14. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    Yeah, apparently if you troll Flowey by beating him in the neutral route, then repeatedly reloading your save to face him again, he'll eventually say:
    "(...) [Papyrus'] garbage brother.
    You know.
    Smiley Trashbag.
    If I have ONE piece of advice for you...
    Let his brother.
    Find out ANYTHING about you.
    He’ll... well...
    Let’s just say.
    He’s caused me more than my fair share of resets.
    Stay away from that guy."

    So basically: any timeline in which Sans figured out any of Flowey's fuckery is a timeline in which Flowey has a bad time. As such, Flowey avoids him like the plague, resulting in Sans knowing jack shit about Flowey and blaming Frisk for all the timeline fuckery.
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  15. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    *is now imagining Flowey having a bad time*
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  16. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    If you haven't heard about Gaster, this spoiler warning is here for a reason.


    You're still here.

    SO. If you do the stuff needed to get the key to Sans' workshop, you can find drawers of blueprints and shit that Frisk can't understand, a broken machine the player can't see, and some photographs.

    The first bunch of photos are of people Frisk doesn't recognize, smiling, with Sans... and Sans looks happy enough that the narration points it out.

    In the conversation in the MTT restaurant, Sans has a few ppointed remarks about how it makes sense to him to be content with this life here, rather than destroying it to get back an old life.

    If you do the stuff to switch your fun level, and talk to the grey kid and guys who mention Gaster... you find out that Gaster was once the royal scientist, who fell into the core and effectively died. He was wiped across time/space, effectively erasing himself from history. I don't think anyone else mentions him, ever. And if you try to name the fallen child Gaster, the game nopes back to the intro movie.

    The guy commonly understood to be Gaster appears to be another skeleton, but sorta deformed? As if he were very scarred, or melting like an amalgamate.

    So signs point to, this is not Sans' original timeline.

    Signs also point to, he has or HAD access to readings about the Save power causing timeline fuckery, and the destroyed timelines where Chara wins. But yeah, like the above posts say, he doesn't seem to have really precise knowledge about it anymore. He doesn't know about Flowey in particular, and assumes that Frisk is the anomaly.

    Anyway. What I was meaning to get at is, Sans' depression seems to be a mix of losing his friends (and maybe family?) from before whatever the fuck happened, and partly the fact that he doesn't know how to fix any of it.
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  17. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Specifically Gaster is responsible for the CORE and is said to have 'fallen into his creation'. There is four different 'grey NPCs' you can get at different Fun values. There is also the 'It's rude to talk about someone who is listening' line and 'How do I know this? I'm holding a piece of him right here.'
    I think the two main theories wrt sans and gaster championed rn are either 'Gaster was Papyrus' and Sans' third brother OR their father.' OR 'Sans and Papyrus are splinters of Gaster that are big enough to have (re-)gained conciousness', with Sans probably being the bigger part as he seems to have rudimentary memories and his sleeping Zs are in the Aster font.
    I personally think it would makemore sense for sans to be gaster's little brother or son, though.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015
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  18. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion



    You know that trope going on with

    having Alphys build a robot body that somehow they get Flowey into, despite the whole soul question.

    Feast your eyes on this one.

    Usually they make the body very kid-Asriel for the cute factor, but I think this might be better?
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  19. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    (Does he wear stiletto boots too?)
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  20. Ipuntya

    Ipuntya return of eggplant

    i bet sans especially felt like such an idiot for not realizing that the flower that was talking to his brother had been the true anomaly all along, and that he had been barking up the wrong tree with his focus on frisk(flowey isn't the only one following frisk throughout the game after all)

    it must have especially stung to have found out that so much effort had been a huge waste even without the timeline being reset
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