Went outside, had sushi and yakisoba. I may have eaten a bit too much. But at least the sunshine they've been promising since approximately June finally got here.
Went outside. Grumbled about British weather. Went back inside. #at least back home if it's hot it STAYS hot #none of this hot one minute cold the next thing
Went outside. Went swimming. Tried and failed miserably to get onto the dock in the middle of the lake. Swam back to shore in defeat.
Went outside. Bought storage for the gazillion beads I've accumulated. Organised said beads in said storage in a pleasing rainbow configuration.
Went outside. Bought treats and toys for neighbour's bunnies I am petsitting, walked back to car via the cathedral. I like the cathedral. I like spoiling the bunnies. @(Not) Literally A Bird You'll get used to it. o3o Just carry an umbrella everywhere, and possibly a jumper.
Quite some time ago I went outside. Went wandering and happened upon a fence with a little platform attached to it. There was a cat sitting on the platform. The platform also had a sign that said, "Don't pet me. I bite." I touched the cat's paw. It bit me. Fair enough. ^.^
Went outside last night. Saw our missing kitten. She suddenly became an amazing ninja. Chased her through three backyards. Lost her in the dark. But confirmed she's alive and okay! Just now have to figure out how to catch her.....
@Void try putting out a box with a shirt you've worn or a towel or blanket you've used. It's someplace warm and comforting and smells like Her People, which is more likely to attract her back. I was triggered to hell and back by a show I was watching, so after giving me some time to calm down and lots of hugs, my partner suggested we go for a walk. We went our usual route in the nice, cool dusk; the streets were quiet, and there was the scent of the last of the summer roses on the breeze. We stopped at a corner store for ice creams and ate them on the way back. I feel a lot better now.
went outside, bought supplies for trip. went home with way more decorative glass containers than planned pleased muttering about pretty things edit: store i went to for pretty glass containers also already had fall decor stuff out so its just a matter of time until i can look at tacky orange and black stuff and that pleases me greatly
We actually have done that. she keeps coming back to the porch at night, but when she sees us she runs! I have no idea how to get her now. She won't come for anyone :'c We keep food and water out there for her but she's only 3 months old, she cant survive the Nevada heat for a long time and she's been out since Friday night.
@Void oh nooo :( Poor little scared kitten. You might need to find a live animal trap at this rate... it might be worth contacting a local animal rescue or vet for ideas. I know that chasing them never works, though. Being very still and moving very slowly with long still periods in between can help, but with such a little kitten... I'm sorry, this is really rough :(
@Void Can you obtain a humane trap and bait it with some of that good extra stinky canned cat food? I wonder if your local animal shelter might actually have one that can be borrowed? Downside is that you might get a possum or racoon instead. Or...wait...you're in Nevada? Do armadillos like stinky cat food?
We have a trap, but its broken. I will talk to parents when they get home. Too far in town for armadillos! I live in the middle of Henderson, which is a suburb of Las Vegas. Therefore no raccoons, no coyotes, no opossums. I will see if we can get a better trap for sure.
Yay, retrieved cat! Went outside and scooped all the dirt daughter and dog had jointly piled onto the concrete back into the hole they dug a couple weeks ago. This wasn't as straight forward as that sounds; they'd dug a 3 foot wide, nearly foot deep hole over a period of several days, and ALL of that dirt had ended up on the walkway. I don't have a full sized shovel, so I had to accomplish moving it with a hand trowel, a bow rake, and hose. Also helped QP take measurements for the patio we plan on eventually putting in the backyard!
Yesterday I went outside with a friend and went swimming/lakeside exploring. Nothing too interesting was found, other than there is no longer a rope to swing with.
went walkies! for the first time in MONTHS! six blocks turned out to be far too ambitious, and i ended up using four cold packs when i got home. but i'm still glad i went and said hello to my river. the cannon river is my friend and it missed me. there are yellow flowers all along the banks, and i saw a fat black bumblebee visiting them. on the way back, i saw a slow old white cat hunting the grass blebs left behind by a lawnmower. it stalked them, flipped them over with a practiced swat, and then slapped a paw down on them. it considered me as i paused to see if it wanted pettins, but then dismissed me and went back to its game.
I went outside and bought delicious things. Once the weather calms the heck down with the heat I wanna go exploring some more.