ugh, yes. the avengers fandom has that problem too. i mean not 'modern au' specifically, it's a modern setting to begin with. but no-powers au's not being tagged. i don't begrudge anyone their shrinkyclinks and shrunkyclunks, but please TELL me if the steve rogers in this fic is a wide-eyed art student who's never experienced war, your bucky barnes is not physically or cognitively disabled, your natasha romanov has never done a murder, and your tony stark's daddy issues don't have a body count. because i personally am in it for the high stakes trauma, bloody fights, and outrageous technology. if nobody has a quinjet or brain damage i wanna know up front. :P at least the fluffier 'saving bucky' fics usually tag fluff.
I grew up in Les Mis fandom, and i am not delighted to find that Witcher fandom (which I'm just getting into) has the same problem :///// (When the new filtering system on AO3 was released I immediately went to the Les Mis tag to filter out modern AUs...and half of the fics on the first page were untagged modern AUs)
YEAH. my first filter options for witcher are 1) exclude crossovers 2) Exclude modern Because that's not what I'm here for, but people don't fucking TAG their modern AUs, leaving me to do the digging by hand anyways, guh. I don't need a tag for every individual kind of sex act that happens but for PLEASE tag your basic setting parameters. related: 'x character is now trans, but this is mentioned nowhere in the tags and now i am just confused to why this dude is having a pregnancy scare on himself until it's explained a five paragraphs down'
Writer, when you have a crossover between two fandoms, ideally both should be present by at least the second chapter, if not the first. I was all for a Bleach/MCU Captain America fic, but I see no Shinigami. I see no Hollows. All I see is a Mysterious Woman who comes to Captain America for help to get away from Shield, and brings a Mysterious Tech Device to sweeten the deal.
I wish you could filter out authors from ao3 searches. no salt at this one dude, they look like they’re having a great time, but they’re just. so prolific in this tiny fandom’s tag. and so mediocre. and all their favorite tropes leave me cold at best.
doesn’t work on mobile unfortunately :P and I have a thing about hiding content that I haven’t already seen - I only filter stuff out if I’ve confirmed it won’t be interesting to me.
Apologies if this is the wrong thread for this, but: It was an appropriately-tagged fic, why did you read it if you don't like the ship??
i'd say i'd just write more pearlmethyst to piss them off but lbr i'd write it even without unnecessarily snarky comments :P
you can! not quite as easily as filtering out tags but if you scroll down the filtering options until you hit "search within results" you can then write NOT authorsname or -authorsname and that should remove their fics from the results (I'm p sure there IS a way to designate that authorsname has to appear in the author field as well, so you don't risk filtering out fics w descriptions referencing the author or just other unrelated stuff when the username is a normal word kr smth, but I don't know that way off the top of my head, haha)
CATS fandom, please tag your human fics. I'm here to read about kitties. edit: I would also accept fics featuring the humans these cats belong to.
i worked on a collab fic. it is nearly done. it needs more of one specific character. neither of us can figure out what to add aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa oh and i haven't been able to do anything on my other WIP fics and meanwhile i have MORE IDEAS
my fanfiction gripe is that i keep having ideas for stories at work and then getting home and not having any energy or focus to write them down when it's so much easier to just collapse and play vidyagaems.
Browsing the babb-chronicles archive and found an impressively bad idea; spoiler warnings which contain the spoiler.