Vampires, and lykens its time to play! (Open Rp) guide

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by Victoria Rose, Jun 24, 2016.

  1. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    Honestly Eva and Moth are like, two drinks away from Bar Top CanCan with Traditional Irish Drinking Songs, and probably an anachronistic rendition of Spicy McHaggis, because I love that song and they will probably drag Barnaby up with them. You could join in or investigate from there?
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  2. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    Oh my god yes.
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  3. Lady Kianna

    Lady Kianna Seer of Void.

    more pf a patient passive observer, until he sees an IN and there's something he wants.
  4. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    Working on it.
  5. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    Just editing my post and deleting the campaign bits I will put in there something that fits. I will split off for the campaign adventure at the point of the
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  6. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    Kinda did indicate the campain part of it when I originally had the "born or bitten & Kindred or dog that will determine where you start" thing. And it should have been asked when I first started directing where this thing went. Godmoding it I think it was called.
  7. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Oh that was relevant? Because I honestly thought that was fluff text that didn't mean anything. If that was supposed to be a plot summary it could've been a lot clearer. And I hardly think that people looking at a game that appears to be open and freeform, on a forum with many similar games, assuming that it is in fact freeform, is unreasonable.
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  8. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    Either way it goes point is simply a difference in mind set on this whole thing from the start I am fixing it. Just give me time to finish please.
  9. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    1) Yeah I honestly thought the "born or made" thing meant it was even more freeform, like, "there's no specific rules as to how vamps/weres are made in this world, go nuts"
    2) You started ordering people around literally 10min after the first player started posting. You didn't give anyone a chance to ask questions and those of us who did ask questions got frankly rude answers like
    which leads to
    3) Restating/Agreeing with above posts: If you want to do a GM/Tabletop/Scripted RP, you have to lay out the details first, and you really shouldn't get mad at your players for asking questions, especially this early in the game.

    I'm not one who should lecture on rudeness (I am fully aware that I am being an abrasive dick here) but that whole first quote comes off as really passive aggressive. I can understand where you're coming from. Your RP isn't going the way you wanted it to, and you've got at least three yahoos in a bar that are deliberately ignoring your summons and a couple more in your character's castle that won't do what you want and that's making it worse but we're trying to help. Really! Constructive criticism!

    It will absolutely help your scripted campaign if you make a big post with as much detail as you can possibly think of about relevant non-player characters, setting, timeline, and what exactly the whole mysterious quest is Before The Game Starts. Explain why people are hearing voices. Where in the hell are we? Is it safe to be openly were/vamp? You mentioned weapons: Are we talking swords/bows or muskets or can someone have an ion cannon half the size of their torso? Why should we give half a wet rat's ass why villagers are disappearing? What difference does it make in the world if the vamps/weres are "born or made"? That's going to have an impact on what people choose to play. If people know what the heck is going on before they play, they can make better, more informed choices when they play and it leads to a much smoother game with less confused, irritated people.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2016
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  10. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    Also maybe finish you sentence before posting? I mean there are grammar errors and then there's that ^^^ which you have been doing A LOT OF and it's very confusing to try to parse. There isn't a time limit, the thread will not explode your computer if you take you time to compose and write out your full post.
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  11. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Everyone here has been trying to work with you from the start because you are so obviously new and inexperienced. but you dont explain anything youre doing unless pressed by several people, you give very cryptic non-answers, and you haven't shown any signs of wanting to collaborate. You just get defensive and imply we're the guys who don't get it and then keep ploughing forward with your own private plot thing. No one here can read your mind. Some of us cant even read some of your posts. If you could slow down and have a conversation with us before rushing off to do anything else that would really help the situation i think.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2016
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  12. Salem

    Salem What a kawaii

    I happened to pick a character who I KNOW is willful and difficult to collar, but even when gming a campaign with character who WON'T literally tell the Deus not to tell him what to do, it's important to keep in mind that this is a collaborative process, and even the most meticulously crafted campaigns are subject to change when you introduce the ENORMOUS variable that is other people! I come at rping and stuff like it from an entirely acting-based background, so to me GM/player relationships can be roughly equated to director/actor relationships (no, they really can't, but for this example they can) in that the GM/director comes in with a bunch of ideas about the text! How it should go, how it should look, how it should feel, the tone, the mood, the setting, the plot. Here's our Big Picture guy! And then you introduce players/actors, who have their own ideas and their own perspectives. It's a mixing of creative energies and that's a really wonderful, fun thing that results in some really incredible art when you allow that relationship to happen. But actors/players aren't puppets, and the initial vision the director/GM has is not EVER set in stone, not even mid-scene. There are multiple creative forces in balance. That's why it's fun!

    Anyway, disregarding my painfully obvious major, there is absolutely no shame in not having a great idea of how stuff like this works! None at all! There's a learning curve (I'm definitely not past that curve myself) and tried-and-true methods have evolved to make this process easier on everyone, and for that we thank our internet ancestors. I think we're just trying to help you figure out and use those methods to make your campaign successful and fun from everyone's perspective.
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  13. Soul

    Soul Covered in bees

    I think the thing is, a LOT of us have done D&D style RP before, and are totally fine with GMs when we know what we're signing up for. But how you're going at it isn't great GMing, either.

    And, like others have said, please please PLEASE proofread your posts. Your spelling and grammar make what you say near intelligible, so when you do actually explain things, we completely miss what you are saying. We don't mind if you take the time to read over what you've written at all.
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  14. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    Sorry had something happen that made me stop that an I was trying to think of were to spilt off.

    I am not mad at anyone. I just have a different mindset and am still learning here. I am good at story line and rpgs. I have a lot of ideas and a good plot for the game. I just have to change a few things and split off somewhere. Its all good.
  15. Salem

    Salem What a kawaii

    Awesome! It might be a good idea to write out all your ideas: basic plot ("We're gonna journey to Mount Doom and destroy this artifact"), tone, and what you would need from each character ("what weapons do you use? How much do you know about x city?"). Then, run it by some seasoned vets (not me, I am woefully underseasoned, but there are some delightfully flavorful folks around) to see what they would suggest and what questions they have. Then, do an edit and post the second draft in a new thread. No need to worry about splitting off from this thread: those who want to do your campaign can follow you to the new thread and start fresh! Plus, you might get some new takers!
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2016
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  16. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    bless this fuckin mess honestly. @bar werewolf gang I love all of your characters, barnaby is adorable
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  17. Victoria Rose

    Victoria Rose Role-Player: Assassin/ warrior/ vampire

    On break at work. I am getting started.
  18. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

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  19. Aviari

    Aviari PartyWolf Is In The House Tonight

    Okay, had some thought and I am SO here for this. From the looks of it, we don't have many actual killers among the weres (Looks like we're all "lol tasty sheeps" and "oh god don't let me hurt anyone") and possibly a couple of the vamps prefer feeding in slightly less risky ways than "keg o' possible-criminal inna closet" (or just find the Mistress herself to be rude, I dunno)

    Last edited: Jun 26, 2016
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  20. Salem

    Salem What a kawaii

    I second Princess Cap @KarrinBlue holy CRAP you're amazing, also @bar gang, if we wanna join the fray it seems prudent to hook up with Aerian, who (correct me if I'm mistaken) has a reason to go to the castle? Even if I'm wrong we still need to meet him.
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