C3PO has alts...? Finding myself wondering if either of them were previously/started writing Dragon Age fic and accidentally started dropping that worldbuilding in the wrong setting
People in the comments trying to shoehorn Mandalore into a Jedi centric fic... I actually like reading ao3 comments most of the time! But some things annoy me. (Don't get me wrong! I like Mandalore as much as the next fan! Fics about the Jedi and the Mandalorians reckoning with one another are great! But by all appearances this fic is specifically about the Jedi. Very focused in on them. There is no reason for a reader to be trying to force Mandalore into the plot.) In this specific instance they weren't rude about it, but apparently I have been bottling this up more than I thought.
Okay, so i was all excited for this fic because chosen one Cody!! how could i not be excited! But. Not only did they make the Force a person (not only noncanon but also boring), but also the first (very brief (not that there's anything wrong with short chapters! ...if done well)) chapter was absolutely full of gross misunderstandings about the Jedi. Very off putting. Also the Maker thing appeared again?? This is the third unrelated fic i have seen it in. What the fuck. (Aside: the clones are the very last people i would expect to hear swearing by "the Maker", seriously.) Edit to add: this fic was in my marked for later folder, so it is entirely possible that it was the second "Maker" fic that i saw. in which case it only cropped up twice. But it is still weird that it cropped up even that many times.
So this is about a smut fic, so it is going under a spoiler. Spoiler: nsfw talk SO This fic is tagged for "breeding kink". The point in the fic that tag was talking about? Character A finds out that character B can get pregnant, and freaks out a little. Character B reassures him that don't worry, he's on contraceptives. Okay, cool, this is where the sexy bit comes in, right? Fantasizing about it without the actual risk? Nope! We are going to move right past this and it will not be brought up again. Also surprise pet play?? Very briefly, but still. What is going on in this person's brain. How did they decide what to tag.
last update 2021, chapter 11/12, cliffhanger ending, their other nineteen fics are a different fandom... pls come back...
SVSSS fandom-specific gripe: it really annoys me when authors make the System into too much of a person. it's like they can't handle the idea that the main antagonistic force in the story is an impersonal mechanism, it has to be a malevolent individual. it can't be amoral, it has to be sadistic. there's a difference between the thing causing pain for its own sake versus causing pain because that's what would make a good story and it isn't something with any concept of good and evil. it's not a human! it's a computer game user interface! let it have its blue and orange morality!