A bit of folklore I'm pretty sure my mother made up. I've not been able to find it anywhere else, but I'm going to use it for something at some point. See, when I was a kid, dragons were one of my special interests, and I asked Mum why Welsh dragons were red. According to her, the green dragons in Wales all climbed trees to escape Noah's flood, so they ripened and turned red. It made sense when I was five.
I politely told a soapmaker on YouTube why I'd appreciate her not supporting Autism Speaks and she took the video about them down! Lovely lady.
talking about temple and temple/biff in the discord chat! :D:D:D and i've started working on my fics again! :D:D:D
somebody finally after 7 years of working with me figured out that if you actually accommodate my disabilities I can get your work done 5000% faster and way ahead of deadline.
cooking an easy but decently effort meal almost always seems to help lift me out of a bad mood...it's so satisfying to do, and there's a delicious reward for the effort!
aaaand I finished writing up a fic outline that I've been meaning to do but never got around to doing for the past few days! now I can move onto doing some other things...