Undertale - Pet dogs and date a skeleton!

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Piratical, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. evilas

    evilas Sure, I'll put a custom title here

    Oh, yeah, most of his theories are bs, definitely.

    I think there's 3 different kinds of videos he does, and he mixes them up together into "theories" when they aren't, like, idk, all the same.

    Most of his videos are semi-theories/what-ifs/"oh look a is similar to b hmmmm...."/legit theories taken waaayy too far.
    Then there's stuff he does for shits and giggles, like the ones where "oh look there's a Mario cap CLEARLY THEY EXIST IN THE SAME UNIVERSE AND I MUST CREATE A TIMELINE!"
    And then there's stuff that is actually legit theorizing on what's really happening behind the scenes, like his FNAF stuff and, most recently, his Gaster trilogy. Those I like. And in those he's less of a "brand new ideas" person and more of a "ok so here's everything I could gather, let's make sense of this mess and put some clickbaity shit on it" person.


    ((I know I can get a bit annoying sometimes, considering game theorizing is a bit of a special interest? Please, if I do, tell me and I'll shut up))
  2. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    it's highly unlikely you'll get annoying
    nobody seems to be annoyed by me sperging for ages about undertale, even when i have to break the posts up because they get so huge they start to lag
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  3. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    is there any sorta fandom consensus on whether to keep frisk's skin yellow in fanwork, or on the watsonian, in-universe reason that it's yellow?

    i'm wondering 'cause my brain gets in confused "what??? how??? what???" fits whenever it pays too much attention to it, and it would be nice if it registered that it's really not a big deal and can be explained in a way that makes sense (if it can, that is).
  4. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    No clear consensus, no. I usually see people making Frisk's skin a little darker (slightly more brown with hints of yellow) and making Chara much paler (to make the pinkish cheeks more obvious).

    re: MatPat, I loathe clickbaity bullshit, and with the fact that he's wrong about at least one of the details in his Gaster videos? I'm too irritated to be hopeful. More people will hear about the "maybe Gaster broke apart and Sans is the biggest remaining piece, or maybe even both of the skelebros are pieces of him" theory... But they'll be hearing it with at least one false detail, and they'll be hearing it from the infamous "Sans is Ness" guy and very possibly discounting it just for that. Lose/Lose for me. >:(
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  5. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Ugh. I don't want to fun police. I want to fun enhance!!! SO! YES! The idea itself is cool! It's one of my favorite theories! I'll be happy to talk about it as long as I don't have to acknowledge MatPat's videos in order to do so!!

    Like seriously, that was my first preferred take on it, back early in WT, before that drawing ever got added.
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  6. evilas

    evilas Sure, I'll put a custom title here

    Ok, I'm really sorry I brought it up, I really didn't mean to cause such stress :(
    Let us not speak of that again and let's focus on stuff like "hang on, who is the "you two" that Gaster is talking about?"
  7. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Aww, thank you. Please, don't feel like you can't talk about it? I'm just gonna not interact with posts about those videos.

    "What do you two think" That is the mystery.
    Alphys' entries record what she was doing and thinking through the process of her own experiments, closer to diary entries that mention the experiments than lab records with careful note-keeping. She doesn't seem to have a specific audience for them, anyway.
    But 17's got that 'you two', like a note for someone else to read.
    Was this something he typed up, or something recorded as he spoke? Did he have lab assistants (maybe the various goner people, maybe Alphys, maybe characters who never show up because Alphys didn't hired anyone to help her)?
    Did he leave it as a note for Sans and Papyrus in particular, and if so, how could he have even suspected their existence if he splits into them?
    Difficult stuff. I can come up with "if we assume these things are true, then it would be x y z," but I haven't thought of a single take on it all that I like to the exclusion of others.
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  8. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    and on a rather different note: how papyrus thinks kids going through deadly puzzles is normal and awesome, and what that might mean about his past or the underground. if badster is assumed, papyrus might've been forced to complete deadly puzzles by him as a child, as either training or testing, but without badster, i'm not sure how it could factor into his backstory.

    maybe papyrus is just being weird there, in his papyrus way, but i do like the idea that it's a hint at his backstory, perhaps connected to his hatred of hotland.

    and other monsters - toriel and asgore, at least - disagree with papyrus about kids and deadly puzzles, so Deadly Puzzles Are Good For The Youth is clearly not an unanimous opinion in the underground. i also get the feeling, based on what the monsters were saying there, that the puzzles in hotland aren't always activated.
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  9. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Huh, I hadn't thought of that. It's true that deadly puzzles aren't popular anymore.
    Asgore's got that little key gathering thing, but that's all we see in the castle complex.
    Hotland's puzzles are usually turned off; they're at least off during high-traffic times, going by how the characters complain about them being activated. They're probably all the time, since the ones who seem bothered about being stymied don't seem to know what to do to get through them.
    Waterfall's stuff, Undyne and Alphys made recently enough that some of them aren't activated in a geno route, and the ones that Undyne made alone (rock waterfall and the piano) aren't dangerous.
    Snowdin's stuff, most or all of those are Papyrus' construction.
    There's characters like Elder Puzzler and that little enthusiastic guy in the resort who talk about how important puzzles are, but for the most part, they seem to be an out-dated thing that people do out of grudging tradition rather than any investment in the idea, and they usually just do the sort of puzzles that delay people.
    Papyrus has odd ideas about how others' lives work, and he usually doesn't bother to ask any clarifying questions, so confident and content in some ways that he's not worried about being wrong. I assume it's like the train of spikes call. But if he spent a childhood as a testing subject under a GLaDOS-like Gaster, that'd sure influence his expectations.
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  10. evilas

    evilas Sure, I'll put a custom title here

    I always thought Papyrus got that from his tendency to exaggerate combined with Undyne, but it's an interesting theory...
    Though tbh, given Sans's longing desire to go back, I don't think it's that plausible? Sans would never let his brother go through that (and would never want to go back to a situation where Papyrus was mistreated).

    Hang on... What if Gaster turned into just Papyrus? Ok so here's my reasoning:
    "You two" could be Sans and Alphys. I know, I know, lacks symmetry, which means that this part will need to be refined/expanded on later.
    One theory I always liked is the mention that
    *for some reason
    *everyone seems to talk like this
    *with asterisks starting every sentence.
    And, of course, you have the whole "he's always watching" thing.

    What if his mind was shattered, and the leftovers are what turned into Papyrus?
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  11. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

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  12. evilas

    evilas Sure, I'll put a custom title here

    BB Code! [ FONT = Papyrus]

    EDIT: you can also do it with "Comic Sans MS"
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2017
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  13. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

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  14. sans.

    sans. bonehead | 18+

    * holy shit
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  15. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    :( I'm on android and it just looks like helvetica

    (Fandom sidenote, one time i saw someone's skeleton OC who was named Helvetica. Slightly hilarious given that a skeleton named Helvetica (from JN Wiedle's webcomic) was actually the inspiration for sans and Papyrus in the first place)
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  16. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    EEEEEEEE TY! I didn't suspect it could even work!!

    Papyrus' unique perspective and Undyne's exaggerations are the most likely explanation, yeah. If we posit an unhappy childhood filled with danger puzzles, then it's fun to reinterpret seemingly-innocent remarks as having more morbid significance.

    (I'm not convinced it, mainly because I've read enough fics/webcomics with it that fuck with the plot in other ways and don't work with the game we actually see. Flowey being Flowey, being soulless and utterly indifferent to others' lives and deaths and happinesses and sorrows, doesn't mean as much if there are monsters who indifferently torture children. If we go full AU, doing Underfell stuff with the premise that too many resets literally broke something about the world, or something like that... yeah, it can be great fun.)

    I like distant dad Gaster plenty, one whose passion in life was science, one who kept pushing the possibilities and neglecting his kids until it backfired explosively. I like older brother Gaster, because then Sans' comment in one of Toby's posts becomes a little more mysterious (I'd need to go hunting for which comment it was, I honestly can't remember the wording except that it mentioned 'my bro' or 'my brother'). And I definitely like the idea that Gaster being shattered resulted in those tiny asterisks all over the place, with the largest piece(s) forming Papyrus? I love that idea, one of my favorite fics went with something like that... and you gotta admit, if you wake up with no memory and no sign that anybody but your brother has any idea who you are, being POWERFUL POPULAR PRESTIGIOUS would be pretty appealing.

    So yeah, Sans wanting to go back doesn't make much sense if they were raised by a jackass Gaster and they never knew anyone else. He might feel conflicted about losing what he knew, sure, but enough to mention it to the human...? Eh. For jackass Gaster to work with him knowing how it feels to want go home, there have to be other things about the old situation --- maybe other people he knew (picture in the photo album, Sans and people Frisk doesn't recognize, all smiling) --- that were lost with him, so they're what Sans is missing about then.
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  17. evilas

    evilas Sure, I'll put a custom title here

    I love Older Brother Gaster combined with him being fractured into Papyrus. It would explain why Sans cares so, so deeply, and goes to such great lengths to make him happy.

    ((Also: one more piece he got shattered into? The first Amalgamate you fight, which talks through your phone and stuff.))

    Hey, should I try to make a list of things we can safely infer from what we know?
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  18. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    ((Hell yes Memoryhead fragment, it even looks a bit like a skull from one angle.))

    I'm not gonna say don't list things, but I am gonna partypooper and remind that we don't even know for sure that Gaster was a skeleton. The mysteryman in the waterfall hallway was probably him... but not 100% for sure. I'm still a tiny bit rooting for W. D. Gaster actually being White Dog Gaster. :P
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  19. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    the annoying dog is toby fox though.

    also-the mysteryman in waterfall is probably gaster but we don't know that he's a skeleton. what if he's a weird slime thing.
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  20. Wingyl

    Wingyl Allegedly Magic

    thinking about horns in boss monsters

    horns generally have a whole bunch of uses in animals that have them. some animals use them for thermoregulation. some use them as sensory organs. obviously there's animals that fight with them-whether fighting predators, or ritualistic 'fights' with others of their species over territory or to impress potential mates.

    so. boss monster horns. are they just...decorative and a major part of boss monster attractiveness criteria? are they used in thermoregulation? do they hornwrestle? do they have hornsense?

    monster biology is probably weird but...those horns probably have a purpose.
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