I was late for work today because I fell asleep on the bus and had to take another bus back. But the happy part was -- it's OK! And I'm finally in a job where I don't have to stress that all the time and constantly feel guilty about every second in my life that I'm not working. So yay for sanity-preserving jobs!
Had Math class today! Some pretty basic stuff, but after eigth years stuck in the humanities i am glad i even remembered what i did. now i have to find the areas of a dozen things and add a handful of fractions, but ok. only thought a 9 was a 4 ONCE.
Happy things that will lead to happy thing: Friends invited me for fondue on sunday. Friends invited me to watch Goonies on thursday.
the best thing that happened today was i found a dragon on flight rising named 'snarthole' and spent a good twenty minutes snickering over it with my friend :)
i went to the park and got to swing on the swings with it gently snowing around me. it was really nice.
Just had a seriously good game in War Thunder Ground Forces. WW2 tank combat; I'm playing it partly because one of my characters used to be a tank commander and I need to know the patterns of thought it would have encouraged / matched in her.
Capture the Flag with Stuff! It's a game a club at my college puts on every semester. So much fun! But now I'm so very tired. XD
I could spam this thread with how happy this forum makes me, but I came here to say peel masks make me happy. I got some recemtly so I've been using them more often.
baked potatoes + marvel's agent carter + crochet oh yeah also I walked 5km today in the twilight and it was very nice and beautiful
I just found the wonderfully huge game store Mox in Bellevue, it's a veritable nerdvana and pretty besides. So I'm happy!
I went clothes shopping and bought pants without feeling like I want to curl up and cry, which is suprr nice.
I made my bed for the first time in ages, and holy shit it's so much comfier like this! I can actually stretch out without bumping into a pile of crap! :D Also, I'm going to a book signing on Monday night--Daniel Handler, AKA Lemony Snicket! A Series Of Unfortunate Events was a huge part of my childhood, so it's super exciting.
there was a bag of chicken breasts i thawed in the fridge, and i was afraid i wouldn't get to use them because i've been so spoonless and sick lately, and i hate hate hate wasting food. but i remembered about it while they were still nice, and i used them to make chicken schlock, which is a long cooking task but so worth it. (chicken schlock is a thick chicken stew type substance with lots of cream and onions and pepper and caraway in it.) and now i'm coming down sick again, i can feel it in the back of my throat, but the Nourishing Gruel is complete and i just had a big bowl of it mixed with rice and it made me feel warm from the center out. i also changed my bedding yesterday, and i recently figured out how to use tea bags in the keurig machine so i don't have to remember i've got a bag steeping, and i found a wonderfully awful cartoon series to watch! i'm not happy that i've got itchy ear canals and throbby eyeballs and my lungs feel tiny, obviously. but if i'm gonna be sick, conditions are goddamn perfect. :D
Which one? Also, Keurigs are AMAZING. <3 In fact, I think I'm gonna make myself some hot cocoa with our Keurig right now...
'marvel disk wars' -- an utterly formulaic Kids Control Badass Creatures Which Fight On Command anime, except instead of pokemon, it's the motherfucking avengers. it's a MESS.