Vampires, and lykens its time to play! (Open Rp) guide

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by Victoria Rose, Jun 24, 2016.

  1. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard


    @Soul oh that could work. @Lady Kianna does that sound like a good way to get you mixed up in the mess?

    Edit: I'm taking kidlets out to go see Finding Dory so I'll be away for a couple hours. Have at draggin poor Barnaby into terrible choices :D
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2016
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  2. Salem

    Salem What a kawaii

    This is how Moth meets everyone, apparently
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  3. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    Percussive Introduction
  4. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    @Lady Kianna the "bar patron*" is more than welcome to be Aerian if you'd like to go along with the Percussive Introduction.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2016
  5. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    How many times do I have to say new to this place. Did not know there was a certain way to do things on here. Most chat room things don't have rules of how to start things of one, 2 no one said you had to stay in this realm of mine and last time I checked when someone is going to run a campaign adventure it is their choice on how they run it not for people to nit pick and boss around as if they are no better then dirt. I am not stupid. Why do I have to keep reminding you I am new here on this program. Learning here I just wanted to play in a rpg with vampires but since no one seemed to have one I decided to run one. If you want to continue to pick at the mother of 3 ,with the youngest has Autism,who needs an escape from real life and the problems of a job that is very hard being 3rd shift with drunks and stoners who have no respect for the fact that I am doing many tasks at once running around like a chicken with its head cut off, people who have no patience for the fact that they have come to a made restaurant not a per made fast food joint then do it somewhere else.

    I am done with this iif you don't like it leave. No one is being forced to be in anything on here. With the exception of the one that made the thread all though I could just delete them but then all involved lose out that want to play. So no I will not delete these threads just to quit.

    Anything else you want to grip about?
  6. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    yes, your terminal chill deficiency. no one's trying to attack you, they're just as unfamiliar with your way of doing things as you are with theirs.
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  7. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Well if you're offering? Could you stop with the ableism? I mean first you do the 'mentally ill people=evil thing' to try and justify your vampire, now you're bringing up the kid with autism? You do know you're on a forum where a good chunk of people have autism or some other kind of disability?

    Also you seem to have no idea what anyone's actually complaining about, or why, and you act like you're completely convinced that WE'RE the ones who are keeping everything from being fun.
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  8. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    How about the fact that you didn't explain anything, ordered us around and then got pissed when we asked questions and refused to act like little paper dolls for you?

    Edit: We're just confused and trying to help you make this work for everyone, dammit
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2016
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  9. Salem

    Salem What a kawaii

    I think for the most part, the purpose of the criticism is to help you run a successful rp. I'm sorry that you're taking it as an attack on you. If we didn't want to help and play, we wouldn't be here. There has been a serious breakdown in communication and we want to patch it.

    Additionally, any hardships you have in your life have no bearing on your treatment of us or ours of you. We encouraged you to set this rp aside while you dealt with the things happening in real life, because those are infinitely more important. And I don't know why you're bringing up your job and children. Should we give you a pass because you are treated poorly at work? Every critique we've given still stands. No one is going to drop everything and apologize because you told us you have an autistic son.

    The bottom line is, it's awesome that you want to run an rp and it's fine that it didn't work out. Like I said, communications breakdowns happened and it's a shame they did, but getting mad at people for trying to explain what isn't working is not helpful at all.
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  10. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    dude did you just play the 'my life is so hard because i'm an autism mom' card
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  11. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    dude, just about everyone here has things like JOBS and AUTISM. and they're being a lot more patient, even-tempered, and understanding than you are.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2016
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  12. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    I am just tired of no matter what I do anywhere I end up being "wrong" for trying something new. I wanted an escape from real-life that would allow me to have some fun and allow some of me to come out but as usual me trying to be me with rpg (since no one around here really L.A.R.P.s much like me wanting to go combat with people on Saturdays using foam swords is wrong. I have more patience the most people think. But I don't like micro-management and people continuing to nit-pick everything I do when if they don't like it they don't have to be apart of it. When all the problem started I was willing to change my thread to something everyone involved want. A "open rp" free play thread and I would restart the rpg on another thread changing everything I had planned out for it. Then I get told change you rpg because the way you want to run your campaign is not right. I would gladly give the shirt off my back to help people and I am willing to learn how things work and willing to listen to instructions when I am in someone else's campaign or world because they have a plan for what they are doing. This whole thing started with a simple misunderstanding and has turned into a argument about how I should run and tell "My" campaign story as a GM. If anyone else can explain why that seems out of place. please do so.
  13. Petra

    Petra space case

    Do you realize how many autistic people are here?

    EDIT: Like, I'd like you to address that, please. Because you're not the only person who goes online to get away from stressful stuff, and I'm just seeing people trying to help you here, not nit-picking. I'm sorry you're stressed! But when you make a comment easily interpreted as disparaging towards autism on a forum with a huge chunk of autistic members, it's stressful for me.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2016
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  14. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    If you don't like micro-management then why did you keep trying to drag everyone back into your plot without paying attention to what we were already doing?
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  15. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    The main issue I have with your "campaign" is that you don't seem to want players with their own ideas and personalities. You want dolls to follow your script, which is quite simply not how a person becomes a GM, that's how they become an overbearing director, to use a previous analogy.

    I'm not trying to tell you how to run your campaign. I'm trying to help you run a campaign, with real people having fun instead of trotting wearily along in the wake of your Super Important Main Character.

    I get wanting escapism. Really, I do. But you can't force us into line and demand we do what you want to fuel your story, and then get mad at us when we get confused because the orders were unclear and contradictory.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2016
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  16. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    New to this program and it all was a misunderstanding to start with. I have played D&D , Vampire the Masquerade and I fight with foam swords. Most of which are different from the way most of the people on here think and want to roll. No biggie. I understood the different mindset. So I started working on a new one complete with what is going on and what type of game it is. That is why I am now upset because I did a new thread and it is getting pretty much bumped even though it has pretty much is a spin off of the open thread. Like many years In the past that lead up to today or alternate universe all together. Might even change things more so towards fallout post-apoplectic times. But like I keep trying to ask is give me time please, please give me time to get it ready as far as getting it on here. If you don't like want I have when I am done simple don't join in. But please all stop with the whole thing. To be honest with you if it was your game meaning anyone else's campaign I would play it and ask questions off screen and I wiuld allow the GM to run it as they saw fit it is after all they're world.
  17. Petra

    Petra space case

    You still haven't addressed the other thing, so I guess you're not going to clarify your statement on autism.

    Just gonna leave this bit of advice! You can run your game. But nobody else is obligated to play, especially if you won't work with them.
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  18. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Hey, maybe don't imply that everyone complaining is just a moron who doesn't get you when most of us have just as much, if not more, RP experience, and definitely have more forum rp experience. It's that kind of thing that makes people think you're not actually interested in improving your skills and running a fun game.
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  19. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    Here's the problem with doing all the questions privately:

    Lots of people have the same questions. Why answer them privately 15x when you can answer it once in public?

    Also, having your players involved in the building can be hugely beneficial! Sometimes your players have good ideas that make the story better, or have something you've never thought of.

    Ex: My VERY FIRST session, I thought I had everything perfect for my players to raid a warehouse full of bandits. It was sweet. There were booby traps and trapdoors and surprise attacks, it was going to be great!

    ...and then in the very first round, the Rogue decides to climb the roof. I hadn't even thought about the roof, and I was too surprised to do anything about it, so when he asked if there was a skylight or window up there I was like, "Uh... sure?"

    And then he breaks in, stuns the guards and lets the party in the front door.

    And it was AWESOME! It was clever and unexpected and it made things more interesting.

    And you can bet your ass I put guards on every roof ever after, because it's a learning process.
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  20. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    No I don't fully know all there is to autism I just have how my son acts and is to go on for the most part. I am learning and have been since the doctors told me he had it and a biological father of said son who did not want to see it. I know no one wants to go though most of what they do or accept certain things about their kids but we got the diagnoses and he was not willing to work with me on getting the help that we needed to insure my son would be able to live a somewhat ormal life with learning and fun, being able to talk or communicate in anyway other then trying to hurt himself or looked at as a out of control child.

    As it stands now with trying to do this thing call life basically on my own as a single mother ( as some on here may be ) he is going to kindergarten this coming fall and not only can spell his own name and write it he is making great strides in his learning and communication so people understand him and can help him make it though this crazy thing called life.
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