What made YOU happy recently?

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Acey, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    • Winner x 6
  2. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    Honestly? This old old man singing don't you (forget about me) and all his other covers. Wholesome:

    • Winner x 2
  3. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion


    also looking forward to making 42020 in 2020
    • Winner x 5
  4. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    • Winner x 3
  5. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    Boston loot! big ol pile of Chinese baked goods!
    • Winner x 8
  6. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    • Winner x 7
  7. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Here is an otter pup doing the worm:
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  8. vuatson

    vuatson [delurks]

    bought my sibling a new laptop today!! mostly for grad school but also so we can play games together lol
    • Winner x 2
  9. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    • Winner x 1
  10. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    This teaser for a new Colgrave animation! I'm so hype:

    • Agree x 1
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  11. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    My replacement iPad finally arrived!!
    • Winner x 1
  12. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    Ordered one of Shapeshifters' off-the-rack binders (they're selling the binders and sports bras that weren't right for the ppl who commissioned them, and had to be totally remade. Perfectly fine binders, just not right for the person who ordered it)

    It's silver holographic fish scale pattern and it's a smidge larger than my actual size, so hopefully will be more comfy while still providing some binding

    • Winner x 6
  13. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    As of today, I can just barely manage ~5 moderately half-assed push-ups!

    Finally, I am a small fraction of the badass I was at age 12.
    • Winner x 5
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  14. anthers

    anthers sleepy

    I've been taking my meds very well recently.
    • Winner x 6
  15. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    My lil honorary niece turned three yesterday and is having an online bday party tomorrow!! She's such a good litle creacher and I adore her. <3
    • Winner x 3
  16. Alexand

    Alexand Rhymes with &

    The titles of Gintama fanfics on AO3.

    • Winner x 8
  17. Sethrial MacCoill

    Sethrial MacCoill Attempts were made

    Just remembered one of the sweetest things I've read recently. It was a reddit comment something to the effect of "Our 8 year old thinks reading under the covers at night is the height of rules breaking. She hasn't noticed yet that her flashlight's batteries never die on her."
    • Winner x 11
  18. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Successfully keeping up at least part of a cleaning routine, so on Sunday nights I shower in a clean bathroom and go straight to a clean-sheeted bed.
    • Winner x 6
  19. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    Baby chinchillas video!
    • Winner x 2
  20. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    Behold my binder!

    Screenshot_20200916-234905_Gallery.jpg Screenshot_20200916-234921_Gallery.jpg


    Yes i opened it in the car, took pics, and put it on over the tank top i was already wearing

    Needs some alterations to shorten it and /or let out the sides around my stomach, but otherwise very nice! Fits like a normal binder even tho I thought it would be a little loose (it's a little bigger than the recommended size for my measurements) (eta: for reference this was a pre made binder made for someone else, so it not fitting is no slight against Shapeshifters, and they'll do one free refitting even tho this was bought off the rack and not custom for me)

    Eta2 for reference, the fabric name on their site is River Dragon
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2020
    • Winner x 8
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