weekly accomplishments! cleaned dishes helped make curry for dinner cut fingernails got new window lock installed made muffins filled out fanfic catalogue spreadsheet cleaned music folder helped make brownies returned library books did my laundry took shower
Made a page of notes for my writing. Tried to offer character profile building on Fiverr but the phone verification didn't work, will try again later.
Went to gym, wrote blog article for mother, did some of a free Udemy design course so I can properly revamp my Etsy shop.
Showered, and am c l e a n Eta: And put in a new insulin infusion set before my current one was totally dead (it had like 2 units left, i didnt like waste insulin) which is a big win since i usually dont get myself together to change it until its been totally empty for half an hour or more
Did stuff for both my writing and my Etsy, paid council tax, and am scrubbing the couch because it smells funny.
did all steps necessary to a c c e p t a money from my mom online, literally a day before the e transfer was going to expire lmao
Called my pharmacy and then my doctor to solve the problem of being out of blood pressure meds my doctor doubled my dosage and said he'd write a new prescription with that dosage bc i would run out way earlier than i was due for a refill at my old dose. He did not do that, im out, so now people will poke him to Do Thing
And i just did an important step in tax filing he'll yeah im Trying Edit: and finally took my coat to the cleaner and am about to get a haircut
In the past three days I have: Done seven loads of laundry Baked a cake for mom's birthday Finished cataloguing and sorting and reshelving my books - I even managed to make them all fit! Worked out fed loan stuff and paid off my principle balance Grocery shopped Located stuff for our equinox party Sorted through my dresses for ones that don't fit me I feel very accomplished.
Planted some flowers, assembled a water dish for the bees in the garden, baked banana bread and acquired old lace curtain to make reusable bags for fruit and veg shopping. Gonna try to live that less waste life
I sorted through most of my clothes and threw out the ones that were too raggedy for donation/wearing, then put together a bag of donation-worthy clothes that either are unwanted or don't fit me anymore. I then reorganized all my drawers (except the sock drawer) and switched the pants/shirt drawers so that I had more space for shirts. Feels really good to be like "Yeah, I don't like this, I'm not going to wear it, let's not hang onto it for years just in case". Any my dresser isn't quite so much a hell anymore.