What made YOU happy recently?

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Acey, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. missoyashirou

    missoyashirou Someone please give me a tiny dog to play with

    I made a salad for work today, and as far as I can tell it was one of the most healthy salads I've ever eaten. Tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach and a good fourth cup of asiago cheese on top, all shaken up and eaten raw, which makes me proud that I didn't cover it with bacon this time. Although I might do so with the next salad, or with two crumbled hard boiled eggs since it needed a protein in there, but I'm just happy that one of the few skills I practice constantly is improving steadily.

    Also, Five Nights at Freddy's 4 came out as did the first Persona 4: Dancing All Night promo. While I'm a little disappointed reading up on the direction it went, I am happy that Scott Cawthorn is still making games, how very pretty it is compared to his prior works, and that Markiplier is already doing his FNAF LP within hours of release. As for P4DAN, I'm satisfied with how Kanami sounds. The VA they chose for her was not someone I expected, but she suits the character well and meshes with the rest of the VA work for the series.
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  2. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    My birthday party was today and it was the single best birthday I've had in my life - and I've had some damn good ones!

    Everyone helped me with food, we made fondue, ate, played Munchkin, talked a lot, laughed a lot. 9 people in my kitchen, chopping and stirring and carrying stuff around. When it was time to blow out the rechaud candle that was keeping the fondue warm, we turned off all the lights and everyone sang me happy birthday. I looked into all their eyes and saw so much honest love and beauty. I'm so blessed to have these amazing people with me. I love them. I'm so happy I stayed alive this year.
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  3. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I chanced upon a really dumb and pointless glitch in OoT 3D while just fucking around idly waiting for Navi to talk.
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  4. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    My new glasses with the tiniest bit of rose tint have come in and it has already made a huge difference. Light doesn't hurt and make me feel vaguely annoyed. Things lock clearer!
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  5. missoyashirou

    missoyashirou Someone please give me a tiny dog to play with

    I found my old first gen DS, Pokemon Pearl, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, a pair of shoes I loved dearly, my old art kit, a nunchaku, two backpacks and the remote to the Netflix cloud unit thing, all in the bottom of my closet.
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  6. sicknastyspades

    sicknastyspades Most Rad.

    MY VERY VERY PRETTY VERY VERY FANCY STAMPING PLATE ARRIVED IN THE MAIL oh my god i am so very happy about this. I have wanted this object since the first time I saw it and finally I started doing nail stamping and could justify the purchase to myself. And now I own it. I am a happy happy sperg on this fine day.

    (The other thing making me happy is that I am pretty sure my interest in nail polish qualifies as a Special Interest by this point and that makes me very happy because I've never had a thing which I could definitely claim as a Special Interest as opposed to just "a thing I like a whole bunch" before. But now I have a thing which I am nearly very certain is a Special Interest and I feel as though my existence has been validated! I am aware that this is kind of pathetic and that there is no secret sperg police here to take away my membership badge if I don't have a Special Interest, but the point is I have a Special Interest so take that probably-imaginary judgmental sperg police.)

    Edit: Oh, also people on tumblr are finally reblogging the picture I worked hard on instead of the wip version, life is good and I am awesome.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2015
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  7. Kaycashew

    Kaycashew guinea pig hearder

    Today was a good day!

    I woke up, got Starbucks and then, I drove my two baby humans to swimming lessons (they take private lessons at grandma and grandpa's private backyard pool). My baby humans are male and three and six. The three year old is actually learning a little more quickly than the six year old. Six year old is on the autism spectrum and (like his mom and dad at that age) hates getting face wet. I mean hates! He's finally getting over it, and I'm such a proud mommy.

    Watching my kids swim lesson is amazing. While the six year old tires to swim carefully without getting his face wet, the three year old tries to Waterboard himself and we have to remind him to breathe-- he's very enthusiastic about water.

    Gradma's house has a cat daughter living there, and the three year old got some pettins on the kitty. High quality!

    It was raining a bit today, but it cooled off the heat wave a bit. It stopped raining right when my kids swimming lesson began and started raining again as soon as it was over. Then, there was a sunshower on the way home, which is when it's raining and sunny outside at the same time. It makes very nice rainbows!

    Also it was my birthday! And lovely mother in law (also my kids grandma) gave me hostess cupcakes with candles and sang me happy birthday! She also gave me a check for 100 bucks which is awesome, but totally unnessary and ridiculous for your daughter in law's 31st B-day. However, my mother in law's mom and dad (my kids great-grandparents) sent her a card with 100 bucks for her 59th B-day, so I guess it's a family tradition. My bio parents are in London and they sent me a boquet of flowers and a card yesterday.

    I had terrible NYC/NJ rush hour traffic and rain on the way home, but I got to listen to Kirby music on the way home (it's my fave and I have a Kirby blog -shameless plug). Then I got chicken fries for dinner. Pretty amazing!
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  8. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    SGDQ has really been helping stave off my depression and anxiety something fierce. The event just makes me really happy. Sadly it's ending in two days but hey it's been great so far. And it's finally gotten me around to gathering resources to start speedrunning Castlevania 64 and Legacy of Darkness. Though I will likely just keep that to myself and between friends. Especially since I don't have my N64 with me so yeap. Emulator times aren't valid because the lag is sufficiently decreased, whereas it's pretty significant on console.
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  9. rigorist

    rigorist On the beach

    The responses to our motions to dismiss in the Mall of America/Black Lives Matter cases are rolling in today. The City of Bloomington (where the MOA is located) is prosecuting several dozen people for participating in an event there last year.

    The first response was a notice of voluntary dismissal by the prosecutor! One down, eight to go.

    That's a good way to start a Friday morning.
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  10. NumiTuziNeru

    NumiTuziNeru @#$%?

    I got tickets to see the Mountain Goats in November I'm so excited
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  11. Mattias

    Mattias Well-Known Member

    I bought a buzzer and buzzed my own head. It was cheaper than one haircut, and I didn't have to argue with the barber, and I could do it at 3 am. It's not all that easy to buzz your own head, but I got the haircut I wanted and I feel much more myself. Even when I could get a barber to give me a masculine haircut, they were much too conservative and tentative because they didn't want me to look like a dyke. I've seen a few women in the hardware store with crew cuts, I suspect they did the same thing I did.
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  12. jaob

    jaob still not really grown up

    Here in UK us over-60s get a bus pass for free travel. So I've done the shopping and am last to get on the bus with my two heavy bags when up struggles this little hunched-over old lady (got to be in her 80s) and I wait and go to let her get on first. 'Oh, I can't find my bus pass' she says looking down in to her bag. So I usher her on to the bus and say 'give us your bag and I'll look for it.' So I'm rummaging in the bag and finding all sorts of stuff but not the bus pass. The driver says to the old lady 'you can't go and sit down and if you can't show me the pass you'll have to get off.' Well, I mean, that's technically correct but, hey. 'It's in a black purse' she says but no black purse is there. At last I see the outside zip and behold, the black purse is within. So now the driver is happy and the old lady finds a seat. I've still got her bag and so I get her to give me the bus pass, put it back in the black purse, purse into bag and rezip. Finally I on the bus and off we go, having held up the bus and its contents for the best part of five minutes. But there's congestion in the High Street and we take ten minutes to go twenty yards so my good deed didn't really put anyone out out.
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  13. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    I finished a dress I started yesterday! Details are in Craft Nerd Herd, but it made me super happy, even if it is super anxiety inducing, especially since I don't completely get along with my grandma. I also started playing Pokemon shuffle recently, and the sense of achievement winning the matches gives me is great.
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  14. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    My grandma just got me to clear her driveway with a giant leaf blower, but since I am all pretty today, I felt like the ultimate badass
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  15. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    So I'm having a very stressful time with a friend who's dealing with perhaps the toughest shit a person can ever have to deal with. But the more time I spend with him, the more I realize that I'm really being helpful. I can make a difference, and I am making a difference.
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  16. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    Self-care evening after over 60 hours of stressful hellish emotional rollercoaster. My friends are all safe and we've all made it through another day unscratched. I bought myself some cute makeup and am going to have dinner with my mom, and then I'm going to make myself some lemon and ginger tea and get decent sleep alone in my own bed for the first time since last Thursday.
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  17. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

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  18. Greywing

    Greywing Resident dead bird

    Dog sledding! The dogs seemed extremely happy and excited about running. It was funny to watch the younger, less experienced pups contrasted with the levelheaded, well-trained older dogs.
  19. hoarmurath

    hoarmurath Thor's Hammer

    I went to Pilates last night, it kicked my ass, and due to being tired, I got off internet at 1 am and just flop slept until 10 am. Woo. And I actually feel human, so that is nice.
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  20. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    Yesterday I spent the whole day hanging out with my best friend. Her crazy family is on vacation, so we went swimming and shopping and cooked ourselves dinner. It was nice.
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