anyway i now headcanon that the Justice soul is chara's half-sibling and all the other fallen humans were friendly with Chara beforehand, which is why after centuries of nobody there was suddenly 7 humans falling-Justice and Bravery went to avenge Chara (Bravery died of hypothermia Justice committed suicide after discovering that the monsters didn't kill Chara), then the other fallen humans were like "where the heck are those two time to find them" integrity died trying to fight the royal guard, patience had diabetes and he didn't bring enough insulin, kindness fell off a cliff while disorientated from heatstroke, and perseverance discovered an allergy by dying to it. none of them were actually killed by asgore but perseverance, kindness, and justice died after being captured (kindness was being led through hotland and fell off a cliff in a puzzle, perseverance was given a food and died of allergy) that's why asgore states he's never killed before: others made it to him but he didn't actually kill them with fire or stabs.
I like to think some of the humans mightve been search party members or people doing tests of courage as well. Edit: mt ebott mightve had similar allure to it like aokigahara, attracting all kinds of adrenaline junkies or mystery solvers or security and the like after hearing the stories
the coffins are all the same size, so it seems like they were all children. presumably the search parties didn't go through the barrier or jump down the holes.
Yeah but theyre not small or anything, they could all be the same size purely for aesthetic reasons. I could be wrong though.
ahahaha other concepts of about that level: frisk was trying to play pokemon go and tripped over the root, frisk did it because "if they disappear, does that mean they go to a different country?", and frisk heading there to try to give something to the monsters.
an actual serious concept that i've seen was that frisk was aware the monsters were in there, had heard rumours that they were trapped and that a human could maybe break the barrier, and went to the underground to try to free the monsters.
anyway a weird concept for a fix-it fic: asriel breaks the barrier as in canon. frisk goes all the way back to the start of the ruins and talks to him and then starts heading back, without saving at all along the way. frisk trips in snowdin, falls, and dies, loading back to before flowey absorbed the souls. result: no need to save asriel again, but flowey still has to absorb everyone's souls. frisk interrupts just before he goes to break the barrier because they looked in the tomb room and saw that the fallen humans had gotten up and left, telling azzy that he could absorb their soul (preferably just putting their body in a coma but 'intact, chilled, and easy to rez later' is fine too), rez all the monsters, still be a god, rez himself, break the barrier, dig up chara, rez chara, rez any rezzable dead monsters, and then rez the fallen humans (returning their souls in the process). tada everyone lives.
why was that post still in here as a draft after i posted it? (also on that note...rez no longer looks like a word)
I've seen a nice comic about that, lemme go look and run across a few other comics in the meantime the true threat in undertale Spoiler: the comic's caption Remember, the one who poses the biggest threat to everyone’s happiness isn’t Frisk, or even Chara. It’s y o u ! (every time you reset your pacifist run, you drag everyone back underground. but you do it anyway, because that’s the only time you get to spend with them) creation of the battle body .... THERE WE GO jeez it took a while a comic by sama-ma theorizing why frisk entered the mountain Spoiler: panels within
*shrugs* sans? papyrus knows what a quiche is, so maybe he made a bunch of quiches and sans hid one under the bench.
undertale AU where everything is the same except chara came back to life and everyone left the ruins except chara went back in and so was counted as being out but was actually inside so the doors were shut while they were still in there ETA: the other humans came in through other holes or the barrier, not the ruins hole. so the ruins are abandoned except for chara, who isn't strong enough to open the door.
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