What are your fan fiction gripes?

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by OtherCat, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    wasn't someone's ultimate attack preceded by them yelling sex in spanish? i think that was a thing
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  2. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Total lack of reaction when a character should react. If someone wakes up to their friends having sex on top of them, they should probably respond with more than "oh okay let's join in without a word".
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  3. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    Yes, but to be fair, Bleach has this... entire character type best summarized as "rapist scientist."
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  4. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    an entire character type. there's multiple "rapist scientist" characters.
    what the fuck is bleach.
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  5. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    I know of at least two, plus there's the fact that almost all of the characters who show any interest in that sort of thing at all are at the very least that kind of "gets in your face being really weird and honestly slightly creepy" type.

    And I stopped following it in like 2010?

    I have a lot of problems about Bleach honestly. There's the socially awkward scientist with What's a Moral archtype and then there's... Bleach.

    Kubo Tite is kind of a shitlord honestly it's one of those canons where I would be interested in a version that stripped away all his bullshit, and he did have some good ideas? But man they are buried in bullshit.
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  6. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    all I really know about bleach is that when you die you are either japanese or spanish. and that's it.
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  7. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    the hilarious thing is that one of the main characters is of mixed Japanese/Mexican heritage... Or at least he's supposed to be a main character.

    Chad deserves far better than the canon he's in I'm taking him home with me.
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  8. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    wait seriously. all i know is there's an orange guy and an orange girl and they are definitely not related, and in fact are dating????
    i didn't know this other guy existed.
  9. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    chad is the most neglected main character, kubo apparently did eventually try to give him an arc? but then it turned into ichigo's arc anyway.

    as noted: I am taking Chad home with me. perfect gentle giant.
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  10. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    There was a whole "Bleach regrets" conversation in the "we could have had it aaall" thread I just revived to rant about Denethor. I think Kubo would be so much happier collaborating with someone else to do the plotting and writing and characterization, because he pretty obviously just wants to draw Cool Stuff, but doesn't have a lot of plot ideas beyond "string fight scenes together."
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  11. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    He's actually said that he just wants to draw cool shit if I recall. He'd either do good with shorter one shots or having a writer on hand.
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  12. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    God dammit now I want Kubo to do something like Miller's "pure cinema" but with manga. Fuck dialogue and words. Those are stupid. We don't need them. We can have a few. The minimum amount of words needed. The REAL characters? They're the weapons. The REAL writing and theming? That's pulled off through visuals. Like how the first Mad Max film's use of the extreme long shot was the real thing pulling the weight regarding portraying Max's story. The dialogue was there I guess but it wasn't what was important.
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  13. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    So, I tried to read a HP fic parodying fandom clichés.
    I made it to paragraph two.
    Who the fuck thinks the Dursleys abusing Harry is a "fandom cliché"
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  14. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Dursleys abusing Harry is canon. Adding in over-the-top physical and sexual violence to the emotional abuse and neglect is an infuriating piece of fanon which implies emotional abuse is somehow not real.
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  15. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Nah I think it's more how badly it's escalated.
    things that are canon: Locking him in the cupboard, starving him, verbal abuse, beating him "lightly".
    Things that are very much things that needlessly exaggerate the already pretty bad behavior that I have seen in fanfic: stabbing, beating him up badly enough he needs to go to the hospital, sexual assault.
    The "fandom cliche" isn't the abuse itself, it's the abuse being exaggerated and escalated to almost cartoonishly evil degrees.
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  16. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    For a while I was interested in reading dark!/scheming!/cunning!Harry, and often that includes enough exaggerated Dursley abuse* that it did start feeling like a cliche in certain sections of HP fandom.

    *that is, abuse far beyond what we saw in the books. Sometimes including
    rape, nearly always with Vernon as perpetrator.
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  17. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Some physical violence is canon. There's mentions in the narration of him automatically dodging or ducking in case Vernon tries to hit him. And while I can't remember if there's explicit mentions of Dudley and his gang beating up Harry, they certainly look the other way about them beating up other neighborhood kids. But yeah, there's still no indication in canon that he was getting pummeled on the scale that happens in a lot of fic.
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  18. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Oh my god

    In the middle of a very dark drug- and slave-coding-induced noncon sex scene

    Please do not call Optimus Prime a truck-former
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  19. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    True. They certainly weren't stabbing him.
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  20. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    the unfortunate thing is that i know exactly which fic you're reading
    • Like x 8
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