Commenters who get mad at British writers for using British spelling/grammar forms. (This wasn’t ameripicking, which wouldn’t bother me - the characters in the fanfic in question are Japanese )
One of the fic authors I love is Aussie, and has to frequently correct commentors that their “grammar mistakes” are, in fact, correct grammar outside of the US. I imagine it must be infuriating to have it happen so often.
I'm American and somehow. Somehow, I pickled up both British spelling and grammar quirks when I was developing my written language skills, and I have confused myself and others with it to this day.
I did the same thing, but in my case I think it can probably be blamed on massive amounts of Pratchett. (Back when I was taking a Java class, I once got hung up for ages on something before it turned out my problem was that I was persistently writing "JDialogue" instead of "JDialog.")
AHAHAHA yes! In my case though, I have no idea what it was because I have a very clear memory of being a 2nd grader staring at a poster on the wall at my school thinking, " they spelled colour wrong." I never read Pratchett until high school. Same with Tolkien.
that feel when your shirt hikes up slightly as you and your best friend pilot your jaeger through the interdimensional gap
Regarding my last posts here about the totally unnecessary squick overlay on a long plotty fic, I realised something else which irritated me. The author bragged in the opening note about how his fic was "not sugarcoated", but there's a BIG difference IMO between "not sugarcoating" and "intentionally being gross for the sake of grossness". It would be "not sugarcoating" if it was set in a world in which everyone did have reason to think about nothing but things which align with the writer's squicky fetish, not if said fetish was just shoved randomly in.
You can thank styropyro for it. He's on YouTube, i recommend his channel if only because he's basically a supervillain in the making.
Been watching The Looney Tunes Show while I'm laid up and at one point Daffy yells "POINT YOUR LOOKING BALLS AT YOUR FUTURE EX-HUSBAND, YOU DUMB FAMOUS ACTRESS!" That reminded me of the posts above and I'm giggling.