Your thoughts sound like a good plan to me. I strongly prefer spoiler tags to rot13, seems much easier. :P Agreed that those would be good ones to carry over, and we can of course make threads for books that aren't on the "official" bookclub list for squee, just trying to keep the number of "official" books to a number that folks can keep up with.
Just saw your response in the bookclub main thread, the idea of just not joining the threads until you're done the book is an appealing one. If having a hard time tracking a book down or understanding something could use the main bookclub thread for spoiler-free help, maybe?
I'm excited for this bookclub because I feel like it's just the sort of motivation I need to finish books again.
Accessibility is another important component to the timeline; before we can start to read them, we must have access to the. I know I can borrow a roommate's Monstrous Regiment, borrow HDM by going to the library, or go dig in my hard drive for Animorphs .PDFs... But I'm not sure of the others. Is the Bartemius trilogy likely to be in a public library? If not, does anyone have a site they can recommend getting books for reasonable prices? (Free is very reasonable, but I don't want to advise wearing eyepatches and setting sail where copyright police have a chance of seeing it.)
The Bartimaeus trilogy has been in most libraries I've seen. You should be able to find a copy easily.