hey fic reading folks, what do you use to bookmark fic? do there exist any good bookmarking apps or whatever out there? i ask because i find my ao3 bookmarks to be sort of frustrating to navigate (like i can page through the list just fine, but i can't get searching them by tags to work right for some reason? like if there aren't enough bookmarks under a given tag it doesn't show anything. but maybe i just need to futz with it more idk) and i kind of want to use another system. i was gonna make a side tumblr for this, since i find its tagging system does what i need, but then i got ideas to make my own little fic bookmark web app (it'd be a good chance to play with stuff i learned last semester). especially since tumblr seems to be going downhill more and more. however, if such an app (or some other good solution) already exists, that seems like probably a waste of time to work on. so i am soliciting fellow nerds for information!