Ur OC is Problematic

Discussion in 'Make It So' started by MagicalBoy, Feb 7, 2016.

  1. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    OC for a Fate campaign.

    Abhaya Sigali
    • Former assassin for Office Years in the Celestial Bureaucracy
    • Sadist
    • Has beaten a bar patron at her current job more than once
    • Likes breaking into people's homes for the hell of it
    • Works with crime lords and terrorists on a regular basis
    • Insults people casually on a regular basis
    • Can and does bring out cruelly specific insults meant to crush people
    • Nihilistic Buddhist
    • Has probably called her girlfriend a stupid fucking slut or something similar while splitting more than once
    • Values WORK over the lives and feelings of others by and large
    • Doesn't really care all that much about fixing the oppression of Beastkin, she just wants to set Heaven on fire
    • Thinks non-Buddhists are incredibly stupid, especially the hedonists
    • Wants exceptionally painful revenge on the higher ups of Office Years that made her life what it is
  2. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    OC for a terrible-RP-turned-terrible-collaborative-fic I did a few years ago:

    General Stealthlock
    • Pegasus privilege
    • Literally the only straight OC I have
    • Upper class privilege, has family in the government
    • Military leader of a borderline fascist faction
    • Personally killed a bunch of people even though he didn't need to
    • Is a huge asshole towards everyone
    • Kinda racist towards earth ponies
    • Has a female unicorn medic following him around, which is obviously based on stereotypes and objectification
    • Is That Guy towards technicians, you know the one
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  3. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    Nix, codename "Silence"

    • Androgynous in such a way that ey can pass as male, female, "no" or "all of the above" and is therefore misogynist, misandrist, sexist, and bianarist all at once.
    • Refuses to tell anyone what ey actually identify as and frequently answers questions like "Okay but like, what's, y'know, in your pants?" with things like "Three drams of snake venom and a shiv?" and therefore can not be properly labeled as oppressor/oppressed
    • Half-elven so they have human-passing privilege with Elvish extended lifespan.
    • Considered to have average height, weight, and coloring for just about every region ey frequent, so fatphobic, sizeist.
    • Uses racial ambiguity to infiltrate populations and fool targets, appropriating everything ever while simultaneously denying eir heritage
    • Pretentious code name
    • Assassin. Kills people for money and doesn't feel remorse, or even really enjoy it because that's just how ey pay the bills, so, evil.
    • May or may not have made a deal with a demon to have control over shadows and become a better assassin so, evil.
    • May or may not be perfectly normal, just really, really good at being sneaky, so, evil and kind of a dick
    • Impossibly expensive and will refuse jobs "not worth eir time" so, arrogant dick
    • Preferred method of murder is popping up out of nowhere, stabbing the victim and then leaving instead of sticking around to gloat or monologue like a proper villain.
    • Very fond of Batmanesque exits
    • Chain-smoker, spends way too much money on fancy imported cigarettes.
    • Loudly chews hard candy, ice or toothpicks when not allowed to smoke.
    • Deliberately clipped, monosyllabic speech pattern designed to reveal simultaneously as much and as little information as possible.
    • Absolutely must have a red silk scarf no matter how badly it clashes with eir disguise
    • Tendency to abuse "mystical demonic shadowwalking powers"/sneakiness to relocate and/or hide possessions of friends and allies for laughs, so, kind of a dick.
    • Tendency to "ceiling cat" at people from rafters or bookshelves or right over your goddamn headboard when you're trying to sleep goddammit, so, kind of a dick.
    • Probably genuinely likes you
    • Probably genuinely likes your butt.
    • Will absolutely kill you anyway.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2016
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  4. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    • Has naturally orange hair even though the person she was derived from is ethnically Japanese and had to bleach it to get it that color
    • Does not talk very coherently, which is ableist because people with verbal-processing disorders have trouble understanding her (so does everybody else...)
    • Video game character Wraith privilege
    • Uses telekinetic powers to move around even though she's able-bodied, which is LITERALLY SPITTING IN THE FACE of people with mobility problems
    • Stops random people in the street to tell them they have cancer
    • Pretends to be of a pure and unproblematic class of wraith when she's actually a very problematic class of wraith, and simultaneously...
    • ...is a class of wraith that are discriminated against and doesn't tell everyone this, which is Erasure
    • Relies heavily on a caretaker, which is perpetuating harmful stereotypes of people with disabilities
    • Has to be stopped from making "improvements" to biological systems when healing people (it'd be so easy to untangle the vagus nerve from the aortic arch! It's so inefficient the way it is!)
    • Loves animals but is perfectly happy to kill wraithborn monsters, which is discrimination
    • Will hug your dog without asking
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  5. Jojo

    Jojo Writin and fightin

    Jack Blanton
    • family is rich so he had a privileged upbringing
    • family fortune made from whaling which is MURDER
    • faked his death so he could steal a bunch of money from his rich family
    • has killed at least 1 person
    • has irrational bouts of rage and aggression
    • drinks too much and then starts bar fights with strangers
    • has beaten up women, making him Sexist
    • once ate nothing but pickled oysters and raw cabbage for a week
    • named his cat Cat, which is a shitty name
    • yells way too much
    • cries when he gets too drunk
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  6. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

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  7. peripheral

    peripheral Stacy's Dad Is Also Pretty Rad

    -actually tbh is a cinnamon roll
    -just kind of fucks up a lot
    -poor paranoid bab

    Dr. M
    -too grumpy
    -in one universe is dating a 25 year for ghost reasons

    -dating Dr. M
    -triggering Roe
    -being Alan
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  8. your fave is problematic: chiroh petrae
    -obnoxious voice
    -dates her ex-helming partner like some kinda perv
    -insults everyone
    -e v e r y o n e
    -works for a smuggler
    -delights in bullying people to tears
    -treats her girlfriend's boyfriend like a fucking punching bag even though he has literally never done anything to her
    -is way too possessive
    -no, seriously.
    -is a Bad Survivor
    -has horrible coping mechanisms that hurt everyone around her
    -doesn't care that she has horrible coping mechanisms that hurt everyone around her
    -refers to herself in the plural
    -literally so antagonistic that her boss fucking assigned her an auspitice just to get some peace
    -wears extensions
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  9. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Rachka Szusalachka ni Salanada dorakka, a.k.a. Archmage Shadow Phoenix, a.k.a. The Sage of Fire
    • Name is too long (that first one is actually shortened)
    • Name is also pretentious as hell
    • Edgy teenage phase lasted several hundred years
    • Dresses like edgy teenage phase is ongoing
    • Unlikeable Female Character (TM)
    • Internalized Speciesism (TM)
    • Anger issues
    • Promotes negative stereotypes of women, POC, and aro/ace people by being so very problematic
    • Ca1Jpl1.jpg
    • Blows people's heads up, which is rude.
    • Will dismantle your spell and use it to blow your head up, which is even more rude.
    • Appropriates dragon culture by being raised by them
    • Eyes are creepy, which is probably a trigger for someone
    • Looks younger than she is, which ~promotes pedophilia~
    • Would be a pain-in-the-ass boss in a bullet hell game if I was willing to put in the time to learn Danmakufu scripting
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2016
  10. cantankerousAquarius

    cantankerousAquarius Acrasial Macrology

    ur fav is problematic: russel burgun
    • is a Bad Survivor (TM)
    • robin hood but doesnt give to the poor
    • intentionally enabled and exacerbated someone's personality disorder for her own gain
    • doesnt want equality because she can exploit this system the best
    • has a helmsman and isnt sorry
    • used a different (now former) helmsman as her emotional dumping ground because she (wrongly) assumed that no one was home upstairs
    • has plans to murder said former helmsman
    • has a Scary Mental Illness (TM)
    • is mean to people who handle their trauma worse than she does
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  11. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    your oc is problematic: Apostasia
    • bribed her way into and through university
    • runs a mafia
    • appropriated female pronouns and identity because they reminded her of her own hardships as beastformer
    • only girl in a group of guys
    • not even a real girl either
    • wants people to be proud of her
    • clingy
    • like seriously have you seen what shes like with switchblade
    • she and switchblade are that embarassing old hippie couple being annoyingly in love and HET
    • appropriates organic mother-child relationships by adopting people from other species
    • adopts people from other species
    • grew up in her society's equivalent of the bible belt
    • edgy mcedge name
    • literally yelled at her god when given the chance
    • usually lets other people fight for her
    • created an oligarchy instead of anarchy democracy
    • is on cordial terms with the other oligarchs
    • really arrogant and bitchy
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  12. a small fis)(

    a small fis)( 26 people in a trench coat

    - nonconventional blood colour mutant, such marysue
    - based on a dream i had once, which is me stealing my brain's intellectual property
    - uwu plant blogger
    - wont stop crying
    - someone hug them
    - :(

    - just straight up steals people's stuff what the hell
    - rememeber that tumblr drama about some1 stealing bones that was probably her
    - has lived in a crypt all her life, probably eats bugs
    - wont tell u her blood colour, v reverse hemophobic :/
    - problematic communist

    - Internalised Classism
    - bad survivor tm
    - weeb piece of shit, unironically says nya
    - sexy page godtier, leg too hot
    - likes math
    - probably has a tentacle kink
    - sexualising innocent horrorterrors
    - wont someone please think of poor cthulhu

    - runs @birdrightsactivist and hasnt told anyone
    - appropriates bird culture
    - none of the flying machines even work hes lying to you

    - fuckin popular prep
    - sets stuff on fire for fun
    - has bad coping mechanisms and doesnt care about her own safety

    - sexy dodecahedron
    - the only Adult of my ocs, clearly a pedo for being in a post with kids
    - grumpy af, hates her job
    - the goggles r rly hard to draw

    - bad chronically ill who doesnt want to Recover
    - has been in bed for 5 days straight
    - troll medusa but doesnt even have cool hair
    - appropriating ancient greek culture
    - doesnt have gender only Tired

    - literal raccoon
    - stole ur garbage with no regrets and would do it again
    - (insert petshaming pic here)
    - no good @ being a subjug just wants to be friends and solve crime

    - will explain her chemtrail crystal pyramid freemason illuminati lizard people theory to you in complete detail without your :consent:

    - entire existence based on a pun
    - doesnt even have fucking eyes

    - whEre DO I EVEN START
    - wants to kill like half her people
    - everything she says reads like a dril tweet
    - probably wrote the troll navy seal copypasta
    - thinks murder is a guaranteed way to get you to like her
    - oh god please like her she's so alone please
    - acts tough but is actually crying right now
    - my worst oc and somehow still my fave
    - help
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2016
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  13. baskerville

    baskerville Well-Known Member

    kore spada:
    • once drove a car off a ( short, deserty, and not entirely rocky ) cliff because why not
    • ended up having to walk to her destination because of that
    • ~bad crazy~ except not really

    victor baines:
    • tortured people for like, his entire life
    • no moral compass at all until he was like "you know this is kind of fucked up"
    • suddenly nice uncle figure to selma??? wow
    • literally not even listed as a citizen

    leah nevin:
    • screams and wakes people up at night. rude.
    • called selma a devil's child
    • ( with prompting from victor because she's too good for that )
    • disappeared for like 10 years and then showed up at her mother's house one day with a rando dude and a child

    selma murray:

    • literally eats people
    • actually a sweet sunshine baby. besides the cannibalism thing.

    • oh my god no
    • is a ghost. except not really. kind of a shadow. but also not really.
    • showed up at the hospital and there was a very tense scene because technically they've been legally dead for nearly 20 years
    • psychologically tortured a girl since age 3 due to trauma. how horrible of you, IT
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2016
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  14. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    • Practices medicine without a license
    • Talks to plants but won't talk to you
    • Presents a sweet and caring exterior but inside he's a whiny, critical meanie
    • Secretive and dishonest
    • Probably has thought about poisoning someone
    • Loves the power/status boost he gets when he's the only person around who can heal people
    • Opiate dependency
    • Handsome person privilege
    • Makes everyone uncomfortable by being taciturn and large
    • Actually is extremely shy
    • Doesn't know how to respond when you say, "How's it going?"
    • Makes Jun make him spearmint tea
    • Likes any given cat more than any given person
    • Might maim you if you do something to hurt Jun
    • Way too dependent on Jun
    Saro (my namesake <3)
    • Violent
    • Stubborn, hardheaded, single-minded
    • Leads Jun on and doesn't reveal her actual motives
    • Literal royalty
    • A murderer
    • Mean as fuck
    • Won't stop walking on wounded leg and tears all her stitches out
    • Doesn't give a shit unless it furthers her own goals
  15. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    Your fave is problematic: Furiet Porcoy
    • looks like they're twelve years old when they are absolutely over the age of 17
    • makes terrible jokes
    • memes
    • kind of resembles a sex muppet
    • fucked some peanut butter
    • will suck your dick for some beef jerky
    • somewhat like a bitey yappy small dog
    • no they are exactly like a very bitey yappy small dog
    • forgets when and where it's appropriate to discuss their sex life
    • rejects the notion of having a male/female gender
    • um they could drown you in their hair and thats rude
    • lowblood troll, obviously has lowblood privilege.
    • is really gay for everyone
    • has a tail and paw feet and it's very terrible for them to be super cute
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  16. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020


    • wore a schoolgirl outfit once
    • originally did not speak english and tried to teach their boyfriend to say "daddy" in alternian instead of "hello"
    • could probably out kink 80% of the people you know
    • can't resist trying to prove people wrong and hurts themself
    • is chunky and unapologetic about it
    • their boyfriend is over a foot taller than them, and several years younger. what a craddle robber
    • sometimes forgets to shower for over a week at a time
    • will then proceed to touch you with their grimy feet
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  17. dorkfang

    dorkfang not here

    • Cis male scum
    • Over 1,600 years old, thus making every relationship they've ever had with a human pedophilic and SUPER gross, you guys
    • Literally works for Satan, the original Problematic Fave
    • Got his job because his now-superior liked the way he looked
    • Takes people's souls and consigns them to an eternity at a painfully boring desk job in Hell
    • In fact, he buys people's souls, which amounts to tacit support of capitalism
    • Doesn't need to eat but does anyway because he likes the taste: wasting food
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2016
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  18. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    That. Is not what nepotism means, usually.
  19. Fucker

    Fucker Well-Known Member

    is this where we post our ocs callout posts?
    because my boi Nicholas could fill a small bible with his Crimes

    callout post for nick

    -ate a live rat in front of new friend
    -eats unhealthy food
    -kidnapped someone
    -commits senseless murder and mutilation
    -likes money
    -yells at people on call of duty
    -beat the shit outta people regularily
    -once drew problematic fanart
    -had sex n killed someone while being a minor
    -pastry frozen chicken
    -wont stop shaking
    -bad at socializing
    -is homophobic cause he hates himself
    -whitepassing privilege
    -culturally appropriates adidas clothing and slav squatting
    -filthy capitalist
    -supports banksy
    -is a weeaboo and owns 10 bodypillows
    -tax fraud
    -corruption and stealing and bankrupting people
    -trans masc Gay privilege
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  20. furrylatula

    furrylatula a pissed off homestuck girl

    do cronus ocs count as ocs. bc bOY HOWDY

    -commits theft and arson against her raymade doubles on a daily basis
    -steals food despite food and booze being completely free
    -steals makeup and eats it
    -will pretty much take anything she can get her hands on if she thinks itll piss someone off
    -pisses on buildings
    -pisses in bottles too
    -throws those bottles in peoples' windows
    -when asked why, says she's sticking it to the man
    -man-hating lesbian
    -doesn't call herself a lesbian but just emphasizes how much she hates guys
    -trans girl with absolutely no physical dysphoria whatsoever
    -thinks magic is [ABLEIST SLURS] and says it very loudly
    -hasnt showered in six months
    -keeps her own rotting severed fingers on her keychain
    still jacks off with those severed fingers
    -has definitely killed a man before
    -at least she CLAIMS she's killed a man before
    -bullies her fellow gang members
    -ignores any complaints by her fellow gang members about the other gang members because boys are shit anyways
    -supports oily

    -technically an adult so he can say 'i'm still a teenager why are you HARASSING me' in the same breath as 'i'm an adult so you have to take me seriously'
    -pretentious pseudointellectual FUCK
    -misquotes troll shakespeare to sound smart
    -constantly hits on his vaguely uncomfortable 14 year old gang buddy
    -talks in a super incomprehensible whispery mumble
    -wears an ugly puffy windbreaker
    -in desperate need of a haircut
    -wears HALF-MOON glasses
    -can't do math worth shit but pretends to be a mathematician anyways
    -the Cronus Revolutionary Gang's plans constantly fail because of this
    -does not understand the concept of a lesbian
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2016
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