vent thread for a shark

Discussion in 'Brainbent' started by gills, Jul 2, 2016.

  1. Ducks

    Ducks 79 Plural Fowl Illuminates The Legendary

  2. gills

    gills dead

    i'm gonna cross my fingers and hope something vaguely relevant enough comes up in kinktsugi so i can talk about it :P
  3. gills

    gills dead

    why is buzzfeed so painfully cis except when they're deliberately trying to be ~*~trans inclusive~*~
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  4. gills

    gills dead

    someone i met through my nsfw blog and was mutuals with started posting about cgl on their nsfw blog out of the blue
    i unfollowed both their main and their nsfw bc i'm not comfortable interacting with people who post about that
    cue them spamming me with messages starting with "why did you unfollow are you ok" and ending with "piece of shit anti tumblrina"
    i didn't respond to anything they said they escalate to that all on their own
    i didn't attack anyone or run around screaming pedophilia or anything, i set down a boundary for my own comfort but that's not allowed apparently
  5. gills

    gills dead

    im not doing good
  6. gills

    gills dead

    anyways im gonna attempt again but no one reads this one cares. bye suckers.
  7. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    I read this and I care.
    I don't have any real way to figure out where you are and make an emergency call for you, but i am here witnessing and hoping you don't go.
    please try to make an emergency call and get help, you really don't have anything to lose by it at this point
  8. gills

    gills dead

    well i'm alive that's weird

    sorry i took time away from here things went bad, i went to visit my bf, and now i'm. stuck at the vancouver airport bc my mom changed her mind about coming to get me apparently and i have no money for the greyhound bus home or a taxi to get me to the greyhound station or anything
  9. gills

    gills dead

    no one can come get me. do i hitchhike? do i wait and see if someone can get me tomorrow????????? im scared???????? i just want to go home
  10. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    fuck, i'm glad you're alive
    are you still at the airport, and if so do you have a paypal and can you use it to get an uber or something? i'd def be willing to spot you some money for that.
  11. gills

    gills dead

    that would be appreciated tbh
  12. gills

    gills dead

    actually no you probably shouldn't, I'm jobless and idk when i'd be able to pay you back
  13. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    dude, don't worry about paying me back, it's on me
    can you pm me your paypal?

    also gonna take a moment to wtf at your mom because how long have you been stuck there now????
  14. gills

    gills dead

    Screams vancouver you are a very nice city but i honestly just wanna get home now please

    (I'm at least at the bus station now thanks to wiwaxia tho so progress!!)
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  15. gills

    gills dead

    i'm gonna be omw home on the next bus!!!!!!
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  16. gills

    gills dead

    also, australia was amazing and i want to move to melbourne.
    • Like x 1
  17. gills

    gills dead

    ohhhh boy well. apparently Some Shit went down while i was gone and it's gonna be an interesting thanksgiving
  18. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    oh jeez, witnessed and support noises
  19. gills

    gills dead

    copy of the text my younger sister sent me:

    ftr christine is my older sister
  20. gills

    gills dead

    i'm gonna look into moving in with my dad. living with my mom is just. too much rn
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