What Productive Thing Did You Do Today?

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Soul, Mar 3, 2015.

  1. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Got off my ass and made Actual Dinner
    It had a vegetable in and everything
    • Winner x 9
  2. chthonicfatigue

    chthonicfatigue Bitten by a radioactive trickster god

    Got a grocery delivery and stocked my fridge like an Actually Real Human Adult Who Eats Food. I even noted down the dates on produce when taking it out of the yucky crinkly plastic. Fuckin a+ adulting right there.


    Also deep cleaned the washing machine and did some laundry.
    • Winner x 10
  3. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Got a flu shot and voted for my state to have functioning roads.
    • Winner x 10
  4. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    Determined the wash basin trap was not made of aluminum. Applied drain cleaner.

    Made a pot of pumpkin cream soup from leftover half a butternut squash and non-moldy carrots. Disposed of leftovers. Inhaled the soup. Feeling marginally better.

    Determined part of the not-eating-enough is because too done with bread, but bread buns might work.
    • Winner x 4
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  5. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    Introduction day at my new job :D
    • Winner x 5
  6. chthonicfatigue

    chthonicfatigue Bitten by a radioactive trickster god

    Was going to accompany it with bacon-wrapped asparagus but look at that pile of food, there's no damn way two of us will finish that today.

    Also laundry and dishes.
    • Winner x 6
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  7. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    • Put brushing my teeth in my Habitica dailies, since I'm good at doing those but not regular habits
    • Also added two hours of either studying or learning programming. If I procrastinate one I'll be doing the other, so that's probably good.
    • First attempt at overnight oats! We'll see how it goes, because it would be pretty great to have a meal ready when I wake up given that, oddly enough, I'm mostly spoonless in my first half an hour awake in the morning.
    • Like x 4
  8. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny


    Medication that i was about to run out of on a statutory holiday!

    New laundry basket to enable easier laundry
    ==> Everett: Do A Laundry
    (Edit: i meant to say that these are items i got today)
    • Winner x 3
  9. theambernerd

    theambernerd dead to all sense of shame


    it turns out the motivation i needed was my housemate telling me 'oh yeah the cat we're fostering for a few months is getting in today'
    must make my room cat-friendly. must love on cat.
    • Winner x 6
  10. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    Located the damn moth nest that has been plaguing my kitchen for weeks.
    Dumped that motherfucker in the trash.

    Shows me how often I've been eating oatmeal...
    • Winner x 3
  11. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    my own car insurance GET

    that is quite enough adulting for today and possibly for the week thank you
    • Winner x 4
    • Agree x 1
  12. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Went for a walk (like a PERSON who LEAVES THE HOUSE for reasons other than work!) and bought a bunch of apples. Will now chop up apples and make apple crisp.
    • Winner x 6
  13. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    Got my bloodwork done! Fasting bloodwork is bleh but i did it
    • Winner x 3
  14. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    Bought groceries and cosmetics I was out of!
    • Winner x 3
  15. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    Screen Shot 2017-10-19 at 12.19.05 PM.png
    applied for a job at apple
    • Winner x 9
  16. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Did Work Stuff, paid my water bill, and made chili. (Or at least, all steps of it up to the penultimate one, which is to say "Hey, [sibling], can you spice this chili for me?")
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2017
    • Winner x 5
  17. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    woshed some dish, got a work project thats due next tuesday done yesterday. Will likely be able to get a second project thats due like two days after i get back from vacation done on friday
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    • Winner x 1
  18. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    Laundry is finishing, i made lunch for tomorrow and washed most of a sinkful of dishes!
    • Winner x 1
  19. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut

    I did nothing all day for health reasons and am feeling slightly better for it.
    • Winner x 3
  20. turtleDove

    turtleDove Well-Known Member

    Got up on time, accepted delivery for groceries, and was slightly more successful at making poached eggs.
    • Winner x 3
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