Washing machine is broken, so called repair guy and am waiting for him to get back to me, and also washed ferret poop pads in the bathtub and my underwear in the sink so I have at least a buffer while I wait.
Drafted a cover letter and sent it to someone for feedback Edit: also bought ink refills for 2 pens, left a message with one of my diabetes team, and forwarded an email my mom needs
Got nice lady in to help clean flat. It went well but I swear now there's more open space in the place it's colder >_<
Really wanted to make a dent in my to-be-read list but don't have time to read, so I'm listening to some of the list in audiobook format while I do other things instead!
Audiobooks are so great for that! I love listening to those or to podcasts when I'm cooking or decluttering or cleaning or something. Gotta have a good narrator though, I once tried to listen to a book series that I had loved to read, but the narrator mispronounced the name of the main antagonist so badly that I cringed every time he said it so that ruined it for me :(
Finished a project, now have time to do some reading but also have to get massive multiwriter fanfic sorted...
Finally packaged up my onesie I never wear to send to my friend! Been meaning to do that since Christmas ^^;;;
Finally made headway on the Boxes Of Stuff cluttering my study - took everything out and rearranged them so it’s no longer indiscriminate chaos and is now Box 1: A Box To Return To My Mother and Box 2: A Box Of Interesting School Documents/Art/Sentimental Objects that can go in the loft. Reclaiming the study floor is within my reach!!
ordered a violin case to replace the one that met a terrible fate! now I just need a bookshelf and the metaphorical drain of Organizing My Stuff will be unclogged!
I usually go to the gym with my mum but she's had health problems and we've been missing it, so I went alone and tried not to let myself be lazy just because no one was with me. Resting up and sorting my Kindle books now.
Pruned back the trailing plant on our bookshelf (we forgot to water it bc previously it was not in the most visible location and there were a lot of shrivelly stems, oops) so now he’s all neat and tidy with his new haircut. :D
Finishing editing a thing (hate doing the indexing but it needs doing), arranging for support with applying for a benefits thing, rescheduling gym stuff. Washed out freezer and stocked up on ferret food. Measured how much fruit and veg I'm eating and it's more than I thought it was, which is probably good but disappointing because it means it's the rest of my diet that's fucked up. Cleaning ferret cage and I might have to leave it till tomorrow but the bathroom needs doing too.
Made a couple of medical phonecalls. Stressed out *unusually* badly over them, but got them made. Also worked on two paintings.
Messaged someone I needed to message, sorted more Kindle files and read a couple I'd been meaning to, set alarm for appointment, exercised for first time in forever, washed and sorted a ton of laundry, now going to clean bathroom.
Replaced the left joystick on my Switch Lite. The original one had been drifting for a while before it deteriorated to 'barely usable", and I hadn't realized just how obnoxious even minor drift was until I no longer had to deal with it.