What Productive Thing Did You Do Today?

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Soul, Mar 3, 2015.

  1. chthonicfatigue

    chthonicfatigue Bitten by a radioactive trickster god

    1. Made the bed and folded pyjamas
    2. Opened windows north and south because my downstairs neighbour cooked fried fish and it's reeking
    3. Cleaned the cat's food station and gave her fresh water
    4. Vacuumed the hall and living room
    5. Did 2 lots of dishes
    6. Sterilised and refilled the water flasks for bedsides
    7. Put away clean laundry
    Somehow forgot to take my meds though. I really have to get on top of the whole pillbox thing.
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  2. Birdy

    Birdy so long

    Hhh okay

    I went and downloaded the program I needed for class
  3. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    i cleaned and scrubbed the fridge, cleaned the pantry, and went shopping!

    i am so tired >>
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  4. Birdy

    Birdy so long

    i did some laundry
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  5. Secret Squirrel

    Secret Squirrel certainly something


    1) Did laundry upon waking, put away 2 loads before leaving the house??

    2) Went to meeting, made schedule of office hours for us (TAs) and posted it in the lab.

    3) Came home, made and ate brunch. Duck eggs are so good omg...



    6) Made TWO phone calls.

    Remaining tasks:

    1) Finish laundry.

    2) Throw out some stuff that's just taking up room.

    3) Hook computer back up (I moved it across the room last week)

    4) Groceries??????
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  6. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    Laundry. So much laundry. Went to the grocery store, got stuff to cook tomorrow, and only came back with one weird "I wonder what that tastes like?" impulse buy. Dishes. Now I'm going to go bring in the mail and call that enough adulting for one day. Cartoons await!
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  7. inchwyrm

    inchwyrm I wear the cheese

    Went to work, did some food shopping, made a phone call(!!!), tidied a little and cleaned my keyboard!
  8. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    - Work
    - Recycling and compost to the curb
    - Refilled and started dishwasher
    - Recognized when I needed to step away and did it
    - Pet a dog
    - Made a brunch, with nutrients.
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  9. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Emptied dishwasher
    Tucked mtg cards and some other things in my closet in the new plastic tubs
    Vacuumed floor (tried to anyway)
    Cleared some clutter by putting things in the newly created spaces
    Refilled and started dishwasher
    Found another promising job to apply to
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  10. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    I made like 4 character drawings, one big storyboard, and 2 1/2 pages of small storyboards, and grabbed all the reference images i should need. and started my color studies. dear god will my brain get it in its synapses that i didn't fail at productivity today
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  11. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Yet More new work shoes acquired, because the other pair reeeeally weren't working out. Hopefully not a waste of money this time.
  12. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    • got up even tho first day of shark week (i almost typed "first week of shark week" there and omg pls no)
    • showered
    • got groceries
    • procured gardening trowel for heathen rituals
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  13. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Got the Big Packs of cat food and litter, and put them in the right places. My back is gonna hate me later but at least the cats will be happy
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  14. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Did the first chunk of Operation: Clean Dad's Horrible Car While He's Gone.
  15. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame

    I did all my dishes minus the 8 cups that accumulated; which i set out to soak and will get later! I also did my roommate's dishes to make space in the sink! And I made a dinner that requires stove, oven, and an hours' baking time!!!! I haven't had spoons for so much kitchen productivity in such a long time >w<
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  16. Verily

    Verily surprised Xue Yang peddler

    I've been accomplishing things like crazy today!

    Woke up and watched the first episode of Trollhunters (thank you @Carnivorous Moogle!) and enjoyed it very much! That probably doesn't sound like much, but I've been having the hardest time watching stuff, and then a worse time stopping after a reasonable amount. This was good.

    Called in the refill on my thyroid meds before heading downstairs.

    Inspired by the main character's kitchen prowess, I went to the fridge to examine my own options. Acquired leftover spaghetti from yesterday's dinner. Beheld the bacon in the meat drawer and the onion in the pantry. Made spaghetti carbonara for breakfast.

    My dad informed me he was going to the pharmacy. Asked him if he could grab my prescription as well.

    Remembered to start the coffee before chopping onions so it was ready when I was finished eating. Had a nice, leisurely post-breakfast coffee enjoyment time. Swiveled the recliner so I could bask in the sun.

    Cleaned the fucking frying pan, which is maybe technically dishwasher safe but way too big and popular for that to be a reasonable option. Cleaned up all the dishes I'd used, as well as my coffee mug, for great justice!

    My dad returned with my refill. Took all my meds.

    Took a shower and managed to both wash hair and shave legs. I can't take showers long enough to do those things well unless I have recently eaten and hydrated, or I get faint from the heat. But the carbonara sustained me, and all was well. I now have a towel turban on my head, and my legs are all smooth and smell of lemongrass from the lotion I used.

    I don't even feel like I've used all my spoons yet. I'm certainly not complaining, but how did this happen?

    ETA: Took a walk! It was brief, but it was outside and it was exercise.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2017
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  17. Carnivorous Moogle

    Carnivorous Moogle whose baby is this

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  18. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Set up checking account, finally! Just got some finalization stuff to do on Friday and then I will have Internet Money! (And also Bill Money but :P)
  19. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    Not all today, but:

    Organized my desk. Cleaned and disinfected the toilet, cleaned the vanity sink top, Windexed the mirrors (even the strip behind the lights). Looked into banks to open a new joint checking account because neither of our old banks are local. Got refills for 4 prescriptions. Swept, vacuumed, and vacuumed the couch. Made some soup.

    Still gotta use the ground turkey in the fridge, but that should be easy.
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  20. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    I filed my taxes and did some financial stuff I've been anxiety-avoiding for three years. \o/
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